Hananja nostājas pret Jeremiju
1 Un tajā pašā gadā, Jūdas ķēniņa Cedekijas valdīšanas sākumā, ceturtā gada piektajā mēnesī, Gibeonas pravietis Hananja, Azūra dēls, Kunga namā, priesteru un visas tautas priekšā man teica: 2 “Tā saka Pulku Kungs, Israēla Dievs: es satriekšu Bābeles ķēniņa jūgu! 3 Divos gados es atgādāšu atpakaļ uz šejieni visus Kunga nama traukus, ko no šejienes paņēma Bābeles ķēniņš Nebūkadnecars un aizveda uz Bābeli. 4 Es atvedīšu atpakaļ uz šejieni Jūdas ķēniņu Jehonju, Jehojākīma dēlu, un visus Jūdas trimdiniekus, kuri aizgāja uz Bābeli, saka Kungs, jo es satriekšu Bābeles ķēniņa jūgu!” 5 Un visas tautas un priesteru priekšā, kuri stāvēja Kunga namā, pravietis Jeremija atbildēja pravietim Hananjam, 6 sacīdams tā: “Patiesi! Lai Kungs dara tā! Lai Kungs piepilda tavus vārdus, kurus tu pravietoji, un lai atgādā atpakaļ Kunga nama traukus un visus trimdiniekus no Bābeles uz šejieni! 7 Taču klausies šos vārdus, ko es runāju, ieklausies tu un visa tauta: 8 tie pravieši, kas jau no mūžības ir bijuši pirms tevis un manis, ir pravietojuši par daudzām zemēm un par varenām valstīm – par karu, par badu un mēri. 9 Pravietis, kas pravieto mieru, tiek atzīts par patiesi Kunga svētītu pravieti tikai tad, kad piepildās pravieša vārdi!” 10 Tad pravietis Hananja paņēma no pravieša Jeremijas jūga saites un sarāva tās. 11 Un visas tautas priekšā Hananja teica: “Tā saka Kungs: tā es divos gados noraušu Bābeles ķēniņa Nebūkadnecara jūgu no visu tautu kakla!” Bet pravietis Jeremija aizgāja savu ceļu.
12 Pēc tam kad pravietis Hananja bija norāvis jūga saites no pravieša Jeremijas kakla, pār Jeremiju nāca Kunga vārds: 13 “Ej un saki Hananjam: tā saka Kungs: koka jūgu tu salauzi, bet tā vietā tu dabūsi dzelzs jūgu! – 14 Jo tā saka Pulku Kungs, Israēla Dievs: visu šo tautu kaklam es uzliku dzelzs jūgu, lai vergo Bābeles ķēniņam Nebūkadnecaram, un tās viņam vergos! Pat lauka zvērus es atdevu viņam!” 15 Un pravietis Jeremija teica pravietim Hananjam: “Klausies nu, Hananja! Kungs tevi nesūtīja, un tu liki šai tautai paļauties meliem! 16 Tādēļ tā saka Kungs: redzi, es tevi patriekšu no zemes virsas! Jau šogad tu mirsi, jo nepakļāvīgi tu runāji pret Kungu!” 17 Un pravietis Hananja nomira tā paša gada septītajā mēnesī!
Jeremiah Accuses Hananiah of Being a False Prophet
1 Later that same year, in the fifth month of the fourth year that Zedekiah was king, the prophet Hananiah son of Azzur from Gibeon came up to me in the temple. And while the priests and others in the temple were listening, 2 he told me that the Lord had said:
I am the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, and I will smash the yoke that Nebuchadnezzar put on the necks of the nations to make them his slaves. 3 And within two years, I will bring back to Jerusalem everything that he took from my temple and carried off to Babylonia. 4 King Jehoiachin and the other people who were taken from Judah to Babylonia will be allowed to come back here as well. All this will happen because I will smash the power of the king of Babylonia!
5 The priests and the others were still standing there, so I said:
6 Hananiah, I hope the Lord will do exactly what you said. I hope he does bring back everything the Babylonians took from the temple, and that our people who were taken to Babylonia will be allowed to return home. 7 But let me remind you and everyone else 8 that long before we were born, prophets were saying powerful kingdoms would be struck by war, disaster, and disease. 9 Now you are saying we will have peace. We will just have to wait and see if that is really what the Lord has said.
10 Hananiah grabbed the wooden yoke from my neck and smashed it. 11 Then he said, “The Lord says this is the way he will smash the power Nebuchadnezzar has over the nations, and it will happen in less than two years.”
I left the temple, 12 and a little while later, the Lord told me 13-14 to go back and say to Hananiah:
I am the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel. You smashed a wooden yoke, but I will replace it with one made of iron. I will put iron yokes on all the nations, and they will have to do what King Nebuchadnezzar commands. I will even let him rule the wild animals.
15-16 Hananiah, I have never sent you to speak for me. And yet you have talked my people into believing your lies and rebelling against me. So now I will send you—I'll send you right off the face of the earth! You will die before this year is over.
17 Two months later, Hananiah died.