Ījabs: kurš gan var pastāvēt Dieva priekšā?
1 Ījabs atbildēja, sacīdams:
2 “Patiesi zinu, ka tā!
Bet kurš cilvēks taisns Dieva priekšā?
3 Kurš gribēs ar viņu tiesāties?
Tas nespēs atbildēt ne reizi no tūkstoša!
4 Gudrs viņš sirdī, spēkā stiprs –
kurš pretojies viņam un palicis sveikā?
5 Viņš stumda kalnus, un tie nezina,
kas tos apgāž savās dusmās,
6 viņš tricina zemi no tās vietas,
un tās balsti ļogās,
7 viņš pavēl saulei, lai neuzlec,
un zvaigžņu priekšā zīmogu liek,
8 viņš debesis izpleš viens pats
un jūras bangas kājām min,
9 Gan Lāci, gan Muļķi radījis viņš,
gan Sietiņu, gan Dienvidu kambarus .
10 Viņš veic lielas lietas, ka ne izprast,
un brīnumus bez sava skaita!
11 Redzi, viņš iet garām, bet es neieraugu,
viņš aizsteidzas, bet nemanu viņu.
12 Redzi, viņš sagrābj – kurš liegs viņam,
kas uzsauks viņam: ko tu dari?
13 Dievs neaptur savas dusmas,
viņa priekšā liecas Rahaba palīgi!
14 Kā tad es atbildēšu viņam?
Kā rast vārdus, ko sacīt viņam?
15 Kaut man taisnība, nerodu atbildēt –
man jālūdzas žēlastība savam Soģim!
16 Ja es sauktu un viņš atbildētu –
neticu, ka viņš mani uzklausīs!
17 Viesulī viņš mani satriec,
cērt man daudz brūču par neko,
18 neļauj man atvilkt elpu,
mielo mani ar rūgtu!
19 Ja spēkoties – viņš varenāks,
ja tiesāties – kurš sasauks tiesu?
20 Kaut es taisns, mana mute pels mani,
kaut es nevainīgs, viņš vainos mani!
21 Es esmu nevainīgs!
Es nezinos sevi.
Man riebj dzīvot!
22 Viss viens! Tādēļ saku:
gan krietno, gan ļaundari viņš nomaitā.
23 Ja pātaga pēkšņi nokauj,
par nevainīgo izbailēm viņš smej!
24 Ļaundaru rokās nodota zeme,
tās tiesnešiem vaigu viņš aizklāj –
ja ne viņš, kurš tad?
25 Par ziņnesi žiglāk man dienas steidz,
tās aiztrauc, neredzējušas laba,
26 aizšaujas kā niedru laivas,
kā ērglis, kas metas uz ēsmu.
27 Ja es saku: mitēšos gausties,
pacelšu acis, lai atspirgstu, –
28 satrūkstos savās sāpēs,
zinu, tu neattaisnosi mani.
29 Es tas negantais!
Ko tad lai velti nopūlos?
30 Ja es mazgātos sniega ūdenī
un šķīstītu delnas ar sārmu,
31 tad tomēr mani iemērktu smirdīgā bedrē,
ka es riebtos pat paša drēbēm!
32 Viņš nav cilvēks kā es –
kā lai atbildu viņam,
kā mums abiem stāties pie tiesas?
33 Starp mums šķīrēja nav,
kas uzliktu roku mums abiem.
34 Lai savu rīksti viņš atrauj man,
un viņa briesmas lai nevajā mani,
35 tad runāšu nebīdamies,
jo neesmu vainīgs!
Job's Reply to Bildad
What You Say Is True
1 Job said:
2 What you say is true.
No human is innocent
in the sight of God.
3 Not once in a thousand times
could we win our case
if we took him to court.
4 God is wise and powerful—
who could possibly
oppose him and win?
5 When God becomes angry,
he can move mountains
before they even know it.
6 God can shake the earth loose
from its foundations
7 or command the sun and stars
to hold back their light.
8 God alone stretched out the sky,
stepped on the sea,
9 and set the stars in place—
the Big Dipper and Orion,
the Pleiades and the stars
in the southern sky.
10 Of all the miracles God works,
we cannot understand a one.
11 God walks right past me,
without making a sound.
12 And if he grabs something,
who can stop him
or raise a question?
13 When God showed his anger,
the servants of the sea monster
fell at his feet.
14 How, then, could I possibly
argue my case with God?
Though I Am Innocent
15 Even though I am innocent,
I can only beg for mercy.
16 And if God came into court
when I called him,
he would not hear my case.
17 He would strike me with a storm
and increase my injuries
for no reason at all.
18 Before I could get my breath,
my miseries would multiply.
19 God is much stronger than I am,
and who would call me into court
to give me justice?
20 Even if I were innocent,
God would prove me wrong.
21 I am not guilty,
but I no longer care
what happens to me.
22 What difference does it make?
God destroys the innocent
along with the guilty.
23 When a good person dies
a sudden death,
God sits back and laughs.
24 And who else but God
blindfolds the judges,
then lets the wicked
take over the earth?
My Life Is Speeding By
25 My life is speeding by,
without a hope of happiness.
26 Each day passes swifter
than a sailing ship
or an eagle swooping down.
27 Sometimes I try to be cheerful
and to stop complaining,
28 but my sufferings frighten me,
because I know that God
still considers me guilty.
29 So what's the use of trying
to prove my innocence?
30 Even if I washed myself
with the strongest soap,
31 God would throw me into a pit
of stinking slime, leaving me
disgusting to my clothes.
32 God isn't a mere human like me.
I can't put him on trial.
33 Who could possibly judge
between the two of us?
34 Can someone snatch away
the stick God carries
to frighten me?
35 Then I could speak up
without fear of him,
but for now, I cannot speak.