Dieva spriedums
1 Dāvida lūgšana.
Dzirdi, Kungs, manu taisnību,
uzklausi manu brēcienu,
ieklausies manā lūgšanā –
tā nenāk no melīgām lūpām!
2 No tevis man spriedums,
tavas acis redz patiesību,
3 tu pārbaudīji manu sirdi,
tu nāci naktī, tu pārraudzīji, bet neatradi!
Jo esmu apņēmies – negrēkos mana mute!
4 Bet cilvēku darbi? –
Caur tavu vārdu
es turos tālu no varmāku ceļiem.
5 Cieši man soļi uz tavām takām,
nepaslīd manas kājas.

6 Es saucu tevi, jo tu atbildi man,
Dievs, pievērs man ausi, uzklausi mani!
7 Parādi savu brīnišķo žēlastību –
tu, glābējs ikvienam, kas no uzbrucējiem
tveras pie tavas labās rokas!
8 Glabā mani kā acuraugu,
savu spārnu ēnā slēp mani
9 no ļaundariem, kas mani vajā,
manas dzīvības naidniekiem, kas mani lenc!
10 Savos taukos tie iepletušies,
ar muti tie dižīgi runā,
11 ik solī tie mani apstāj,
tie lūko gāzt zemē mani!
12 Tie ir kā lauva, kas kāro plēst,
kā jauns lauva, kas no slēpņa uzglūn.

13 Celies jel, Kungs, stāj pret to, saliec to,
no ļaundariem glāb mani ar savu zobenu,
14 ar savu roku, Kungs,
no vīriem, kuru mūžs ir tik vien šis laiks.
No sava krājuma kuņģus tiem pildi,
ka pietiek to dēliem, ka paliek pāri vēl bērniem!

15 Bet es taisnots lūkošos tavā vaigā,
modies veldzēšos ar tavu veidolu!
(A prayer by David.)
The Prayer of an Innocent Person
1 I am innocent, Lord!
Won't you listen as I pray
and beg for help?
I am honest!
Please hear my prayer.
2 Only you can say
that I am innocent,
because only your eyes
can see the truth.

3 You know my heart,
and even during the night
you have tested me
and found me innocent.
I have made up my mind
never to tell a lie.
4 I don't do like others.
I obey your teachings
and am not cruel.
5 I have followed you,
without ever stumbling.

6 I pray to you, God,
because you will help me.
Listen and answer my prayer!
7 Show your wonderful love.
Your mighty arm protects those
who run to you for safety
from their enemies.
8 Protect me as you would
your very own eyes;
hide me in the shadow
of your wings.

9 Don't let my brutal enemies
attack from all sides
and kill me.
10 They refuse to show mercy,
and they keep bragging.

11 They have caught up with me!
My enemies are everywhere,
eagerly hoping to smear me
in the dirt.
12 They are like hungry lions
hunting for food,
or like young lions
hiding in ambush.

13 Do something, Lord!
Attack and defeat them.
Take your sword and save me
from those evil people.
14 Use your powerful arm
and rescue me
from the hands of mere humans
whose world won't last.

You provide food
for those you love.
Their children have plenty,
and their grandchildren
will have more than enough.

15 I am innocent, Lord,
and I will see your face!
When I awake, all I want
is to see you as you are.