1 Nekavēsimies vairs pie Kristus mācības sākuma, dosimies pretī pilnībai; neliksim no jauna pamatu: atgriešanos no mirušiem darbiem un ticību Dievam, 2 mācību par kristībām un par roku uzlikšanu vai par mirušo augšāmcelšanos un mūžīgo sodību. 3 Arī to mēs darīsim, ja Dievs ļaus. 4 Bet tos, kas reiz tikuši apgaismoti, baudījuši debesu dāvanas, ir bijuši līdzdalīgi pie Svētā gara, 5 baudījuši Dieva labos vārdus un sajutuši nākamības laikmeta spēkus, 6 un tad atkrituši no ticības, tos nav iespējams atkal no jauna vest pie atgriešanās, jo tie Dieva dēlu no jauna piesit krustā un liek apsmieklam. 7 Svētību no Dieva saņem tā zeme, kas dzērusi bagātīgi lijušu lietu un izaudzē noderīgus augus tiem, kas šo zemi apstrādā, 8 bet tā zeme, kas izaudzē ērkšķus un dadžus, ir nederīga un gandrīz vai nolādēta, tā nolemta izdegšanai. 9 Tā runājot, mīļotie, mēs gan esam pārliecināti par ko labāku attiecībā uz jūsu pestīšanu. 10 Dievs nav netaisns un neaizmirst jūsu darbu un mīlestību, ko esat izrādījuši viņa vārdā – gan iepriekš, gan tagad kalpodami svētajiem. 11 Mēs no sirds vēlamies, lai katrs no jums uztur savu dedzību cerības piepildījumam līdz galam. 12 Netopiet kūtri, bet līdzinieties tiem, kas ticībā un pazemībā iemanto apsolījumus.
Dieva apsolījums ir negrozāms
13 Kad Dievs deva apsolījumu Ābrahāmam, viņam nebija neviena lielāka, pie kā zvērēt, tādēļ viņš zvērēja pie sevis paša, 14 sacīdams: patiesi, es tevi svētīdams svētīšu un vairodams vairošu , 15 un viņš, pacietīgi gaidījis, tika pie apsolītā. 16 Cilvēki zvēr, piesaucot ko lielāku par sevi, un ikvienu nesaskaņu viņu vidū beidz apstiprinājums ar zvērestu. 17 Dievs, jo skaidrāk gribēdams parādīt apsolījuma mantiniekiem savas gribas nemainīgumu, saistīja sevi ar zvērestu, 18 lai šajās divās nemainīgajās lietās, kurās ir neiespējami, ka Dievs melotu, – mums būtu spēcīgs iepriecinājums, ka mēs, kas esam atraduši patvērumu pie viņa, mums doto cerību noturētu. 19 Tā mums ir stiprs un drošs dvēseles enkurs, kas sniedzas dziļi iekšā aiz priekškara, 20 kur Jēzus par mums iegāja pirmais, uz mūžiem tapdams par augsto priesteri pēc Melhisedeka kārtas.
1 We must try to become mature and start thinking about more than just the basic things we were taught about Christ. We shouldn't need to keep talking about why we ought to turn from deeds that bring death and why we ought to have faith in God. 2 And we shouldn't need to keep teaching about baptisms or about the laying on of hands or about people being raised from death and the future judgment. 3 Let's grow up, if God is willing.
4-6 But what about people who turn away after they have already seen the light and have received the gift from heaven and have shared in the Holy Spirit? What about those who turn away after they have received the good message of God and the powers of the future world? There is no way to bring them back. What they are doing is the same as nailing the Son of God to a cross and insulting him in public!
7 A field is useful to farmers, if there is enough rain to make good crops grow. In fact, God will bless such a field. 8 But land that produces only thornbushes is worthless. It is likely to fall under God's curse, and in the end it will be set on fire.
9 My friends, we are talking this way. But we are sure that you are doing those really good things people do when they are being saved. 10 God is always fair. He will remember how you helped his people in the past and how you are still helping them. You belong to God, and he won't forget the love you have shown his people. 11 We wish each of you would always be eager to show how strong and lasting your hope really is. 12 Then you would never be lazy. You would be following the example of those who had faith and were patient until God kept his promise to them.
God's Promise Is Sure
13 No one is greater than God. So he made a promise in his own name when he said to Abraham, 14 “I, the Lord, will bless you with many descendants!” 15 Then after Abraham had been very patient, he was given what God had promised. 16 When anyone wants to settle an argument, they make a vow by using the name of someone or something greater than themselves. 17 So when God wanted to prove for certain his promise to his people could not be broken, he made a vow. 18 God cannot tell lies! And so his promises and vows are two things that can never be changed.
We have run to God for safety. Now his promises should greatly encourage us to take hold of the hope that is right in front of us. 19 This hope is like a firm and steady anchor for our souls. In fact, hope reaches behind the curtain and into the most holy place. 20 Jesus has gone there ahead of us, and he is our high priest forever, just like Melchizedek.