Vēstījums par Tīras valdnieku
1 Kunga vārds nāca pār mani: 2 “Cilvēka dēls, saki Tīras valdniekam: tā saka Kungs Dievs:
savā sirds lepnībā tu teici: es esmu Dievs!
Es sēžu dievu sēdeklī jūru viducī!
Bet tu esi vien cilvēks, ne Dievs,
kaut tu domā – tev Dieva prāts!
3 Tu esot gudrāks par Daniēlu,
ik noslēpums tev esot zināms!
4 Savā gudrībā un saprašanā tu guvi mantu –
zeltu un sudrabu savām mantnīcām.
5 Savā lielajā gudrībā tu tirgodams vairoji mantu,
savā prātā tu lepojies ar savu mantu!
6 Tādēļ tā saka Kungs Dievs:
tu domā – tev Dieva prāts,
7 tādēļ es pret tevi vedīšu svešiniekus,
visvarmācīgākās tautas!
Tie izraus savus zobenus
pret tavu brīnišķo gudrību,
tie sagānīs tavu dižumu!
8 Tie sviedīs tevi bedrē,
kautin tie tevi kaus jūras viducī!
9 Vai tu vēl teiksi:
es esmu dievs, –
savu kāvēju priekšā!
Tu esi cilvēks, ne dievs,
to rokās, kas tevi nodurs!
10 Kā neapgraizītie mirst,
tā tu mirsi no svešinieku rokas,
jo es tā teicu!”
saka Kungs Dievs.
Raudu dziesma par Tīras valdnieku
11 Kunga vārds nāca pār mani: 12 “Cilvēka dēls, sāc žēlabu dziesmu par Tīras ķēniņu. Saki viņam: tā saka Kungs Dievs:
tu, pilnības paraugs,
gudrību guvies un skaistumu smēlies,
13 Ēdenē miti, Dieva dārzā!
Tu greznojies dārgakmeņiem –
rubīnu, topāzu, oniksu,
hrizolītu, berilu, jašmu,
safīru, tirkīzu, smaragdu.
Zelta rotas un lietas bija jau gatavas
dienā, kad tevi radīja.
14 Tu tiki svaidīts par sargātāju ķerubu,
es tevi liku svētajā Dieva kalnā,
starp uguns akmeņiem tu staigāji!
15 Nevainojamas bija tavas gaitas
kopš dienas, kad tiki radīts,
līdz tevī atrada netaisnību!
16 Vērienīgi tirgojoties,
tu sevi piepildīji ar varasdarbiem –
un tu grēkoji.
Es tevi padzinu no Dieva kalna
un patrencu tevi, sargātāj ķerub, no uguns akmeņiem.
17 Tava sirds lepojās par tavu lieliskumu –
dižošanās samaitāja tavu gudrību.
Es tevi zemē nosviedīšu,
ķēniņu priekšā es tevi likšu apsmieklā.
18 Ar savām nekrietnībām, kas bez skaita,
ar savu netaisno tirgošanos
tu esi aptraipījis savu svētumu!
Tādēļ es likšu ugunij no tevis izšauties –
tā tevi rīs!
Es tevi padarīšu par pelniem uz zemes –
to redzēs ikviens, kas tevi uzlūkos!
19 Ikviens no ļaudīm, kas tevi pazinuši,
tagad ir šausmās par tavu galu –
nemūžam vairs tevis nebūs!”
Vēstījums par Sidonu
20 Kunga vārds nāca pār mani: 21 “Cilvēka dēls, pievērsies Sidonai un pravieto par to. 22 Saki: tā saka Kungs Dievs:
redzi, es esmu pret tevi, Sidona!
Es rādīšu savu varenību tavā vidū!
Zināsiet, ka es esmu Kungs!
Es spriedīšu tiesu!
Es atklāšos svēts!
23 Es uzsūtīšu mēri,
asinis tecēs pa ielām,
no zobena nokautie kritīs,
tas nāks no visām pusēm!
Zināsiet, ka es esmu Kungs!
24 Ap Israēla namu vairs neaugs
durstīgi ērkšķi un dzeloši dadži,
kas no visām pusēm tos nievāja!
Zināsiet, ka es esmu Kungs Dievs!
25 Tā saka Kungs Dievs:
es sapulcēšu Israēla namu
no visām tautām, kurās tie izkaisīti!
Es tautām atklāšos svēts!
Viņi dzīvos savā zemē,
ko es devu savam kalpam Jēkabam!
26 Tur viņi dzīvos drošībā!
Viņi cels namus un dēstīs vīnadārzus,
viņi dzīvos drošībā!
Es tiesāšu visus, kas apkārt,
kas nievāja viņus!
Zināsiet, ka es esmu Kungs!”
Judgment on the King of Tyre
1 The Lord God said:
2 Ezekiel, son of man, tell the king of Tyre that I am saying:
You are so arrogant that you think you're a god and that the city of Tyre is your throne. You may claim to be a god, though you're nothing but a mere human. 3 You think you're wiser than Daniel and know everything.
4 Your wisdom has certainly made you rich, because you have storehouses filled with gold and silver. 5 You're a clever businessman and are extremely wealthy, but your wealth has led to arrogance!
6 You compared yourself to a god, so now I, the Lord God, 7 will make you the victim of cruel enemies. They will destroy all the possessions you've worked so hard to get. 8 Your enemies will brutally kill you, and the sea will be your only grave.
9 When you face your enemies, will you still claim to be a god? They will attack, and you will suffer like any other human. 10 Foreigners will kill you, and you will die the death of those who don't worship me. I, the Lord, have spoken.
A Funeral Song for the King of Tyre
11 The Lord said:
12 Ezekiel, son of man, sing a funeral song for the king of Tyre and tell him I am saying:
At one time, you were perfect, intelligent, and good-looking. 13 You lived in the garden of Eden and wore jewelry made of brightly colored gems and precious stones. They were all set in gold and were ready for you on the day you were born. 14 I appointed a winged creature to guard your home on my holy mountain, where you walked among gems that dazzled like fire.
15 You were truly good from the time of your birth, but later you started doing wicked things. 16 You traded with other nations and became more and more cruel and evil. So I forced you to leave my mountain, and the creature that had been your protector now chased you away from the jewels.
17 It was your good looks that made you arrogant, and you were so famous that you started acting like a fool. That's why I threw you to the ground and let other kings sneer at you. 18 You have cheated so many other merchants that your places of worship are corrupt. So I set your city on fire and burned it down. Now everyone sees only ashes where your city once stood, 19 and the people of other nations are shocked. Your punishment was horrible, and you are gone forever.
Judgment on Sidon and Peace for Israel
20 The Lord said:
21 Ezekiel, son of man, condemn the city of Sidon 22 and tell its people:
I, the Lord God, am your enemy! People will praise me when I punish you, and they will see that I am holy. 23 I will send deadly diseases to wipe you out, and I will send enemies to invade and surround you. Your people will be killed, and you will know that I am the Lord.
24 When that happens, the people of Israel will no longer have cruel neighbors that abuse them and make them feel as though they are in a field of thorns and briers. And the Israelites will know that I, the Lord God, have done these things.
A Blessing for Israel
25 The Lord God said:
Someday I will gather the people of Israel from the nations where they are now scattered, and every nation will see that I am holy. The Israelites will once again live in the land I gave to my servant Jacob. 26 They will be safe and will build houses and plant vineyards. They will no longer be in danger, because I will punish their hateful neighbors. Israel will know that I am the Lord their God.