1 Todien septiņas sievas
pieķersies vienam vīram un sacīs:
“Savu maizi mēs ēdīsim
un pašu drēbes mēs valkāsim,
tik lai mums dod tavu vārdu –
atņem mums mūsu negodu!”
Izglābto godība
2 Tajā dienā Kunga atvase būs rota, krāšņums un lepnums un zemes augļi – lepnums un krāšņums Israēla glābtajiem! 3 Tie, kas būs atlikuši Ciānā, palikuši Jeruzālemē, tiks saukti par viņa svētajiem – katrs, kas pierakstīts dzīvot Jeruzālemē! 4 Kad Kungs nomazgās Ciānas meitu netīrību un Jeruzālemes asinis, noskalos ar tiesas garu un dedzinošas svelmes garu, 5 tad Kungs radīs mākoni visapkārt Ciānas vaļņiem, un pār visām tās sapulcēm – mākoni dienā un liesmainu uguns spozmi naktī – visu, kas godājams, apsegs, 6 viņš būs pajumte, kas dienā noēno karstumu, patvērums un slēptuve negaisā un lietū!
1 When this happens, seven women will grab the same man, and each of them will say, “I'll buy my own food and clothes! Just marry me and take away my disgrace.”
The Lord Will Bless His People Who Survive
2 The time is coming when the Lord will make his land fruitful and glorious again, and the people of Israel who survive will take great pride in what the land produces. 3 Everyone who is left alive in Jerusalem will be called special, 4 after the Lord sends a fiery judgment to clean the city and its people of their violent deeds.
5 Then the Lord will cover the whole city and its meeting places with a thick cloud each day and with a flaming fire each night. God's own glory will be like a huge tent that covers everything. 6 It will provide shade from the heat of the sun and a place of shelter and protection from storms and rain.