Tēva padoms
1 Klausieties, dēli, kad tēvs jūs māca,
un vērīgi lūkojiet pēc saprašanas,
2 es taču dodu jums derīgu zināšanu,
manu mācību neatmetiet!
3 Es arī biju dēls savam tēvam,
mīļš un izredzēts savai mātei.
4 Viņš mani pamācīja, man sacīja:
tver manus vārdus sirdī,
turi manas pavēles, lai dzīvotu!
5 Ķer gudrību, ķer saprašanu –
un neaizmirsti, nenovērsies no maniem vārdiem!
6 Neatmet to, un tā tevi sargās,
mīli to, un tā tevi glābs.
7 Gudrība – galvenais! Ķer gudrību!
Visu atdod, ķer saprašanu!
8 Cel to augstu, tā tevi paaugstinās,
tā darīs tev godu, ja apskausi to,
9 tā liks tev galvā jauku vainagu,
godības kroni tā tev sniegs!
Brīdinājums turēties uz pareizā ceļa
10 Dēls, klausies un iegaumē manus vārdus,
tad dzīvosi jo daudzus gadus.
11 Gudrības ceļu es tev mācu,
vadu tevi pa taisnības taku –
12 ejot tev neķersies solis,
skrienot tu nepaklupsi!
13 Turies pie mācības, nelaidies vaļā,
glabā to, tā tava dzīvība!
14 Uz ļaundaru takas nestājies,
nesper kāju uz ļaundaru ceļa,
15 vairies no tā, nestaigā tur,
nokāp no tā un manies prom!
16 Tie neaizmieg, pirms nav darīts ļauns,
tiem miegs pagalam, ja nav kāds pagrūsts,
17 tie taču ēd negantības maizi,
varmācības vīnu tie dzer!
18 Bet taisno taka kā ausmas spožums –
jo gaišāks, kad tuvāk dienvidum.
19 Ļaundaru ceļš kā dziļa tumsa –
tie nezina, pār ko klūp.

20 Dēls, vērīgi klausies manās runās,
manām valodām pievērs ausi,
21 lai nezūd tās tavam skatienam,
glabā tās dziļi sirdī,
22 tās – dzīvība tam, kurš tās atrod,
tās dziedina visu viņa miesu!
23 Vairāk par visu sargi savu sirdi,
jo no tās dzīvība izverd!
24 Sargā savu muti no viltus,
no maldu runām atturi lūpas!
25 Lai tavas acis raugās taisni
un tavs skatiens cieši uz priekšu,
26 vērīgi lūkojies, kur sper kāju,
tad būs droši visi tavi ceļi!
27 Nenovērsies ne pa labi, ne kreisi,
sargi savus soļus no ļauna!
Advice to Young People
1 My child, listen closely
to my teachings
and learn common sense.
2 My advice is useful,
so don't turn away.
3 When I was still very young
and my mother's favorite child,
my father 4 said to me:
“If you follow my teachings
and keep them in mind,
you will live.
5 Be wise and learn good sense;
remember my teachings
and do what I say.

6 “If you love Wisdom
and don't reject her,
she will watch over you.
7 The best thing about Wisdom
is Wisdom herself;
good sense is more important
than anything else.
8 If you value Wisdom
and hold tightly to her,
great honors will be yours.
9 It will be like wearing
a glorious crown
of beautiful flowers.”
The Right Way and the Wrong Way
10 My child, if you listen
and obey my teachings,
you will live a long time.
11 I have shown you the way
that makes sense;
I have guided you
along the right path.
12 Your road won't be blocked,
and you won't stumble
when you run.
13 Hold firmly to my teaching
and never let go.
It will mean life for you.
14 Don't follow the bad example
of cruel and evil people.
15 Turn aside and keep going.
Stay away from them.
16 They can't sleep or rest
until they do wrong or harm
some innocent victim.
17 Their food and drink
are cruelty and wickedness.

18 The lifestyle of good people
is like sunlight at dawn
that keeps getting brighter
until broad daylight.
19 The lifestyle of the wicked
is like total darkness,
and they will never know
what makes them stumble.

20 My child, listen carefully
to everything I say.
21 Don't forget a single word,
but think about it all.
22 Knowing these teachings
will mean true life
and good health for you.
23 Carefully guard your thoughts
because they are the source
of true life.
24 Never tell lies or be deceitful
in what you say.
25 Keep looking straight ahead,
without turning aside.
26 Know where you are headed,
and you will stay
on solid ground.
27 Don't make a mistake by turning
to the right or the left.