Auns un āzis – Daniēla parādība
1 Ķēniņa Bēlšacara trešajā valdīšanas gadā es, Daniēls, pēc pirmās parādības redzēju nākamo. 2 Parādībā es redzēju, ka atrodos Sūsas pilī, kas Ēlāma pavalstī, un vēl parādībā es redzēju, ka esmu pie Ūlajas upes. 3 Es pacēlu savas acis, paskatījos, un redzi – pie upes stāvēja auns! Tam bija divi gari ragi, viens garāks par otru, un garākais bija izaudzis pēdējais. 4 Es redzēju, ka auns badās uz rietumiem, ziemeļiem un dienvidiem, bet neviens zvērs nespēja stāties tam pretī. Neviens nevarēja no viņa glābties! Viņš darīja, ko gribēja, un visu laiku auga augumā. 5 Tad es ieraudzīju, ka no rietumiem pāri visai zemei auļo āzis – zemei pat nepieskaras! Āzim starp acīm bija rags. 6 Viņš tuvojās divradzim aunam, kuru es redzēju stāvam pie upes, un skrēja tam virsū trakā niknumā. 7 Es redzēju, ka tas saniknots metas aunam virsū, sit aunu un nolauž tam abus ragus. Aunam nebija spēka turēties tam pretī, un tas viņu notrieca zemē un samīdīja. Neviens aunu nepaglāba no viņa. 8 Āzis augtin auga, taču, lai gan viņš bija stiprs, tam izlūza lielais rags, un tā vietā uz visām debess pusēm izauga četri ragi.
9 Bet no viena raga izdīga viens mazs radziņš, un tas auga platumā gan uz dienvidiem, gan austrumiem, gan uz jauko zemi. 10 Tas auga augumā, līdz sasniedza debesu pulkus – tur viņš nogrūda zemē dažus no zvaigžņu pulka un samīdīja. 11 Viņš paaugstinājās, vēlēdamies kļūt kā Pulku Pavēlnieks, viņš atcēla dienišķo dedzināmo upuri un postīja svētnīcu. 12 Pulks tika nodots samaitāšanai līdz ar dienišķo dedzināmo upuri, un patiesība tika nogāzta zemē. Viss, ko viņš darīja, tam veicās! 13 Tad es dzirdēju kādu svēto runājam ar otru: “Cik ilgi tiks gānīts un grauts dienišķais dedzināmais upuris, mīdīta svētnīca un debesu pulki, kā tas redzams parādībā?” 14 Viņš man teica: “Kamēr paies divi tūkstoši trīs simti vakaru un rītu – tad svētvieta atkal tiks iesvētīta!”
Gabriels izskaidro parādību
15 Kamēr es, Daniēls, skatīju šo parādību un centos to saprast, redzi, man priekšā nostājās tāds kā cilvēks! 16 Tur pie Ūlajas upes es dzirdēju cilvēka balsi saucam: “Gabriel, izskaidro viņam šo parādību!” 17 Es stāvēju tur, un viņš nāca pie manis, bet es izbijos, kad viņš tuvojās, un kritu uz sava vaiga. Viņš man teica: “Cilvēka dēls, saproti, šī parādība ir par laika beigām!” 18 Kad viņš runāja ar mani, es kritu nesamaņā pie zemes, bet viņš mani satvēra un nostatīja uz kājām, 19 sacīdams: “Es tev atklāju, kas notiks vēlāk, niknuma laikā – noliktā laika beigās! 20 Divradzis auns, kuru tu redzēji, ir mēdiešu un persiešu ķēniņi. 21 Stiprais āzis ir grieķu ķēniņš. Lielais rags starp viņa acīm ir pirmais ķēniņš. 22 Kad tas nolūza, tā vietā izauga četri citi – no viņa tautas celsies četras valstis, bet ne tik stipras.
23 Viņu valsts beigu laikā,
kad pilns būs noziedzību mērs,
celsies ķēniņš –
no skata bargs un prasmīgs viltībā!
