Jeruzālemes krišana
(2Ķēn 25:1–12Jer 52:4–16)
1 Jūdas ķēniņa Cedekijas devītā valdīšanas gada desmitajā mēnesī Bābeles ķēniņš Nebūkadnecars ar visu savu karaspēku nāca pret Jeruzālemi un aplenca to. 2 Un Cedekijas vienpadsmitā valdīšanas gada ceturtajā mēnesī, mēneša devītajā dienā pilsēta tika iekarota. 3 Un visi Bābeles augstmaņi nāca un sēdās Vidus vārtos – Nērgalsarecers, Samgarnebo, Sarsehīms – rabsarīss , Nērgalsarecers, rabmags , un visi pārējie Bābeles ķēniņa augstmaņi. 4 Un, kad Jūdas ķēniņš Cedekija un visi karavīri viņus ieraudzīja, tad tie bēga un naktī pameta pilsētu pa ķēniņa dārza ceļu caur vārtiem starp abiem mūriem, viņi devās prom pa klajumu ceļu. 5 Kaldiešu karaspēks viņus vajāja, un tie panāca Cedekiju Jērikas klajumos, tie saņēma viņu ciet un aizveda pie Bābeles ķēniņa Nebūkadnecara uz Riblu, Hamātas zemē, un viņš teica tam spriedumu. 6 Bābeles ķēniņš Riblā nonāvēja Cedekijas dēlus viņa acu priekšā, un Bābeles ķēniņš nonāvēja arī visus Jūdas dižciltīgos! 7 Viņš laupīja Cedekijam acu gaismu un ieslēdza viņu dzelzs važās, lai vestu uz Bābeli. 8 Kaldieši nodedzināja ar uguni ķēniņa namu un tautas namus, un Jeruzālemes mūrus tie noplēsa. 9 Un tautas atlikumu, kas bija pilsētā, un bēgļus, kas bija aizbēguši pie viņa, un tautas atlikumu, kas bija atlicis, uz Bābeli trimdā aizveda sardzes vadonis Nebūzaradāns. 10 Bet dažus no nabaga ļaudīm, kuriem nekas nepiederēja, sardzes vadonis Nebūzaradāns atstāja Jūdas zemē un piešķīra tiem todien vīnadārzus un tīrumus.
Jeremija tiek atbrīvots
11 Un Bābeles ķēniņš Nebūkadnecars pavēlēja sardzes vadonim Nebūzaradānam par Jeremiju: 12 “Ņem, uzmani viņu un nedari viņam nekā ļauna, bet, ja viņš tev ko saka, tad dari to viņam!” 13 Un sardzes vadonis Nebūzaradāns un rabsarīss Nebūšazbāns, un rabmags Nērgalsarecers, un visi pārējie Bābeles ķēniņa virsnieki sūtīja pēc Jeremijas, 14 un viņi ņēma Jeremiju no sardzes pagalma un uzticēja viņu Gedaljāhu, Ahīkāma dēlam, Šāfāna dēlam, lai tas aizved viņu mājās, un Jeremija mita pie tautas.
15 Un, kad Jeremija bija ieslodzīts sardzes pagalmā, pār viņu nāca Kunga vārds: 16 “Ej un saki Ebedmeleham, kūšietim: tā saka Pulku Kungs, Israēla Dievs: redzi, es likšu, lai mani vārdi par šo pilsētu piepildās uz ļaunu, ne uz labu, un tai dienā tas notiks tavā priekšā! 17 Un todien es tevi atbrīvošu, saka Kungs, un tu netiksi atdots to vīru rokā, no kuriem baidies. 18 Jo es tevi glābtin glābšu, un tu nekritīsi no zobena, un tava dzīvība būs tavs laupījums, jo tu man uzticējies,” saka Kungs.
Jerusalem Is Captured by the Babylonians
(Jeremiah 52.4-162 Kings 25.1-12)
1-3 In the tenth month of the ninth year that Zedekiah was king of Judah, King Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian army began their attack on Jerusalem. They kept the city surrounded for a year and a half. Then, on the ninth day of the fourth month of the eleventh year that Zedekiah was king, they broke through the city walls.
After Jerusalem was captured, Nebuchadnezzar's highest officials, including Nebo Sarsechim and Nergal Sharezer from Simmagir, took their places at Middle Gate to show they were in control of the city.
4 When King Zedekiah and his troops saw that Jerusalem had been captured, they tried to escape from the city that same night. They went to the king's garden, where they slipped through the gate between the two city walls and headed toward the Jordan River valley. 5 But the Babylonian troops caught up with them near Jericho. They arrested Zedekiah and took him to the town of Riblah in the land of Hamath, where Nebuchadnezzar put him on trial, then found him guilty, 6 and gave orders for him to be punished. Zedekiah's sons were killed there in front of him, and so were the leaders of Judah's ruling families. 7 Then his eyes were poked out, and he was put in chains, so he could be dragged off to Babylonia.
8 Meanwhile, the Babylonian army had burned the houses in Jerusalem, including the royal palace, and they had broken down the city walls. 9 Nebuzaradan, the Babylonian officer in charge of the guards, led away everyone from the city as prisoners, even those who had deserted to Nebuchadnezzar. 10 Only the poorest people who owned no land were left behind in Judah, and Nebuzaradan gave them fields and vineyards.
11 Nebuchadnezzar had given the following orders to Nebuzaradan: 12 “Find Jeremiah and keep him safe. Take good care of him and do whatever he asks.”
13 Nebuzaradan, Nebushazban, Nergal Sharezer, and the other officers of King Nebuchadnezzar 14 sent some of their troops to bring me from the courtyard of the royal palace guards. They put me in the care of Gedaliah son of Ahikam and told him to take me to my home. And so I was allowed to stay with the people who remained in Judah.
The Lord Promises To Protect Ebedmelech
15 While I was a prisoner in the courtyard of the palace guard, the Lord told me to say 16 to Ebedmelech from Ethiopia:
I am the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel. I warned everyone that I would bring disaster, not prosperity, to this city. Now very soon I will do what I said, and you will see it happen. 17-18 But because you trusted me, I will protect you from the officials of Judah, and when Judah is struck by disaster, I will rescue you and keep you alive. I, the Lord, have spoken.