Jesajas redzējums templī
(Sal. Ech 1:4–28)1 Tajā gadā, kad nomira ķēniņš Uzijāhu, es redzēju Kungu sēžam augstā un dižā tronī, un viņa tērpa krokas piepildīja templi. 2 Un virs tā stāv serafi – katram ir seši spārni, ar diviem tie aizsedz seju, ar diviem klāj kājas, un ar diviem tie lido! 3 Un tie sauc: “Svēts, svēts, svēts Pulku Kungs – visa zeme pilna viņa godības!” 4 Sliekšņu pamati trīcēja no saucēja balss, un nams pildījās dūmiem. 5 Un es teicu:
“Vai! man – pagalam es,
jo man nešķīstas lūpas
un mītu tautā, kam nešķīstas lūpas, –
bet manas acis nu skatījušas Ķēniņu, Pulku Kungu!”
6 Tad man pielidoja viens serafs, un rokā tam bija kvēlojoša ogle, ko tas ar knaiblēm bija paņēmis no altāra. 7 Viņš pieskārās manai mutei un teica:
“Redzi, tā pieskaras tavām lūpām –
noņemta tava vaina,
apklāts tavs grēks!”
8 Un es dzirdēju Kungu sakām:
“Kuru lai es sūtu? Kurš ies un runās par mums?”
Tad teicu: “Es te, sūti mani!”
9 Un viņš teica:
“Ej un tā saki tautai:
dzirdēt jūs dzirdat, bet nesaprotat,
redzēt jūs redzat, bet nesajēdzat!
10 Tauka šai tautai sirds,
ausis tiem biezas, acis salipušas,
ar acīm tie neredz,
ar ausīm tie nedzird,
ar sirdi tie nesaprot –
neatgriežas un dziedēties negrib!”
11 Un es teicu: “Cik ilgi, Kungs?!”
Un viņš teica: “Līdz viss būs izdeldēts –
pilsētās ne iemītnieka,
mājās ne cilvēka,
un zeme izdeldēta kā postaža!
12 Kungs cilvēkus padzīs,
un zeme pagalam būs pamesta,
13 kaut desmitā daļa būs atlikusi,
tā atkal tiks izsvelta
kā terebints, kā ozols,
līdz celmam nocirsta –
tomēr svēta sēkla šis celms!”
A Vision of the Lord in the Temple
1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I had a vision of the Lord. He was on his throne high above, and his robe filled the temple. 2 Flaming creatures with six wings each were flying over him. They covered their faces with two of their wings and their bodies with two more. They used the other two wings for flying, 3 as they shouted,
“Holy, holy, holy,
Lord All-Powerful!
The earth is filled
with your glory.”
4 As they shouted, the doorposts of the temple shook, and the temple was filled with smoke. 5 Then I cried out, “I'm doomed! Everything I say is sinful, and so are the words of everyone around me. Yet I have seen the King, the Lord All-Powerful.”
6 One of the flaming creatures flew over to me with a burning coal that it had taken from the altar with a pair of metal tongs. 7 It touched my lips with the hot coal and said, “This has touched your lips. Your sins are forgiven, and you are no longer guilty.”
8 After this, I heard the Lord ask, “Is there anyone I can send? Will someone speak for us?”
“I'll go,” I answered. “Send me!”
9 Then the Lord told me to go and speak this message to the people:
“You will listen and listen,
but never understand.
You will look and look,
but never see.”
The Lord also said,
10 “Make these people stubborn!
Make them stop up
their ears,
cover their eyes,
and fail to understand.
Don't let them turn to me
and be healed.”
11 Then I asked the Lord, “How long will this last?”
The Lord answered:
Until their towns are destroyed and their houses are deserted, until their fields are empty, 12 and I have sent them far away, leaving their land in ruins. 13 If only a tenth of the people are left, even they will be destroyed. But just as stumps remain after trees have been cut down, some of my chosen ones will be left.