Dzinums no Jišaja celma
(Jes 9:1–7)
1 Nāks dzinums no Jišaja celma,
un atvase kuplos no viņa saknes!
2 Dusēs pār viņu Kunga gars,
gudrības un saprāta gars,
padoma un varonības gars,
atziņas gars un Kunga bijība!
3 Kunga bijība būs viņa tikums,
viņš nespriedīs pēc tā, ko acīm redzējis,
viņš nelems pēc tā, ko ausīm dzirdējis, –
4 nabagiem spriedīs viņš taisnu tiesu
un godīgi izšķirs zemes trūcīgiem lietu,
ar savas mutes zizli viņš sitīs zemi,
ar savu lūpu dvesmu viņš nonāvēs ļaundarus!
5 Taisnība būs josta viņam ap krustiem,
un uzticība būs viņa gurnu josta!

6 Vilks mitīs kopā ar jēru,
pantera kopā ar kazlēnu gulēs,
tele, lauvēns un nobarots vērsis blakus –
mazs zēns tos ganīs!
7 Govs ganīsies kopā ar lāci,
kopā tiem mazuļi gulšņās,
un lauva ēdīs salmus kā vērsis!
8 Zīdainis spēlēsies pie odzes alas,
un čūsku midzenī mazulis bāzīs roku!
9 Neviens nedarīs ļauna
un nepostīs neko manā svētajā kalnā,
jo zeme būs pārpilna Kunga atziņas,
kā ūdens uz jūru tā plūdīs!

10 Tā būs tajā dienā –
Jišaja sakne kļūs par karogu tautām,
tad tautas meklēs viņu
un būs viņa miervieta godā!
Kungs izglābs savas tautas atlikumu
11 Tā būs tajā dienā –
Kungs stieps savu roku otrreiz,
lai atgūtu to, kas viņam no tautas atlicis,
kas atlicis Asīrijā un Ēģiptē,
Patrosā, Kūšā un Ēlāmā,
un Šinārā, Hamātā un jūras salās!
12 Viņš pacels karogu tautām,
pulcēs no Israēla patriektos,
kas no Jūdas izdzenāti –
viņš salasīs tos no visiem četriem zemes stūriem!
13 Tad zudīs Efraima niknums
un Jūdas nīdēji tiks iznīdēti,
Efraims vairs neniknosies pret Jūdu
un Jūda nenaidosies ar Efraimu!
14 Uz jūras pusi tie metīsies – filistiešiem kaklā,
kopā aplaupīs tos, kas mīt austrumos, –
pret Edomu un Moābu pacels roku,
un Amona dēli tiem klausīs!
15 Izraus Kungs Ēģiptes upei mēli,
ar svelmainu garu stieps roku pret upi,
sašķels to septiņās straumēs,
ka sausām kājām var pāriet!
16 Pašķirsies ceļš tautas atlikumam,
kas Asīrijā palicis, –
tāpat kā Israēlam todien,
kad tas izgāja no Ēģiptes zemes!
Peace at Last
1 Like a branch that sprouts
from a stump,
someone from David's family
will someday be king.
2 The Spirit of the Lord
will be with him
to give him understanding,
wisdom, and insight.
He will be powerful,
and he will know
and honor the Lord.
3 His greatest joy will be
to obey the Lord.

This king won't judge
by appearances
or listen to rumors.
4 The poor and the needy
will be treated with fairness
and with justice.
His word will be law
everywhere in the land,
and criminals
will be put to death.
5 Honesty and fairness
will be his royal robes.

6 Leopards will lie down
with young goats,
and wolves will rest
with lambs.
Calves and lions
will eat together
and be cared for
by little children.
7 Cows and bears will share
the same pasture;
their young will rest
side by side.
Lions and oxen
will both eat straw.

8 Little children will play
near snake holes.
They will stick their hands
into dens of poisonous snakes
and never be hurt.

9 Nothing harmful will take place
on the Lord's holy mountain.
Just as water fills the sea,
the land will be filled
with people who know
and honor the Lord.
God's People Will Come Back Home
10 The time is coming when one of David's descendants will be the signal for the people of all nations to come together. They will follow his advice, and his own nation will become famous.
11 When that day comes, the Lord will again reach out his mighty arm and bring home his people who have survived in Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Ethiopia, Elam, Shinar, Hamath, and the land along the coast. 12 He will give a signal to the nations, and he will bring together the refugees from Judah and Israel, who have been scattered all over the earth. 13 Israel will stop being jealous of Judah, and Judah will no longer be the enemy of Israel. 14 Instead, they will get together and attack the Philistines in the west. Then they will defeat the Edomites, the Moabites, and the Ammonites in the east. They will rule those people and take from them whatever they want.
15 The Lord will dry up the arm of the Red Sea near Egypt, and he will send a scorching wind to divide the Euphrates River into seven streams that anyone can step across. 16 Then for his people who survive, there will be a good road from Assyria, just as there was a good road for their ancestors when they left Egypt.