Īzaks apmetas Gerārā
1 Tajā zemē bija bads – tāpat kā iepriekš, kad bads bija Ābrahāma dienās. Īzaks devās uz Gerāru pie filistiešu ķēniņa Abīmeleha. 2 Un viņam parādījās Kungs un teica: “Neej uz Ēģipti! Apmeties zemē, kur es tev teikšu! 3 Mīti tajā zemē, un es būšu ar tevi un tevi svētīšu, jo visas šīs zemes es došu tev un taviem pēcnācējiem, un es piepildīšu zvērestu, ko esmu devis tavam tēvam Ābrahāmam. 4 Un es vairošu tavus pēcnācējus kā debesu zvaigznes, es došu taviem pēcnācējiem visas šīs zemes, un tavos pēcnācējos tiks svētītas visas zemes tautas – 5 tādēļ ka Ābrahāms klausīja manai balsij un turēja manus norādījumus, manus baušļus, manus likumus un manu bauslību!” 6 Un Īzaks apmetās Gerārā. 7 Un turienes vīri jautāja par viņa sievu, un viņš teica: “Viņa ir mana māsa,” jo viņš baidījās teikt: mana sieva, lai turienes vīri viņu Rebekas dēļ nenokautu, jo viņa bija ļoti skaista. 8 Kad viņš bija tur mitis jau ilgas dienas, filistiešu ķēniņš Abīmelehs palūkojās pa logu un skatījās, un redzi – Īzaks mīlinās ar savu sievu Rebeku. 9 Un Abīmelehs pasauca Īzaku un teica: “Tad redz, kā – viņa ir tava sieva! Kā tu varēji teikt: viņa ir mana māsa?!” Un Īzaks viņam teica: “Es domāju, lai man nebūtu jāmirst viņas dēļ!” 10 Un Abīmelehs teica: “Ko tu mums esi nodarījis?! Maz trūka, ka kāds no ļaudīm būtu gulējis ar tavu sievu un tu būtu mums uzkrāvis vainu!” 11 Un Abīmelehs pavēlēja visai tautai, sacīdams: “Kas aizskars šo vīru vai viņa sievu, tas mirtin mirs!”
12 Īzaks apsēja to zemi un tajā pašā gadā ievāca simtkārtīgi, jo Kungs viņu bija svētījis. 13 Un viņš kļuva varenāks un varenāks, līdz tapa jo varens! 14 Viņam bija sīklopu ganāmpulki un liellopu ganāmpulki, un liela saime, un filistieši apskauda viņu. 15 Filistieši aizbēra ar zemi visas akas, ko viņa tēva Ābrahāma dienās bija izrakuši viņa vergi. 16 Un Abīmelehs teica Īzakam: “Ej projām no mums, jo tu esi kļuvis krietni varenāks par mums!” 17 Un Īzaks aizgāja no turienes, apmetās Gerāras ielejā un mita tur. 18 Īzaks tur dzīvoja un atraka ūdens akas, kuras bija raktas viņa tēva Ābrahāma dienās un kuras filistieši pēc Ābrahāma nāves bija aizbēruši, un viņš nosauca tās tādos pašos vārdos, kā tās bija saucis viņa tēvs. 19 Īzaka kalpi raka ielejā un atrada tur tekoša ūdens avotu. 20 Un Gerāras gani strīdējās ar Īzaka ganiem, sacīdami: “Mūsu ūdens!” – un viņš nosauca to vietu vārdā Ēseka , jo tie ar viņu bija kašķējušies. 21 Un viņi raka citu aku un strīdējās arī par to, un viņš nosauca to vārdā Sitna . 22 Un viņš devās no turienes tālāk un raka citu aku, un par to vairs nestrīdējās, un viņš nosauca to vārdā Rehobota , sacīdams: “Jo tagad Kungs ir licis mums iet plašumā un ir mūs darījis auglīgus šai zemē!” 23 No turienes viņš devās uz Bēršebu. 24 Un tonakt viņam parādījās Kungs un teica: “Es esmu tava tēva Ābrahāma Dievs, nebaidies, jo es esmu kopā ar tevi – es tevi svētīšu un vairošu tavus pēcnācējus sava kalpa Ābrahāma dēļ!” 25 Un viņš uzcēla tur altāri un piesauca Kunga vārdu, izpleta tur savu telti, un Īzaka kalpi tur izcirta aku. 26 Un no Gerāras pie viņa atnāca Abīmelehs un Ahuzats, viņa draugs, un karaspēka pavēlnieks Pīhols. 27 Un Īzaks tiem teica: “Kāpēc jūs nācāt pie manis – jūs taču nīstat mani un padzināt mani!” 28 Bet viņi teica: “Mēs taču redzam, ka Kungs ir bijis ar tevi, un mēs nospriedām: noslēgsim zvērestu savā starpā! – un mēs slēgsim ar tevi derību, 29 ka tu mums nedarīsi ļaunu, tāpat kā mēs neaizskarsim tevi. Mēs esam tev darījuši tikai labu un atlaiduši tevi ar mieru, un tagad tu esi Kunga svētīts!” 30 Un viņš sarīkoja tiem dzīres, un viņi ēda un dzēra. 31 Un viņi cēlās agri no rīta, zvērēja viens otram, un Īzaks atlaida viņus, un tie aizgāja no viņa ar mieru. 32 Tajā pašā dienā atnāca Īzaka kalpi un pastāstīja viņam par aku, ko bija izrakuši, un teica: “Mēs atradām ūdeni!” 33 Un viņš nosauca to par Šibu, tādēļ to pilsētu līdz šai dienai sauc par Bēršebu.