24 Viņš būs varen spēcīgs,
bet ne ar savu spēku,
viņš postīs varen daudz,
un, ko tas darīs, tam izdosies.
Viņš postīs varenos un arī svēto tautu.
25 Izmanība tam veiksies un viltība izdosies,
un savā prātā tas paaugstināsies,
jo viegli tas daudzus iznīdēs,
sacelsies pret valdnieku Valdnieku!
Viņš tiks satriekts, bet ne ar cilvēku rokām!
26 Parādība par vakaru un rītu tev izstāstīta –
un tā ir patiesība!
Bet neatklāj parādību,
jo līdz tam vēl daudz dienu!”
27 Tad es, Daniēls, sirgu vairākas dienas un pēc tam cēlos darīt ķēniņa uzticēto darbu. Bet par redzēto es biju izbijies un to nesapratu.
Vision of a Ram and a Goat
1 Daniel wrote:
In the third year of King Belshazzar of Babylonia, I had a second vision 2 in which I was in Susa, the chief city of Babylonia's Elam Province. I was beside the Ulai River, 3 when I looked up and saw a ram standing there with two horns on its head—both of them were long, but the second one was longer than the first. 4 The ram went charging toward the west, the north, and the south. No other animals were strong enough to oppose him, and nothing could save them from his power. So he did as he pleased and became even more powerful.
5 I kept on watching and saw a goat come from the west and charge across the entire earth, without even touching the ground. Between his eyes was a powerful horn, 6 and with tremendous anger the goat started toward the ram that I had seen beside the river. 7 The goat was so fierce that its attack broke both horns of the ram, leaving him powerless. Then the goat trampled on the ram, and no one could do anything to help. 8 After this, the goat became even more powerful. But at the peak of his power, his mighty horn was broken, and four other mighty horns took its place—one pointing to the north and one to the east, one to the south and one to the west.
9 A little horn came from one of these, and its power reached to the south, the east, and even to the holy land. 10 It became so strong that it attacked the stars in the sky, which were heaven's army. Then it threw some of them down to the earth and trampled on them. 11-12 It humiliated heaven's army and dishonored its leader by keeping him from offering the daily sacrifices. In fact, it was so terrible that it even disgraced the temple and wiped out true worship. It also did everything else it wanted to do.
13 Then one of the holy angels asked another, “When will the daily sacrifices be offered again? What about this horrible rebellion? When will the temple and heaven's army no longer be trampled in the dust?”
14 The other answered, “It will be 2,300 evenings and mornings before the temple is dedicated and in use again.”
Gabriel Interprets the Vision
15 Daniel wrote:
I was trying to figure out the meaning of the vision, when someone suddenly appeared there beside me. 16 And from beside the Ulai River, a voice like that of a human said, “Gabriel, help him understand the vision.”
17 Gabriel came over, and I fell to the ground in fear. Then he said, “You are merely a human, but you need to understand that this vision is about the end of time.”
18 While he was speaking, I fell facedown in a deep sleep. But he lifted me to my feet 19 and said:
Listen, and I will tell you what will happen at the end of time, when God has chosen to show his anger. 20 The two horns of the ram are the kings of Media and Persia, 21 the goat is the kingdom of Greece, and the powerful horn between his eyes is the first of its kings. 22 After this horn is broken, four other kingdoms will appear, but they won't be as strong.
23 When these rulers have become as evil as possible, their power will end, and then a king who is dangerous and cannot be trusted will appear. 24 He will gain strength, but not on his own, and he will cause terrible destruction. He will wipe out powerful leaders and God's people as well. 25 His deceitful lies will make him so successful, that he will think he is really great. Suddenly he will kill many people, and he will even attack God, the Supreme Ruler. But God will crush him!
26 This vision about the evenings and mornings is true, but these things won't happen for a long time, so don't tell it to others.
27 After this, I was so worn out and weak that it was several days before I could get out of bed and go about my duties for the king. I was disturbed by this vision that made no sense to me.