Kunga nama kalns
(Jes 2:2–4)1 Dienu galā notiks tā –
Kunga nama kalns stāvēs stiprs, pāri citiem kalniem,
paaugstināts pār pakalniem,
un tautas plūdīs pie tā.
2 Citas tautas sanāks pulkiem un runās:
“Nāciet, kāpsim Kunga kalnā,
uz Jēkaba Dieva namu!
Viņš mums mācīs savus ceļus,
lai staigājam viņa takas!” –
jo no Ciānas nāk bauslība
un Kunga vārds – no Jeruzālemes!
3 Viņš spriedīs tiesu starp daudzām tautām,
izšķirs strīdus starp varenām tālām tautām.
Tie pārkals savus zobenus lemešos
un savus šķēpus dārznieka nažos.
Tauta pret tautu necels zobenu
un vairs nemācīsies karot!
4 Ikviens sēdēs zem sava vīnakoka,
zem sava vīģeskoka –
nekas tos nebiedēs,
jo Pulku Kungs to ir solījis!
5 Lai visas tautas turas
pie savu dievu vārdiem –
mēs turēsimies pie Kunga,
sava Dieva, vārda mūžīgi mūžos!
Kunga nodoms
6 “Tajā dienā,”
saka Kungs,
“es savākšu vienkop visus paklupušos un visus aizdzītos!
Es sapulcēšu tos, kam esmu darījis ļaunu.
7 Paklupušie kļūs mans atlikums
un aizvestie – par varenu tautu!
Kungs valdīs pār viņiem no Ciānas kalna –
no šā laika mūžīgi!”
8 Bet tu esi sargtornis ganāmpulkam,
Ciānas meitas cietoksnis –
pie tevis nāks un atgriezīsies iepriekšējā varenība,
Jeruzālemes meitas valdīšana!
9 Kādēļ tu brēktin brēc –
vai tev nav ķēniņa,
vai zudis tavs padomdevējs,
ka tevi sagrābušas sāpes kā dzemdētāju?
10 Lokies un grūd, Ciānas meita, kā dzemdētāja,
jo tagad tev jāpamet pilsēta,
jāpaliek klajā laukā un jāiet uz Bābeli –
tur tevi izglābs,
tur Kungs tevi izpirks no naidnieku rokas.
11 Nu pret tevi sapulcēts milzums tautu, kas runā:
“Viņa tiks apgānīta! Tad gan mēs uz Ciānu blenzīsim!”
12 Bet tās nezina Kunga nolūkus
un neapjēdz viņa nodomu –
viņš tās savācis kopā kā kūļus uz klona!
13 Celies un mīdi, Ciānas meita!
Tavus ragus es darināšu no dzelzs,
tavus nagus es darināšu no vara –
tu samalsi putekļos milzumu tautu!
Tu veltīsi Kungam viņu netaisno guvumu,
viņu bagātības – visas zemes Kungam.
14 Nu pulcējies kopā, pulku meita, –
tie mūs ir ielenkuši!
Ar rīksti tie sitīs Israēla soģi vaigā!
Peace and Prosperity
1 In the future, the mountain
with the Lord's temple
will be the highest of all.
It will reach above the hills,
and every nation
will rush to it.
2 People of many nations
will come and say,
“Let's go up to the mountain
of the Lord God of Jacob
and worship in his temple.”
The Lord will teach us his Law
from Jerusalem,
and we will obey him.
3 He will settle arguments
between distant
and powerful nations.
They will pound their swords
and their spears
into rakes and shovels;
they will never again make war
or attack one another.
4 Everyone will find rest
beneath their own fig trees
or grape vines,
and they will live in peace.
This is a solemn promise
of the Lord All-Powerful.
5 Others may follow their gods,
but we will always follow
the Lord our God.
The Lord Will Lead His People Home
6 The Lord said:
At that time
I will gather my people—
the lame and the outcasts,
and all others into whose lives
I have brought sorrow.
7 Then the lame and the outcasts
will belong to my people
and become a strong nation.
I, the Lord, will rule them
from Mount Zion forever.
8 Mount Zion in Jerusalem,
guardian of my people,
you will rule again.
9 Jerusalem, why are you crying?
Don't you have a king?
Have your advisors gone?
Are you suffering
like a woman in childbirth?
10 Keep on groaning with pain,
you people of Jerusalem!
If you escape from your city
to the countryside,
you will still be taken
as prisoners to Babylonia.
But later I will rescue you
from your enemies.
11 Zion, because of your sins
you are surrounded
by many nations who say,
“We can hardly wait
to see you disgraced.”
12 But they don't know
that I, the Lord,
have gathered them here
to grind them like grain.
13 Smash them to pieces, Zion!
I'll let you be like a bull
with iron horns
and bronze hoofs.
Crush those nations
and bring their wealth to me,
the Lord of the earth.