Pāvils piesauc cēzaru
1 Bet Fēsts jau trešajā dienā pēc ierašanās provincē devās no Cēzarejas uz Jeruzālemi, 2 un virspriesteri un jūdu augstmaņi nāca pie viņa vēlreiz ar apsūdzību pret Pāvilu un gauži lūdza, 3 lai Fēsts izrāda viņiem labvēlību un sūta viņu uz Jeruzālemi, jo tie bija sagatavojuši slēpni, lai ceļā Pāvilu nogalinātu. 4 Taču Fēsts tiem atbildēja, ka grib Pāvilu paturēt Cēzarejā un arī pats drīzumā doties turp. 5 Viņš teica: “Tie no jums, kam ir tāda vara, lai nāk man līdzi un ceļ pret viņu apsūdzību, ja šis vīrs ir kaut ko aplam nodarījis.” 6 Pavadījis pie viņiem ne vairāk kā astoņas vai desmit dienas, Fēsts devās uz Cēzareju un nākamajā dienā, apsēdies soģa krēslā, lika atvest Pāvilu. 7 Kad Pāvils ieradās, viņu apstāja no Jeruzālemes atnākušie jūdi un cēla pret viņu daudzas un smagas apsūdzības, kuras tie nespēja pierādīt, 8 jo Pāvils aizstāvoties apgalvoja, ka nav neko grēkojis ne pret jūdu bauslību, ne pret templi, ne cēzaru. 9 Bet Fēsts, gribēdams izrādīt jūdiem labvēlību, sacīja Pāvilam: “Vai gribi, lai tevi ved uz Jeruzālemi un tur manā priekšā par šīm lietām tiesā?” 10 Pāvils sacīja: “Es stāvu cēzara tiesas priekšā, kur man pienākas tikt tiesātam. Jūdiem neko ļaunu neesmu darījis, kā tu to zini vēl labāk. 11 Ja esmu darījis ļaunu un pelnījis nāvi, tad es neatsakos mirt, bet, ja man nav nekādas vainas, par ko viņi mani apsūdz, neviens nevar mani tāpat vien viņiem atdot; es piesaucu cēzaru.” 12 Tad Fēsts, aprunājies ar padomi, atbildēja: “Tu piesauci cēzaru, pie cēzara tu arī dosies.”
Fēsts lūdz Agripu izšķirt Pāvila lietu
13 Pēc dažām dienām Cēzarejā ieradās ķēniņš Agripa un Berenīke apsveikt Fēstu. 14 Kad viņi dažas dienas tur bija pavadījuši, Fēsts ziņoja par Pāvilu: “Šeit ir kāds vīrs, ko Fēlikss ir atstājis važās. 15 Kad es ierados Jeruzālemē, jūdu virspriesteri un vecajie cēla pret viņu apsūdzību, prasīdami viņu notiesāt. 16 Es viņiem atbildēju, ka romiešiem nav paraduma atdot kādu cilvēku apsūdzētājiem tāpat vien, pirms viņš nav stājies to priekšā, lai aizstāvētos pret apsūdzību. 17 Kad tie ieradās šeit, es bez vilcināšanās jau nākamajā dienā apsēdos tiesas krēslā un liku atvest to vīru. 18 Ap viņu sastāja apsūdzētāji, bet nevienu vainu, kurā es nojaustu kādu pārkāpumu, tie parādīt nevarēja. 19 Viņiem bija strīdi par viņu pašu reliģiju un par kādu Jēzu, kurš ir miris un par kuru Pāvils apgalvo, ka tas esot dzīvs. 20 Būdams neizpratnē par šiem strīdiem, es jautāju, vai viņš vēlas doties uz Jeruzālemi, lai tur par šīm lietām tiktu tiesāts. 21 Bet, tā kā Pāvils prasīja, lai viņu nodod cēzara Augusta tiesas izmeklēšanai, es pavēlēju viņu turēt apcietinājumā, kamēr nosūtīšu viņu pie cēzara.” 22 Tad Agripa sacīja Fēstam: “Es arī pats gribu dzirdēt šo cilvēku.” Tas teica: “Rīt tu viņu dzirdēsi.” 23 Nākamajā dienā, kad Agripa un Berenīke ar lielu spožumu ieradās un kopā ar komandieriem un pilsētas ievērojamiem pilsoņiem iegāja tiesas zālē, pēc Fēsta uzaicinājuma tika atvests Pāvils. 24 Fēsts sacīja: “Ķēniņ Agripa un visi, kas šeit esat kopā ar mums, uzlūkojiet šo vīru, par kuru daudzi jūdi gan Jeruzālemē, gan šeit neatlaidīgi mācas man virsū, kliegdami, ka tāds nedrīkst vairs dzīvot. 25 Es neredzu, ka viņš būtu izdarījis kaut ko tādu, par ko būtu pelnījis nāvi, un, tā kā viņš pats piesauca cēzaru Augustu, es nolēmu viņu sūtīt turp. 26 Man nav nekā, ko es droši varētu par viņu valdniekam rakstīt, tādēļ es viņu atvedu jūsu priekšā, bet vispirms tavā priekšā, ķēniņ Agripa, lai pēc izjautāšanas man būtu ko uzrakstīt. 27 Man šķiet nesaprātīgi sūtīt apcietināto, nenorādot pret viņu celto apsūdzību.”
