1 Es nostāšos sargtornī,
uzkāpšu tornī un raudzīšos,
lai redzētu, ko viņš man teiks,
vai atbildēs manai žēlabai.
Kunga atbilde uz sūdzību
2 Kungs atbildēja un teica:
“Raksti šo redzējumu, iegreb plāksnēs,
lai ikviens to viegli var izlasīt!
3 Jo šis redzējums ir par nolikto laiku,
tas jau steidz piepildīties un nemelo –
gaidi, tas nāktin nāks un neizpaliks!
4 Redzi, uzpūtīgs tas, kam netaisna sirds,
bet taisnais dzīvos savas uzticēšanās dēļ!”
Bēdas visiem ļauna darītājiem
5 Tas gan tiesa –
vīns piekrāpj stipru vīru,
ka nav tam miera, tas rosās,
tam dvēsele kā kaps, kā nāve:
nekad tam nav gana,
tas pievāc sev visas tautas
un pulcina sev visus ļaudis!
6 Vai tās neteiks par viņu līdzību,
vai neskandēs joku dziesmu,
vai nesacīs:
vai! tam, kas sev grābj to,
kas tam nepieder, –
cik ilgi viņš sevi apkraus parādiem?!
7 Vai pēkšņi nenāks pret tevi tie,
kas aizdevuši?
Vai tie nemodīsies un neliks tev drebēt?
Tu kļūsi viņiem par laupījumu!
8 Jo tu esi aplaupījis daudzas tautas,
nu tevi aplaupīs tās, kas vēl atlikušas, –
cilvēku asiņu un varasdarbu dēļ pār visu zemi,
ko tu darīji pret pilsētām un tiem, kas tur mīt!
9 Vai! tam, kurš gūst netaisnu peļņu savam namam,
lai sev celtu augstumos ligzdu,
kur drošība un kur ļaunums nesniedzas!
10 Tu devi padomu, apkaunojot savu namu,
tu izkāvi daudzas tautas, grēkojot pret sevi pašu!
11 Jo akmeņi sienās brēks un koka sijas tiem atbildēs!
12 Vai! tam, kurš asinīs uzceļ pilsētu,
kas pilsētu ļaunumā dibina!
13 Redzi, vai tas nenāk no Pulku Kunga,
ka tautu pūles tik ugunij
un ļaudis pa tukšo nopūlas?!
14 Jo zeme tiks piepildīta
ar Kunga godības atziņu –
kā ūdeņi pārklāj jūru!
15 Vai! tam, kas savu tuvāko apdzirda,
piejaucot klāt savu žulti,
piedzirda to, lai redzētu tā kaunumu.
16 Goda vietā tu būsi sāts kauna,
tu piedzersies, tā ka redzēs –
tu neapgraizīts!
Kad Kunga labās rokas kauss nonāks pie tevis,
tad tava godība pārtaps negodā!
17 Jo tavi Lebanonā darītie varasdarbi pārņems tevi,
jo tu izlēji cilvēka asinis
un darīji varasdarbus pār visu zemi
pret pilsētām un tiem, kas tur mīt, –
tādēļ tevi baidīs posts un meža zvēri!
18 Ko dod elks, kuru amatnieks grebis,
ko dod izliets tēls, kas māca melus, –
tik amatnieks savam roku darbam tic,
kas taisījis mēmus elkus!
19 Vai! tam, kas kokam saka: celies! –
kas mēmam akmenim teic: mosties! –
Ko tāds var pamācīt?!
Redzi, tas gan pārklāts ar zeltu un sudrabu,
taču dvašas tam iekšā nav!
20 Kungs ir savā svētajā templī,
klusti viņa priekšā, visa zeme!
The Lord Answers Habakkuk Again
1 While standing guard
on the watchtower,
I waited for the Lord's answer,
before explaining the reason
for my complaint.
2 Then the Lord told me:
“I will give you my message
in the form of a vision.
Write it clearly enough
to be read at a glance.
3 At the time I have decided,
my words will come true.
You can trust what I say
about the future.
It may take a long time,
but keep on waiting—
it will happen!
4 “I, the Lord, refuse to accept
anyone who is proud.
Only those who live by faith
are acceptable to me.”
Trouble for Evil People
5 Wine is treacherous,
and arrogant people
are never satisfied.
They are no less greedy
than death itself—
they open their mouths as wide
as the world of the dead
and swallow everyone.
6 But they will be mocked
with these words:
You're doomed!
You stored up stolen goods
and cheated others
of what belonged to them.
7 But without warning,
those you owe
will demand payment.
Then you will become
a frightened victim.
8 You robbed cities and nations
everywhere on earth
and murdered their people.
Now those who survived
will be as cruel to you.
9 You're doomed!
You made your family rich
at the expense of others.
You even said to yourself,
“I'm above the law.”
10 But you will bring shame
on your family
and ruin to yourself
for what you did to others.
11 The very stones and wood
in your home
will testify against you.
12 You're doomed! You built a city
on crime and violence.
13 But the Lord All-Powerful
sends up in flames
what nations and people
work so hard to gain.
14 Just as water fills the sea,
the land will be filled
with people who know
and honor the Lord.
15 You're doomed!
You get your friends drunk,
just to see them naked.
16 Now you will be disgraced
instead of praised.
The Lord will make you drunk,
and when others see you naked,
you will lose their respect.
17 You destroyed trees and animals
on Mount Lebanon;
you were ruthless to towns
and people everywhere.
Now you will be terrorized.
Idolatry Is Foolish
18 What is an idol worth?
It's merely a false god.
Why trust a speechless image
made from wood or metal
by human hands?
19 What can you learn from idols
covered with silver or gold?
They can't even breathe.
Pity anyone who says to an idol
of wood or stone,
“Get up and do something!”
20 Let all the world be silent—
the Lord is present
in his holy temple.