Izglābšana no naidniekiem
1 Vai! tev, postītāj,
kas pats neesi postīts,
un krāpniek, kas pats neesi krāpts!
Kad būsi mitējies postīt, tad izpostīs tevi!
Kad būsi stājies krāpt, tad apkrāps tevi!

2 Kungs, tu mums žēlsirdīgs, uz tevi ceram!
Lai viņa roka ik rītu
ir mūsu glābiņš posta laikā!
3 No pūļa kņadas bēg tautas,
kad tu celies, tautas izklīst!
4 Jums savāks laupījumu:
kā kāpuri rij, kā siseņi skrien,
tā skraidelēs tur.
5 Augstu Kungs, jo viņš mīt augstumos, –
viņš pildīs Ciānu ar tiesu un taisnību!
6 Tev būs droši laiki:
glābšanas, gudrības, atziņas papilnam!
Bīties Kunga – tas ir dārgums no viņa!

7 Redzi, viņu varoņi brēc ielās
un miera sūtņi rūgti raud.
8 Izdeldētas stigas,
vairs neviens neiet pa taku,
lauzta derība, atmestas pilsētas,
vairs par cilvēku nedomā!
9 Zeme sēro un nīkst,
satriekts Lebanons dēd,
Šārona ir kā kalšņa,
Bāšānā un Karmelā nobirst lapas!
10 “Tagad es celšos,” saka Kungs,
“tagad es pacelšos,
tagad es paaugstināšos!
11 Pelavas ieņēmusi, tu dzemdēsi salmus, –
jūsu dvesma būs uguns, kas aprīs jūs!
12 Tautas būs kā dedzināti kaļķi,
kā izplēsti ērkšķi, kas ugunī plēn!

13 Tālie, klausieties, ko es darījis,
tuvie, zinieties manu varenību!”
14 Baidās Ciānā grēcinieki,
trīsas sakampj bezdievjus:
kurš no mums paliks dzīvs? Te rijoša uguns!
Kurš no mums paliks dzīvs? Te mūžīga kvēle! –
15 Kas staigā taisnībā un patiesi runā,
kas varmācīgu guvumu nievā,
kas savu roku krata un kukuli neņem,
kas aizbāž ausis, kad sauc uz varasdarbiem,
kas aizklāj acis, lai ļaunu neredzētu, –
16 tāds augstumos dzīvos,
klinšu cietoksnis tam būs patvērums,
tam dos viņa maizi, tam ūdens būs nodrošināts!
Varenā Ķēniņa mājvieta
17 Savām acīm tu skatīsi ķēniņa jaukumu,
zemes tāles tu lūkosi,
18 tava sirds čukstēs šausmās:
kur ir skaitītājs, kur ir svērējs,
kur ir torņu skaitītājs!
19 Šo neķītro tautu tu vairs neredzēsi –
tautu, kam tumša runa, ko nesajēgt,
kam stostīga mēle, ko nesaprast!
20 Raugies, Ciāna, mūsu svētku pilsēta,
tavas acis skatīs Jeruzālemi,
rimtu mājvietu, telti, ko neizļodzīt, –
tās mietiņus neizraus nemūžam,
tās saites nekad vairs nesaraus!
21 Jo tur mums savā godībā Kungs,
tur upes un plašas straumes,
tur netikt ar airu laivu,
neizbraukt vareniem kuģiem!
22 Kungs ir mūsu soģis,
Kungs mums likumus dod,
Kungs ir mūsu ķēniņš,
viņš izglābs mūs!
23 Vaļīgas tavas virves,
nevar noturēt mastus,
nedz nostiept buru –
kad dalīs dāsno laupījumu,
pat tizlais sev salaupīs gana!
24 Neviens, kas tur mīt, tad neteiks:
es sirgstu! –
Tautai, kas tur mīt, piedos vainu!
Jerusalem Will Be Safe
1 You defeated my people.
Now you're in for trouble!
You've never been destroyed,
but you will be destroyed;
you've never been betrayed,
but you will be betrayed.
When you have finished
destroying and betraying,
you will be destroyed
and betrayed in return.

2 Please, Lord, be kind to us!
We depend on you.
Make us strong each morning,
and come to save us
when we are in trouble.
3 Nations scatter when you roar
and show your greatness.
4 We attack our enemies
like swarms of locusts;
we take everything
that belongs to them.

5 You, Lord, are above all others,
and you live in the heavens.
You have brought justice
and fairness to Jerusalem;
6 you are the foundation
on which we stand today.
You always save us and give
true wisdom and knowledge.
Nothing means more to us
than obeying you.
The Lord Will Do Something
7 Listen! Our bravest soldiers
are running through the streets,
screaming for help.
Our messengers hoped for peace,
but came home crying.
8 No one travels anymore;
every road is empty.
Treaties are broken,
and no respect is shown
to any who keep promises.
9 Fields are dry and barren;
Mount Lebanon wilts
with shame.
Sharon Valley is a desert;
the forests of Bashan and Carmel
have lost their leaves.

10 But the Lord says,
“Now I will do something
and be greatly praised.
11 Your deeds are straw
that will be set on fire
by your very own breath.
12 You will be burned to ashes
like thorns in a fire.
13 Everyone, both far and near,
come look at what I have done.
See my mighty power!”
Punishment and Rewards
14 Those terrible sinners
on Mount Zion tremble
as they ask in fear,
“How can we possibly live
where a raging fire
never stops burning?”

15 But there will be rewards
for those who live right
and tell the truth,
for those who refuse
to take money by force
or accept bribes,
for all who hate murder
and violent crimes.
16 They will live in a fortress
high on a rocky cliff,
where they will have food
and plenty of water.
The Lord Is Our King
17 With your own eyes
you will see the glorious King;
you will see his kingdom
reaching far and wide.
18 Then you will ask yourself,
“Where are those officials
who terrified us and forced us
to pay such heavy taxes?”
19 You will never again have to see
the proud people who spoke
a strange and foreign language
you could not understand.

20 Look to Mount Zion
where we celebrate
our religious festivals.
You will see Jerusalem,
secure as a tent with pegs
that cannot be pulled up
and fastened with ropes
that can never be broken.
21 Our wonderful Lord
will be with us!
There will be deep rivers
and wide streams
safe from enemy ships.
The Lord Is Our Judge
22 The Lord is our judge
and our ruler;
the Lord is our king
and will keep us safe.
23 But your nation is a ship
with its rigging loose,
its mast shaky,
and its sail not spread.

Someday even you that are lame
will take everything you want
from your enemies.
24 The Lord will forgive your sins,
and none of you will say,
“I feel sick.”