Jauktās laulības
1 Kad viss bija padarīts, pie manis pienāca Israēla augstmaņi un sacīja: “Israēla tauta, priesteri un levīti nav nošķīrušies no šo zemju tautām: kanaāniešiem, hetiešiem, periziešiem, jebūsiešiem, amoniešiem, moābiešiem, ēģiptiešiem, amoriešiem un viņu preteklībām! 2 Viņi ir ņēmuši sev un saviem dēliem sievas no viņu meitām un sajaukuši svēto sēklu ar šīs zemes tautām! Pirmie šajā neuzticībā ir bijuši vadoņi un ierēdņi!” 3 To dzirdējis, es saplēsu savas drēbes un apmetni, plēsu matus un bārdu un satriekts apsēdos. 4 Tad pie manis sapulcējās visi, kas no gūsta pārnākušo neuzticības dēļ bija pārbijušies no Israēla Dieva vārdiem, un es sēdēju satriekts līdz vakara upura laikam.
Ezras lūgšana
5 Vakara upura laikā saplēstās drēbēs un apmetnī es cēlos no savām ciešanām, kritu uz ceļiem, stiepu rokas pret Kungu, savu Dievu, 6 un teicu: “Mans Dievs, es kaunos un bīstos paraudzīties uz tevi, mans Dievs, mūsu netaisnība ir augusi pāri mūsu galvām un mūsu vaina sniedzas līdz debesīm! 7 Kopš mūsu tēvu dienām līdz šīm dienām savas netaisnības dēļ mēs esam jo vainīgi! Mūsu ķēniņi un priesteri ir atdoti par laupījumu un kaunu svešzemju ķēniņu zobenam un gūstam, un tā tas ir vēl šodien! 8 Bet tagad mazu brīdi ir dota labvēlība no Kunga, mūsu Dieva, kurš ļāva mums izglābties un uzsliet telti viņa svētvietā, lai mūsu Dievs darītu gaišas mūsu acis un ļautu mazliet atgūties no verdzības, 9 jo mēs esam vergi, bet mūsu Dievs nav mūs pametis verdzībā! Viņš mūs ir pievērsis Persijas ķēniņu laipnībai, lai ļautu mums atgūties, celtu mūsu Dieva namu, atjaunotu to no drupām un dotu mums aizsargmūrus Jūdā un Jeruzālemē.
10 Ko lai sakām tagad, mūsu Dievs! Mēs esam atmetuši tavus baušļus, 11 ko tu esi devis caur saviem kalpiem, praviešiem, sacīdams: zeme, kuru jūs ejat iemantot, ir nešķīsta zeme. Tā ir nešķīsta ar tās zemes tautu nešķīstību, savā riebeklībā tie piepildījuši zemi no vienas malas līdz otrai ar savām preteklībām. 12 Tādēļ nedodiet savas meitas viņu dēliem un neņemiet viņu meitas saviem dēliem, nemūžam nelūkojiet pēc miera ar viņiem, nedz labklājības – tad jūs kļūsiet stipri un ēdīsiet tās zemes labumus un jūsu dēli to mantos mūžīgi! 13 Pēc visa, kas pār mums nācis mūsu ļauno darbu un lielās vainas dēļ – kaut tu, mūsu Dievs, esi mūs saudzējis vairāk nekā mēs ar saviem noziegumiem esam to pelnījuši, un devis tādu glābšanu kā šo – 14 vai lai atkal mēs laužam tavus baušļus un saradojamies ar šīm pretīgo elku tautām? Vai tu uz mums dusmosi, līdz vairs nebūs ne atlikuma, ne glābiņa?
15 Kungs, Israēla Dievs, tu esi taisns, jo mums, atlikušajiem, šodien ir glābšana! Redzi, mēs esam vainīgi tavā priekšā, jo nevaram pastāvēt tavā priekšā šīs lietas dēļ!”
Ezra Condemns Mixed Marriages
1 Later the Jewish leaders came to me and said:
Many Israelites, including priests and Levites, are living just like the people around them. They are even guilty of some of the horrible sins of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.
2 Some Israelite men have married foreign women and have let their sons do the same thing. Our own officials and leaders were the first to commit this disgusting sin, and now God's holy people are mixed with foreigners.
3 This news made me so angry that I ripped my clothes and tore hair from my head and beard. Then I just sat in shock 4 until the time for the evening sacrifice. Many of our people were greatly concerned and gathered around me, because the God of Israel had warned us to stay away from foreigners.
Ezra's Prayer
5 At the time of the evening sacrifice, I was still sitting there in sorrow with my clothes all torn. So I got down on my knees, then lifted my arms, 6 and prayed:
I am much too ashamed to face you, Lord God. Our sins and our guilt have swept over us like a flood that reaches up to the heavens. 7 Since the time of our ancestors, all of us have sinned. That's why we, our kings, and our priests have often been defeated by other kings. They have killed some of us and made slaves of others; they have taken our possessions and made us ashamed, just as we are today.
8 But for now, Lord God, you have shown great kindness to us. You made us truly happy by letting some of us settle in this sacred place and by helping us in our time of slavery. 9 We are slaves, but you have never turned your back on us. You love us, and because of you, the kings of Persia have helped us. It's as though you have given us new life! You let us rebuild your temple and live safely in Judah and Jerusalem.
10 Our God, what can we say now? Even after all this, we have disobeyed the commands 11 that were given to us by your servants the prophets. They said the land you are giving us is full of sinful and wicked people, who never stop doing disgusting things. 12 And we were warned not to let our daughters and sons marry their sons and daughters.
Your prophets also told us never to help those foreigners or even let them live in peace. You wanted us to become strong and to enjoy the good things in the land, then someday to leave it to our children forever.
13 You punished us because of our terrible sins. But you did not punish us nearly as much as we deserve, and you have brought some of us back home. 14 Why should we disobey your commands again by letting our sons and daughters marry these foreigners who do such disgusting things? That would make you angry enough to destroy us all! 15 Lord God of Israel, you have been more than fair by letting a few of us survive. But once again, our sins have made us ashamed to face you.