Vēstījums par Bābeli
1 Vēstījums par piejūras tuksnesi.
Kā viesuļi, kas Negevā plosās,
tas nāks no tuksneša, no briesmu zemes!
2 Baisu redzējumu man pastāstīja –
laupa laupītājs, nīdē nīdētājs!
Celies, Ēlāma! Lenc, Mēdija!
Pat nopūtām darīšu galu! –
3 Tādēļ mani gurni nu pilni trīsām,
drebuļi pievārē mani,
drebu kā dzemdētāja –
tā saliekts, ka nedzirdu,
tā trūcies, ka neredzu!
4 Mana sirds lēkā,
drebas man piepeši uznākušas –
tīksmais mijkrēslis liek man trīsēt!

5 Tie klāj galdu, noliek sargus,
ēd, dzer –
celieties, augstmaņi,
ieziediet vairogus!
6 Jo tā man teica mans Kungs:
“Ej noliec sargu,
lai tas pastāsta, ko redzēs!
7 Un redzēs jātniekus pa pāriem jājam
gan uz ēzeļiem, gan uz kamieļiem –
lai ieklausās vērīgi jo vērīgi!”

8 Kā lauva viņš sauca:
sardzē, mans Kungs, es stāvu,
vienmēr, caurām dienām,
savā sarga vietā es nolikts
caurām naktīm!
9 Re, re, nāk jātnieki, pa pāriem jāj! –
Un viņš atbildēja:
“Kritusi, kritusi Bābele,
un visi tās dievekļi
guļ zemē satriekti!”
10 Tu – mana kultā un vētītā!
Ko no Pulku Kunga,
Israēla Dieva, dzirdēju,
to tev stāstu!
Vēstījums par Edomu
11 Vēstījums par Dūmu.
Uz mani no Seīra sauc:
“Sargs, cik gara vēl nakts?
Sargs, cik gara vēl nakts?”
12 Sargs atteic:
“Nāk rīts, bet vēl nakts!
Ja gribat zināt, jautājiet vēl!”
Vēstījums par Arabu
13 Vēstījums par Arabu.
Arabas mežos nakšņojiet,
dedāniešu karavānas!
14 Satiekot slāpstošo, dodiet ūdeni,
Tēmas zemes iemītnieki,
ar maizi nāciet bēguļiem pretī –
15 tie no zobena bēguši,
no izvilkta zobena,
no uzvilkta loka,
no smagas cīņas!
16 Jo tā man teica mans Kungs: “Vēl gadu, skaitot kā algādža gadus, un visai Kēderas godībai beigas! 17 Kēderas varonīgajiem dēliem paliks pavisam maz loka šāvēju, jo Kungs, Israēla Dievs, ir runājis!”
The Fall of Babylonia
1 This is a message about a desert beside the sea:

Enemies from a hostile nation
attack like a whirlwind
from the Southern Desert.
2 What a horrible vision
was shown to me—
a vision of betrayal
and destruction.
Tell Elam and Media
to surround and attack
the Babylonians.
The Lord has sworn to end
the suffering they caused.

3 I'm in terrible pain
like a woman giving birth.
I'm shocked and hurt so much
that I can't hear or see.
4 My head spins; I'm horrified!
Early evening, my favorite time,
has become a nightmare.

5 In Babylon the high officials
were having a feast.
They were eating and drinking,
when someone shouted,
“Officers, take your places!
Grab your shields.”

6 The Lord said to me,
“Send guards
to find out
what's going on.
7 When they see cavalry troops
and columns of soldiers
on donkeys and camels,
tell them to be ready!”

8 Then a guard said,
“I have stood day and night
on this watchtower, Lord.
9 Now I see column after column
of cavalry troops.”

At once someone shouted,
“Babylon has fallen!
Every idol in the city
lies broken on the ground.”

10 Then I said, “My people,
you have suffered terribly,
but I have a message for you
from the Lord All-Powerful,
the God of Israel.”
How Much Longer?
11 This is a message about Dumah:

From the country of Seir,
someone shouts to me,
“Guard, how much longer
before daylight?”

12 From my guard post, I answered,
“Morning will soon be here,
but night will return.
If you want to know more,
come back later.”

13 This is a message for Arabs who live in the barren desert in the region of Dedan:

You must order your caravans
14 to bring water for those
who are thirsty.
You people of Tema
must bring food
for the hungry refugees.
15 They are worn out and weary
from being chased by enemies
with swords and arrows.

16 The Lord said to me:
A year from now the glory of the people of Kedar will all come to an end, just as a worker's contract ends after a year. 17 Only a few of their warriors will be left with bows and arrows. This is a promise that I, the Lord God of Israel, have made.