Paul Asks To Be Tried by the Roman Emperor
1 Three days after Festus had become governor, he went from Caesarea to Jerusalem. 2 There the chief priests and some Jewish leaders told him about their charges against Paul. They also asked Festus 3 if he would be willing to bring Paul to Jerusalem. They begged him to do this because they were planning to attack and kill Paul on the way. 4 But Festus told them, “Paul will be kept in Caesarea, and I am soon going there myself. 5 If he has done anything wrong, let your leaders go with me and bring charges against him there.”
6 Festus stayed in Jerusalem for eight or ten more days before going to Caesarea. Then the next day he took his place as judge and had Paul brought into court. 7 As soon as Paul came in, the leaders from Jerusalem crowded around him and said he was guilty of many serious crimes. But they could not prove anything. 8 Then Paul spoke in his own defense, “I have not broken the Law of my people. And I have not done anything against either the temple or the Emperor.”
9 Festus wanted to please the leaders. So he asked Paul, “Are you willing to go to Jerusalem and be tried by me on these charges?”
10 Paul replied, “I am on trial in the Emperor's court, and that's where I should be tried. You know very well I have not done anything to harm the Jewish nation. 11 If I had done something deserving death, I would not ask to escape the death penalty. But I am not guilty of any of these crimes, and no one has the right to hand me over to these people. I now ask to be tried by the Emperor himself.”
12 After Festus had talked this over with members of his council, he told Paul, “You have asked to be tried by the Emperor, and to the Emperor you will go!”
Paul Speaks to Agrippa and Bernice
13 A few days later King Agrippa and Bernice came to Caesarea to visit Festus. 14 They had been there for several days, when Festus told the king about the charges against Paul. He said:
Felix left a man here in jail, 15 and when I went to Jerusalem, the chief priests and the Jewish leaders came and asked me to find him guilty. 16 I told them it isn't the Roman custom to hand a man over to people who are bringing charges against him. He must first have the chance to meet them face to face and to defend himself against their charges.
17 So when they came here with me, I wasted no time. On the very next day I took my place on the judge's bench and ordered him to be brought in. 18 But when the men stood up to make their charges against him, they did not accuse him of any of the crimes that I thought they would. 19 Instead, they argued with him about some of their beliefs and about a dead man named Jesus, who Paul said was alive.
20 Since I did not know how to find out the truth about all this, I asked Paul if he would be willing to go to Jerusalem and be put on trial there. 21 But Paul asked to be kept in jail until the Emperor could decide his case. So I ordered him to be kept here until I could send him to the Emperor.
22 Then Agrippa said to Festus, “I would also like to hear what this man has to say.”
Festus answered, “You can hear him tomorrow.”
23 The next day Agrippa and Bernice made a big show as they came into the meeting room. High ranking army officers and leading citizens of the town were also there. Festus then ordered Paul to be brought in 24 and said:
King Agrippa and other guests, look at this man! Every Jew from Jerusalem and Caesarea has come to me, demanding for him to be put to death. 25 I have not found him guilty of any crime deserving death. But because he has asked to be judged by the Emperor, I have decided to send him to Rome.
26 I have to write some facts about this man to the Emperor. So I have brought him before all of you, but especially before you, King Agrippa. After we have talked about his case, I will then have something to write. 27 It makes no sense to send a prisoner to the Emperor without stating the charges against him.