Miera upuris
1 Ja kāda upurvelte ir miera upuris, tad lai viņš pienes vērsi vai govi bez vainas – lai pienes Kunga priekšā. 2 Lai viņš uzliek savu roku uz upura galvas un nokauj to pie Saiešanas telts durvīm, un priesteri, Ārona dēli, lai slaka tā asinis pār altāri visapkārt! 3 Lai Kungam pienes dedzināmo upuri no miera upura – taukus, kas klāj iekšas, un visus taukus, kas pie iekšām, 4 un abas nieres un taukus, kas pie tām un pie lieliem, un lai noņem to, kas atlicis pie aknām un nierēm. 5 Un Ārona dēli lai tos kvēpina uz altāra virs sadedzināmā upura, kas uz malkas ugunī, – tas ir dedzināmais upuris, tīkama smarža Kungam.
6 Ja upurvelte ir no sīklopiem – miera upurim, kas Kungam, – tad lai pienes tēviņu vai mātīti bez vainas. 7 Ja upurveltē viņš pienes jēru, tad lai pienes to Kunga priekšā. 8 Lai viņš liek savu roku uz upura galvas un nokauj to pretī Saiešanas teltij, un Ārona dēli lai slaka tā asinis pār altāri visapkārt. 9 No miera upura lai viņš pienes dedzināmo upuri Kungam, taukus – pilnīgi visu taukasti, kas pie mugurkaula, lai noņem, arī taukus, kas klāj iekšas, un visus taukus, kas pie iekšām. 10 Un abas nieres un taukus, kas pie tām un pie lieliem, un to, kas atlicis pie aknām un nierēm, lai noņem nost. 11 To lai priesteris kvēpina uz altāra – tā ir barība, dedzināmais upuris Kungam.
12 Ja viņa upurvelte ir kaza, lai pienes to Kunga priekšā. 13 Lai viņš liek savu roku tai uz galvas un nokauj to Saiešanas telts priekšā, un Ārona dēli lai slaka tās asinis pār altāri visapkārt. 14 Lai pienes no tās upurvelti, dedzināmo upuri Kungam – taukus, kas klāj iekšas, un visus taukus, kas pie iekšām, 15 abas nieres un taukus, kas pār tām un pie lieliem, bet to, kas atlicis pie aknām un nierēm, lai noņem nost. 16 To lai priesteris kvēpina uz altāra – tā ir barība, dedzināmais upuris tīkamai smaržai; visi šie tauki – Kungam. 17 Mūžīgs likums uz jūsu paaudzēm visur, kur jūs mītat, – ne taukus, ne asinis neēdiet!”
Sacrifices To Ask the Lord's Blessing
The Lord said:
1 When you offer sacrifices to ask my blessing, you may offer either a bull or a cow, but there must be nothing wrong with the animal. 2 Lead it to the entrance of the sacred tent, lay your hand on its head, and have it killed there. A priest from Aaron's family will splatter its blood against the four sides of the altar.
3 Offer all of the fat on the animal's insides, 4 as well as the lower part of the liver and the two kidneys with their fat. 5 Some of the priests will lay these pieces on the altar and send them up in smoke with a smell that pleases me, together with the sacrifice that is offered to please me.
6 Instead of a bull or a cow, you may offer any sheep or goat that has nothing wrong with it. 7 If you offer a sheep, you must present it to me at the entrance to the sacred tent. 8 Lay your hand on its head and have it killed there. A priest will then splatter its blood against the four sides of the altar.
9 Offer the fat on the tail, the tailbone, and the insides, 10 as well as the lower part of the liver and the two kidneys with their fat. 11 One of the priests will lay these pieces on the altar and send them up in smoke as a food offering for me.
12 If you offer a goat, you must also present it to me 13 at the entrance to the sacred tent. Lay your hand on its head and have it killed there. A priest will then splatter its blood against the four sides of the altar.
14 Offer all of the fat on the animal's insides, 15 as well as the lower part of the liver and the two kidneys with their fat. 16 One of the priests will put these pieces on the altar and send them up in smoke as a food offering with a smell that pleases me.
All fat belongs to me. 17 So you and your descendants must never eat any fat or any blood, not even in the privacy of your own homes. This law will never change.