Dievs – mans palīgs
1 Korvedim. Stīgu pavadījumam. Dāvida psalms, 2 kad zīfieši nāca un teica Saulam: vai tad tu nezini, ka Dāvids slēpjas pie mums?
3 Dievs, ar savu vārdu glāb mani
un ar savu varu mani iztiesā!
4 Dievs, uzklausi manu lūgšanu, sadzirdi manus vārdus!
5 Svešinieki ceļas pret mani,
un varmākas meklē manu dzīvību –
Dievu tie neņem vērā.

6 Redzi, Dievs – mans palīgs,
Kungs nāk spēcināt manu dvēseli.
7 Viņš atmaksās ļaunumu maniem naidniekiem!
Tu savā patiesībā iznīdē viņus!

8 Labprātīgu upuri nesīšu tev,
tavam vārdam es pateikšos, Kungs, jo tas labs,
9 jo visās briesmās tas mani glābj,
uz saviem naidniekiem nicīgi raugos!
(For the music leader. Use with stringed instruments. A special psalm that David wrote when the people of Ziph went to Saul and said, “David is hiding here with us.”)
Trusting God in Times of Trouble
1 Save me, God, by your power
and prove that I am right.
2 Listen to my prayer
and hear what I say.
3 Cruel strangers have attacked
and want me dead.
Not one of them cares
about you.

4 You will help me, Lord God,
and keep me from falling;
5 you will punish my enemies
for their evil deeds.
Be my faithful friend
and destroy them.

6 I will bring a gift
and offer a sacrifice
to you, Lord.
I will praise your name
because you are good.
7 You have rescued me
from all my troubles,
and my own eyes have seen
my enemies fall.