Par cilvēku samaitātību
(Ps 14:1–7)
1 Korvedim. Uz sēru kokles. Dāvida dziesma pamācībai.
2 Nelga saka sev sirdī: nav Dieva! –
Tie grauj un sagāna ar ļaunu,
nav neviena, kas darītu labu!
3 Dievs no debesīm raugās uz cilvēku dēliem –
vai ir kāds prātīgs, kas meklētu Dievu?
4 Tie visi atkritēji, visi samaitāti,
nav labdara, nav neviena!

5 Vai bez prāta netaisnības darītāji?
Tie manu tautu ēd kā maizi! Dievu pat nepiemin!
6 Gan trūktin trūksies, kas nelikās trūkties, –
izsvaidīs Dievs tavu lencēju kaulus!
Tu liksi tos kaunā, jo Dievs tos atstumj!

7 Kaut nāktu no Ciānas glābiņš Israēlam!
Kad Dievs pārvedīs savu tautu no gūsta,
līksmosies Jēkabs un priecāsies Israēls!
(A special psalm by David for the music leader. To the tune “Mahalath.” )
No One Can Ignore God
1 Only a fool would say,
“There is no God!”
People like that are worthless!
They are heartless and cruel
and never do right.

2 From heaven God
looks down to see
if anyone is wise enough
to search for him.
3 But all of them
are crooked and corrupt.
Not one of them does right.

4 Won't you lawbreakers learn?
You refuse to pray,
and you gobble up
the people of God.
5 But you will be terrified
worse than ever before.
God will scatter the bones
of his enemies,
and you will be ashamed
when God rejects you.

6 I long for someone from Zion
to come and save Israel!
Our God, when you bless
your people again,
Jacob's family will be glad,
and Israel will celebrate.