Likums par īpašumu
1 Ja zaglis tiek pieķerts ielaužoties un viņu sit tā, ka tas mirst, tad nav asins vainas viņa dēļ. 2 Bet, ja pār viņu ir uzlēkusi saule, tad viņa dēļ būs asins vaina. Lai viņš maksādams maksā, bet, ja viņam nav, tad lai viņš tiek pārdots par nozagto. 3 Bet, ja pie viņa zagto atrod vēl dzīvu – vērsi, ēzeli vai avi –, tad lai viņš maksā divtik!
4 Ja kāds ir ļāvis nomīdīt lauku vai vīnadārzu vai palaidis savus lopus un noganījis cita lauku, tad tam par samaksu jādod labākais no sava lauka un vīnadārza!
5 Ja uguns iziet un iemetas krūmos un aprij kūlīšus, nenopļautu labību vai lauku, tad lai maksādams maksā tas, kurš to iededzis!
6 Ja kāds dod savam tuvākajam glabāt naudu vai lietas, bet tās no tā nama tiek nozagtas, tad, ja zaglis tiek atrasts, lai maksā divtik! 7 Ja zaglis netiek atrasts, lai mājas saimnieks tuvojas Dievam – ka nav stiepis roku pēc sava tuvākā mantas! 8 Par katru pārkāpumu – par vērsi, par ēzeli, par drēbēm, par katru zaudētu lietu, par ko kāds apgalvo, ka tā ir noticis, – lai šī lieta tiek celta Dieva priekšā. Tas, kuru Dievs atzīs par vainīgu, lai atmaksā savam tuvākajam divtik!
9 Ja kāds dod savam tuvākajam turēt ēzeli, vērsi, avi vai kādu lopu un tas nomirst, tiek sakropļots vai aizvests, un neviens to nav redzējis, 10 tad Kunga zvērests lai ir starp abiem – ka tas nav stiepis roku pēc sava tuvākā mantas, lai saimnieks to atzīst, un viņš lai nemaksā. 11 Bet, ja viņš zagtin zadzis, lai samaksā saimniekam! 12 Ja tas ir zvēru plēstin saplēsts, lai to atnes kā saplosīšanas liecību un lai nemaksā.
13 Ja kāds aizņemas no sava tuvākā lopu un tas tiek sakropļots vai nomirst, bet saimnieka klāt nav bijis, tad lai viņš maksādams maksā. 14 Ja saimnieks ir bijis klāt, lai nemaksā. Ja tas bijis nolīgts, tad zaudējumu lai pieskaita klāt līguma maksai.
Dažādi sociālie un reliģiskie likumi
15 Ja kāds paved jaunavu, kas nav saderināta, un guļ ar viņu, lai viņš samaksā tās izpirkumu un ņem sev par sievu. 16 Bet, ja viņas tēvs liegtin liedzas viņam to dot, tad lai viņš iesver sudrabu kā viņas jaunavības izpirkumu!
17 Burve lai nepaliek dzīva!
18 Ikviens, kas guļ ar lopu, lai mirtin mirst!
19 Kas upurē kādam dievam, nevis Kungam, lai tiek iznīdēts!
20 Nedari pāri svešiniekam un neapspied to, jo jūs paši bijāt svešinieki Ēģiptē! 21 Nedari pāri ne atraitnei, ne bārenim! 22 Ja tu tiem darīsi pāri, tie brēktin brēks uz mani, un es viņu brēkšanu sadzirdēšu! 23 Tad iedegsies manas dusmas, es nokaušu jūs ar zobenu, jūsu sievas kļūs atraitnes un jūsu bērni – bāreņi!
24 Ja tu aizdod naudu kādam no manas tautas – nabagam, kas ir ar tevi, tad neizturies pret viņu kā augļotājs, neapliec viņu ar augļiem! 25 Ja tu ņem ķīlā sava tuvākā apmetni, tad atdod to viņam, iekams noriet saule, 26 jo tās ir viņa apsegs, vienīgais apklājs viņa augumam, tajās viņš gulēs, bet, ja viņš brēks uz mani, es dzirdēšu, jo es esmu līdzcietīgs!
