Dieva mīlestība par spīti Israēla nepateicībai
1 Kad Israēls bija zēns,
es viņu mīlēju,
no Ēģiptes es izsaucu savu dēlu!
2 Saucu uz viņiem –
tagad tie aiziet projām,
upurē baāliem un dievekļiem kvēpina!
3 Es mācīju Efraimam staigāt,
ņēmu viņu pie rokas –
bet šie nezina, ka esmu viņus dziedinājis!
4 Ar cilvēciskām saitēm viņus sev piesaistīju,
ar mīlestības virvēm,
es viņiem noņēmu jūgu un nocēlu sakas,
maigi es viņus ēdināju!
5 Uz Ēģiptes zemi tam atpakaļ jādodas nebūs,
bet Ašūrs gan būs viņa ķēniņš,
jo viņš liedzās atgriezties!
6 Viņa pilsētās dancos zobens,
izgāzīs viņa vārtus
un aprīs tos viņu nodomu dēļ!
7 Mana tauta tiecas
prom no manis.
Augšup gan tie visi aicina,
bet neviens neceļas!
8 Kā lai es tev līdzu, Efraim,
un aizsedzu tevi, Israēl, –
kā gan lai izdaru tev tāpat kā Admai,
padaru tevi kā Ceboīmu –
mana sirds jau citāda,
es iesilstu līdzjūtībā!
9 Es neļaušos dusmu kvēlei,
es neiznīdēšu Efraimu vēlreiz,
jo es esmu Dievs un ne cilvēks.
Svētais ir jūsu vidū –
es pilsētā nenākšu!
10 Tie sekos Kungam,
kā lauva viņš rēks,
un, kad viņš rēks,
tad drebēs rietumnieki!
11 Tie aizspurgs no Ēģiptes kā putni,
kā baloži no Asīrijas zemes,
es tos iemitināšu pašu mājās! –
saka Kungs.
God's Love for His People
1 When Israel was a child,
I loved him, and I called
my son out of Egypt.
2 But as the saying goes,
“The more they were called,
the more they rebelled.”
They never stopped offering
incense and sacrifices
to the idols of Baal.
3 I took Israel by the arm
and taught them to walk.
But they would not admit
that I was the one
who had healed them.
4 I led them with kindness
and with love,
not with ropes.
I held them close to me;
I bent down to feed them.
5 But they rejected me,
and so must return to Egypt;
now Assyria will rule them.
6 War will visit their cities,
and their plans will fail.
7 My people are determined
to reject me for a god
they think is stronger,
but he can't help.
8 Israel, I can't let you go.
I can't give you up.
How could I possibly destroy you
as I did the towns of Admah
and Zeboiim?
I just can't do it.
My feelings for you
are much too strong.
9 Israel, I won't lose my temper
and destroy you again.
I am the Holy God—
not merely some human,
and I won't stay angry.
10 I, the Lord, will roar like a lion,
and my children will return,
trembling from the west.
11 They will come back,
fluttering like birds from Egypt
or like doves from Assyria.
Then I will bring them
back to their homes.
I, the Lord, have spoken!
Israel and Judah Compared
12 Israel is deceitful to me,
their loyal and holy God;
they surround me with lies,
and Judah worships
other gods.