Sadedzināmais upuris
1 Kungs sauca uz Mozu un sacīja viņam no Saiešanas telts: 2 “Runā uz Israēla dēliem un saki tiem: ikviens, kas no jums pienes kaujamo upuri Kungam, lai ņem to no lopiem – no vēršiem vai sīklopiem lai pienes savu upuri! 3 Ja tas ir sadedzināmais upuris, tad lai tas tiek pienests no vēršiem bez vainas, lai to pienes pie Saiešanas telts durvīm, lai tas ir Kungam tīkams. 4 Lai viņš liek savu roku uz galvas sadedzināmajam upurim, tad tas no viņa tiks pieņemts izlīgumam ar viņu. 5 Lai viņš kauj vērsēnu Kunga priekšā, un priesteri, Ārona dēli, lai pienes asinis un slaka tās no visām pusēm pār altāri pie Saiešanas telts durvīm. 6 Lai viņš novelk sadedzināmajam upurim ādu un sagriež to gabalos. 7 Un priesteri, Ārona dēli, lai liek uguni uz altāra un sakārto ugunij malku. 8 Lai priesteri, Ārona dēli, sakārto gabalus, galvu un taukus uz malkas, kas altāra ugunī. 9 Iekšas un lielus lai viņš mazgā ar ūdeni, un priesteris lai kvēpina to visu uz altāra par sadedzināmo upuri – dedzināmo upuri, tīkamu smaržu Kungam.
10 Ja viņa upurvelte ir no sīklopiem, tad lai pienes aunu vai āzi bez vainas par sadedzināmo upuri. 11 Lai kauj to Kunga priekšā blakus altārim ziemeļu pusē, un priesteri, Ārona dēli, lai slaka tā asinis pār altāri visapkārt. 12 Lai sadala to gabalos, un tā galvu un taukus priesteris lai sakārto uz malkas, kas altāra ugunī. 13 Iekšas un lielus lai viņš mazgā ūdenī, un lai priesteris pienes to visu un kvēpina uz altāra par sadedzināmo upuri – dedzināmo upuri, tīkamu smaržu Kungam.
14 Ja viņa upurvelte Kungam ir no putniem, tad lai viņš pienes ūbeles vai balodēnus par sadedzināmo upuri – tā ir viņa upurvelte. 15 Tos lai priesteris pienes altārim, nokniebj tiem galvu un kvēpina uz altāra, ka to asinis tiek izspiestas uz altāra malas. 16 Lai viņš izņem guzu ar mēsliem un nomet altārim blakus, austrumu pusē, kur pelni. 17 Lai ieplēš tos starp spārniem, bet nepārplēš, un priesteris lai kvēpina tos uz malkas, kas altāra ugunī, – tas ir sadedzināmais upuris, dedzināmais upuris, tīkama smarža Kungam.
1-3 The Lord spoke to Moses from the sacred tent and gave him instructions for the community of Israel to follow when they offered sacrifices.
Sacrifices To Please the Lord
The Lord said:
Sacrifices to please me must be completely burned on the bronze altar.
Bulls or rams or goats are the animals to be used for these sacrifices. If the animal is a bull, it must not have anything wrong with it. Lead it to the entrance of the sacred tent, and I will let you know if it is acceptable to me. 4 Lay your hand on its head, and I will accept the animal as a sacrifice for taking away your sins.
5 After the bull is killed in my presence, some priests from Aaron's family will offer its blood to me by splattering it against the four sides of the altar.
6 Skin the bull and cut it up, 7 while the priests pile wood on the altar fire to make it start blazing. 8-9 Wash the bull's insides and hind legs, so the priests can lay them on the altar with the head, the fat, and the rest of the animal. A priest will then send all of it up in smoke with a smell that pleases me.
10 If you sacrifice a ram or a goat, it must not have anything wrong with it. 11 Lead the animal to the north side of the altar, where it is to be killed in my presence. Then some of the priests will splatter its blood against the four sides of the altar.
12-13 Cut up the animal and wash its insides and hind legs. A priest will put these parts on the altar with the head, the fat, and the rest of the animal. Then he will send all of it up in smoke with a smell that pleases me.
14 If you offer a bird for this kind of sacrifice, it must be a dove or a pigeon. 15 A priest will take the bird to the bronze altar, where he will wring its neck and put its head on the fire. Then he will drain out its blood on one side of the altar, 16 remove the bird's craw with what is in it, and throw them on the ash heap at the east side of the altar. 17 Finally, he will take the bird by its wings, tear it partially open, and send it up in smoke with a smell that pleases me.