34 Un Ēsavs bija četrdesmit gadu vecs, un viņš apņēma sievas – Judīti, hetieša Beērī meitu, un Bāsmati, hetieša Ēlona meitu. 35 Viņas sarūgtināja Īzaku un Rebeku.
Isaac and Abimelech
1 Once during Abraham's lifetime, the fields had not produced enough grain, and now the same thing happened. So Isaac went to King Abimelech of the Philistines in the land of Gerar, 2 because the Lord had appeared to Isaac and said:
Isaac, stay away from Egypt! I will show you where I want you to go. 3 You will live there as a foreigner, but I will be with you and bless you. I will keep my promise to your father Abraham by giving this land to you and your descendants.
4 I will give you as many descendants as there are stars in the sky, and I will give your descendants all of this land. They will be a blessing to every nation on earth, 5 because Abraham did everything I told him to do.
6 Isaac moved to Gerar 7 with his beautiful wife Rebekah. He was afraid that someone might kill him to get her, and so he told everyone that Rebekah was his sister. 8 After Isaac had been there a long time, King Abimelech looked out a window and saw Isaac hugging and kissing Rebekah. 9 Abimelech called him in and said, “Rebekah must be your wife! Why did you say she is your sister?”
“Because I thought someone would kill me,” Isaac answered.
10 “Don't you know what you've done?” Abimelech exclaimed. “If someone had slept with her, you would have made our whole nation guilty!” 11 Then Abimelech warned his people that anyone who even touched Isaac or Rebekah would be put to death.
12 Isaac planted grain and had a good harvest that same year. The Lord blessed him, 13 and Isaac was so successful that he became very rich. 14 In fact, the Philistines were jealous of the large number of sheep, goats, and slaves that Isaac owned, 15 and they stopped up the wells that Abraham's servants had dug before his death. 16 Finally, Abimelech said, “Isaac, I want you to leave our country. You have become too powerful to stay here.”
17 Isaac left and settled in Gerar Valley, 18 where he cleaned out those wells that the Philistines had stopped up. Isaac also gave each of the wells the same name that Abraham had given to them. 19 While his servants were digging in the valley, they found a spring-fed well. 20 But the shepherds of Gerar Valley quarreled with Isaac's shepherds and claimed the water belonged to them. So this well was named “Quarrel,” because they had quarreled with Isaac.
21 Isaac's servants dug another well, and the shepherds also quarreled about it. So that well was named “Jealous.” 22 Finally, they dug one more well. There was no quarreling this time, and the well was named “Lots of Room,” because the Lord had given them room and would make them very successful.
23 Isaac went on to Beersheba, 24 where the Lord appeared to him that night and told him, “Don't be afraid! I am the God who was worshiped by your father Abraham, my servant. I will be with you and bless you, and because of Abraham I will give you many descendants.” 25 Isaac built an altar there and worshiped the Lord. Then he set up camp, and his servants started digging a well.
26 Meanwhile, Abimelech had left Gerar and was taking his advisor Ahuzzath and his army commander Phicol to see Isaac. 27 When they arrived, Isaac asked, “Why are you here? Didn't you send me away because you hated me?”
28 They answered, “We now know for certain that the Lord is with you, and we have decided there needs to be a peace treaty between you and us. So let's make a solemn agreement 29 not to harm each other. Remember, we have never hurt you, and when we sent you away, we let you go in peace. The Lord has truly blessed you.”
30 Isaac gave a big feast for them, and everyone ate and drank. 31 Early the next morning Isaac and the others made a solemn agreement, then he let them go in peace.
32 Later that same day Isaac's servants came and said, “We've struck water!” 33 So Isaac named the well Shibah, and the town is still called Beersheba.
Esau's Foreign Wives
34 When Esau was 40 years old, he married Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite and Basemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite. 35 But these two women brought a lot of grief to Esau's parents Isaac and Rebekah.