27 Nezaimo Dievu un nelādi savas tautas valdnieku! 28 Nevilcinies dot no savas ražas pilnības un sava spaida. Savu pirmdzimto dēlu – man dod! 29 Tā dari ar saviem pirmdzimtajiem vēršiem un avīm – septiņas dienas lai tie ir pie mātes, bet astotajā dienā dod tos man! 30 Esiet man svēti vīri, laukā saplosītu gaļu neēdiet – atdodiet suņiem!
Property Laws
The Lord said:
1 If you steal an ox and slaughter or sell it, you must replace it with five oxen; if you steal a sheep and slaughter it or sell it, you must replace it with four sheep. 2-4 But if you cannot afford to replace the animals, you must be sold as a slave to pay for what you have stolen. If you steal an ox, donkey, or sheep, and are caught with it still alive, you must pay the owner double.
If you happen to kill a burglar who breaks into your home after dark, you are not guilty. But if you kill someone who breaks in during the day, you are guilty of murder.
5 If you allow any of your animals to stray from your property and graze in someone else's field or vineyard, you must repay the damage from the best part of your own harvest of grapes and grain.
6 If you carelessly let a fire spread from your property to someone else's, you must pay the owner for any crops or fields destroyed by the fire.
7 Suppose a neighbor asks you to keep some silver or other valuables, and they are stolen from your house. If the thief is caught, the thief must repay double. 8 But if the thief isn't caught, some judges will decide if you are the guilty one.
9 Suppose two people claim to own the same ox or donkey or sheep or piece of clothing. Then the judges must decide the case, and the guilty person will pay the owner double.
10 Suppose a neighbor who is going to be away asks you to keep a donkey or an ox or a sheep or some other animal, and it dies or gets injured or is stolen while no one is looking. 11 If you swear with me as your witness that you did not harm the animal, you do not have to replace it. Your word is enough. 12 But if the animal was stolen while in your care, you must replace it. 13 If the animal was attacked and killed by a wild animal, and you can show the remains of the dead animal to its owner, you do not have to replace it.
14 Suppose you borrow an animal from a neighbor, and it gets injured or dies while the neighbor isn't around. Then you must replace it. 15 But if something happens to the animal while the owner is present, you do not have to replace it. If you had leased the animal, the money you paid the owner will cover any harm done to it.
Laws for Everyday Life
The Lord said:
16 Suppose a young woman has never had sex and isn't engaged. If a man talks her into having sex, he must pay the bride price and marry her. 17 But if her father refuses to let her marry the man, the bride price must still be paid.
18 Death is the punishment for witchcraft.
19 Death is the punishment for having sex with an animal.
20 Death is the punishment for offering sacrifices to any god except me.
21 Do not mistreat or abuse foreigners who live among you. Remember, you were foreigners in Egypt.
22 Do not mistreat widows or orphans. 23 If you do, they will beg for my help, and I will come to their rescue. 24 In fact, I will get so angry that I will kill your men and make widows of their wives and orphans of their children.
25 Don't charge interest when you lend money to any of my people who are in need. 26 Before sunset you must return any coat taken as security for a loan, 27 because that is the only cover the poor have when they sleep at night. I am a merciful God, and when they call out to me, I will come to help them.
28 Don't speak evil of me or of the ruler of your people.
29 Don't fail to give me the offerings of grain and wine that belong to me.
Dedicate to me your first-born sons 30 and the first-born of your cattle and sheep. Let the animals stay with their mothers for seven days, then on the eighth day give them to me, your God.
31 You are my chosen people, so don't eat the meat of any of your livestock that was killed by a wild animal. Instead, feed the meat to dogs.