Jeremijas žēlabas
1 Taisns tu, Kungs,
kad es tiesājos ar tevi.
Tomēr runāšu ar tevi par tiesu:
kādēļ ļaundariem ceļš sokas
un bez rūpēm tie visi krāpjas?
2 Tu viņus stādīji,
un tie iesakņojās,
tie izauga un deva augļus,
tu esi tuvu to mutēm,
bet tālu to nierēm!
3 Tu, Kungs, pazīsti mani un redzi,
tu pārbaudi manu sirdi pret tevi,
dzen tos ārā kā avis uz nāvēšanu
un nošķir tos kaušanas dienai!
4 Cik ilgi sēros zeme
un kaltīs zāle uz lauka –
zvēri un putni ir patriekti
tur mītošo ļaunuma dēļ,
jo viņi teica:
mūsu galu viņš neredzēs!
Dieva atbilde Jeremijam
5 Ja tu ar kājniekiem skrienies
un tas tevi gurdina,
tad kā tev skrieties ar zirgiem?
Ja uz miera zemi tu paļaujies,
tad ko tev darīt Jordānas biezokņos?
6 Pat tavi brāļi un tava tēva nams –
pat tie tevi pievīluši,
pat tie brēc tev pakaļ pilnā rīklē,
netici tiem, kad tie runā labu!

7 “Es pametu savu namu,
es pametu savu mantoto,
savas dvēseles mīļo es atdevu
viņas naidnieka rokā.
8 Mana mantotā tapa
kā biezokņu lauva,
savu balsi pret mani tā pacēla,
tādēļ to nīstu.
9 Vai mana mantotā ir raibs plēsējputns?
Vai plēsējputni riņķo ap to?
Ejiet, pulciniet lauka zvērus,
vediet tos šurpu, lai rij!
10 Pulka ganu postījuši manu vīnadārzu,
manu daļu tie nominuši,
manu kāroto daļu
par izdeldētu tuksnesi pataisījuši.
11 Par izpostījumu pataisīta,
sapostīta tā vaid uz mani,
izdeldēta ir visa zeme,
bet nav neviena,
kas to liktu pie sirds.
12 Pār visiem kailajiem tuksneša pakalniem
nākuši postītāji,
jo Kunga zobens rij
no viena zemes gala līdz otram,
un nevienai miesai nav miera!
13 Tie sēja kviešus
un ievāca ērkšķus,
paši jau paguruši,
bet guvuši nav neko,
par savu ražu tiem jākaunas
Kunga dusmu kvēles dēļ.”

14 Tā saka Kungs par visiem maniem ļaunajiem kaimiņiem, kuri grābstās gar manu mantojumu, kuru es devu mantot savai tautai Israēlam: “Redzi, es izraušu viņus no viņu zemes, un Jūdas namu es izraušu no viņu vidus! 15 Bet pēc tam, kad es būšu tos izrāvis, es atkal apžēlošos par viņiem – ikvienu es vedīšu atpakaļ pie viņa mantojuma un viņa zemes. 16 Un, ja tie pratīsies turēties pie manas tautas gājuma un zvērēs manā vārdā: dzīvs Kungs! – tāpat kā tie mācīja manai tautai zvērēt pie Baāla, tad tie tiks ietverti manas tautas vidū. 17 Bet, ja tie neklausīs, es izraušu šo tautu, izraušu un izdeldēšu!” saka Kungs.
Jeremiah Complains to the Lord
1 Whenever I complain
to you, Lord,
you are always fair.
But now I have questions
about your justice.
Why is life easy for sinners?
Why are they successful?
2 You plant them like trees;
you let them prosper
and produce fruit.
Yet even when they praise you,
they don't mean it.

3 But you know, Lord,
how faithful I've always been,
even in my thoughts.
So drag my enemies away
and butcher them like sheep!

4 How long will the ground be dry
and the pasturelands parched?
The birds and animals
are dead and gone.
And all of this happened because
the people are so sinful.
They even brag, “God can't see
the sins we commit.”
The Lord Answers Jeremiah
5 Jeremiah, if you get tired
in a race against people,
how can you possibly run
against horses?
If you fall in open fields,
what will happen in the forest
along the Jordan River?
6 Even your own family
has turned against you.
They act friendly,
but don't trust them.
They're out to get you,
and so is everyone else.
The Lord Is Furious with His People
7 I loved my people and chose them
as my very own.
But now I will reject them
and hand them over
to their enemies.
8 My people have turned against me
and roar at me like lions.
That's why I hate them.

9 My people are like a hawk
surrounded and attacked
by other hawks.
Tell the wild animals
to come and eat their fill.
10 My beautiful land is ruined
like a field or a vineyard
trampled by shepherds
and stripped bare
by their flocks.
11 Every field I see lies barren,
and no one cares.

12 A destroying army
marches along desert roads
and attacks everywhere.
They are my deadly sword;
no one is safe from them.

13 My people, you planted wheat,
but because I was furious,
I let only weeds grow.
You wore yourselves out
and gained only shame!
The Lord Will Have Pity on Other Nations
14 The Lord said:
I gave this land to my people Israel, but enemies around it have attacked and robbed it. So I will uproot them from their own countries just as I will uproot Judah from its land. 15 But later, I will have pity on these nations and bring them back to their own lands. 16 They once taught my people to worship Baal. But if they admit I am the only true God, and if they let my people teach them how to worship me, these nations will also become my people. 17 However, if they don't listen to me, I will uproot them from their lands and completely destroy them. I, the Lord, have spoken.