Dieva derība ir visiem
1 Tā saka Kungs:
“Turiet tiesu un dariet taisnību,
jo mana glābšana tuvu pienākusi
un mana taisnība drīz atklāsies.
2 Svētīts cilvēks, kas to dara,
un cilvēka dēls, kas pie tā turas,
kas ievēro sabatu un to nesagāna,
kas attur savu roku no visa ļauna.”

3 Svešinieki, kas seko Kungam,
lai nesaka:
Kungs mani nošķīris no savas tautas! –
Un einuhs lai nesaka:
redzi, es tikai sauss koks! –

4 Jo tā saka Kungs:
“Einuhiem, kas ievēro manu sabatu
un izvēlas to, kas man tīkams,
un cieši turas pie manas derības –
5 es došu tiem vietu un godājamu vārdu
savā namā un mūros –
tas labāk par dēliem un meitām! –
mūžīgu vārdu es tiem došu,
tas nekad nezudīs!

6 Svešinieki, kas seko Kungam,
lai kalpotu viņam,
lai mīlētu Kunga vārdu,
lai būtu viņa kalpi, –
ikvienu, kas ievēro sabatu un to nesagāna,
kas cieši turas pie manas derības,
7 es aizvedīšu uz savu svēto kalnu
un iepriecināšu savā lūgšanu namā!
Viņu sadedzināmie upuri un kaujamie upuri
būs tīkami uz mana altāra,
un manu namu sauks
par lūgšanu namu visām tautām!”
8 Tā sacījis Kungs Dievs,
kas sapulcējis Israēla trimdiniekus:
“Tiem, kas jau sapulcēti,
es vēl piepulcēšu!”
Dieva vārds pret samaitātajiem tautas vadoņiem
9 Visi lauka zvēri,
nāciet un rijiet,
un arīdzan visi meža zvēri!
10 Viņa sargi visi ir akli,
tie neapjauš,
visi tie ir mēmi suņi,
tie nespēj riet –
miegā murgo,
snaudiens tiem mīļš!
11 Tie ir suņi, kam kāra rīkle,
tie nezina sāta,
tie ir gani,
kam sajēgas nav –
katrs skrien savu ceļu,
kārodams paša labuma!
12 Ejam, ņemam vīnu,
pielejamies ar stipru dziru!
Rītdiena būs kā šodiena –
pat krietni brangāka!
All Nations Will Be Part of God's People
1 The Lord said:
Be honest and fair!
Soon I will come to save you;
my saving power will be seen
everywhere on earth.

2 I will bless everyone
who respects the Sabbath
and refuses to do wrong.

3 Foreigners who worship me
must not say,
“The Lord won't let us
be part of his people.”
Men who are unable
to become fathers
must no longer say,
“We are dried-up trees.”

4 To them, I, the Lord, say:
Respect the Sabbath,
obey me completely,
and keep our agreement.
5 Then you will be like monuments
in my temple with your names
written on them.
This will be much better
than having children,
because these monuments
will stand there forever.

6 Foreigners will follow me.
They will love me and worship
in my name;
they will respect the Sabbath
and keep our agreement.
7 I will bring them
to my holy mountain,
where they will celebrate
in my house of worship.
Their sacrifices and offerings
will always be welcome
on my altar.
Then my house will be known
as a house of worship
for all nations.
8 I, the Lord, promise
to bring together my people
who were taken away,
and let them join the others.
God Promises To Punish Israel's Leaders
9 Come from the forest,
you wild animals!
Attack and gobble up
your victims.
10 You leaders of Israel
should be watchdogs,
protecting my people.
But you can't see a thing,
and you never warn them.
Dozing and daydreaming
are all you ever do.
11 You stupid leaders are a pack
of hungry and greedy dogs
that never get enough.
You are shepherds
who mistreat your own sheep
for selfish gain.
12 You say to each other,
“Let's drink till we're drunk!
Tomorrow we'll do it again.
We'll really enjoy ourselves.”