Jūdu vecajie apsūdz Pāvilu
1 Pēc piecām dienām ieradās augstais priesteris Hananja ar dažiem vecajiem un kādu runasvīru Tertullu. Viņi iesniedza zemes pārvaldniekam apsūdzību pret Pāvilu. 2 Kad Pāvils bija ataicināts, Tertulls sāka apsūdzības runu: “Daudz miera dienu mēs esam piedzīvojuši, un tavas tālredzības dēļ daudz uzlabojumu ir noticis tautā. 3 To mēs, augsti godātais Fēlikss, ar vislielāko pateicību vienmēr un visur uzņemam. 4 Bet, lai tevi pārlieku neapgrūtinātu, es lūdzu, lai tu savā laipnībā uzklausi mūs pavisam īsu brīdi. 5 Mēs esam pārliecinājušies, ka šis vīrs ir kā sērga un musina uz dumpi jūdus visā pasaulē, ka viņš ir nācariešu novirziena vadonis 6 un mēģināja apgānīt templi. Mēs viņu sagūstījām. 8 Viņu iztaujājis, tu pats varēsi uzzināt, par ko mēs viņu apsūdzam.” 9 Arī citi jūdi tam pievienojās, sacīdami, ka tas tā ir.
Pāvils Fēliksa priekšā
10 Tad zemes pārvaldnieks pamāja Pāvilam, lai viņš runā, un Pāvils sacīja: “Zinot, ka tu daudzus gadus esi bijis tiesnesis šajā tautā, es aizstāvu sevi ar drošu sirdi. 11 Tu vari viegli pārliecināties, ka nav pagājis vairāk kā divpadsmit dienu, kopš es ierados Jeruzālemē, lai pielūgtu Dievu. 12 Mani apsūdzētāji nav redzējuši mani ar kādu templī strīdamies, nedz musinām ļaužu pūli uz dumpi sinagogā vai kur citur pilsētā, 13 tie nevar arī tev neko likt priekšā, par ko paši tagad mani apsūdz. 14 Es atzīstu tavā priekšā, ka kalpoju mūsu tēvu Dievam tajā ceļā, ko viņi sauc par maldīgu, ticēdams visam, kas rakstīts bauslībā un praviešos, 15 un, tāpat kā šie vīri, dzīvodams cerībā uz Dievu, ka būs mirušo – gan taisno, gan netaisno – augšāmcelšanās. 16 Tādēļ es arī pats vienmēr cenšos Dieva un cilvēku priekšā turēt tīru sirdsapziņu. 17 Pēc vairāku gadu pārtraukuma es biju ieradies templī, lai dotu žēlastības dāvanas savai tautai un pienestu upuri. 18 Šeit pie tevis gan vajadzēja būt dažiem Āzijas jūdiem, kas mani sastapa, kad es jau biju templī šķīstījies, un tur nebija nedz ļaužu pūļa, nedz trokšņa; 19 tiem tad arī vajadzēja celt apsūdzību, ja viņiem kaut kas ir pret mani. 20 Vai arī tie, kas ir šeit, lai pasaka, kādu noziegumu viņi pie manis atklājuši, kad es stāvēju sinedrija priekšā. 21 Vai arī viņi tiesā mani tā viena izsauciena dēļ, kuru es, stāvēdams starp viņiem, izkliedzu: es šodien jūsu priekšā tieku tiesāts mirušo augšāmcelšanās dēļ!” 22 Fēlikss, kas šo ceļu labi pazina, pārtrauca lietas izskatīšanu, sacīdams: “Kad ieradīsies komandieris Lisijs, es noskaidrošu par jums tuvāk.” 23 Un viņš lika centurionam Pāvilu apsargāt tā, lai viņam būtu dažādi atvieglojumi un nevienam no viņa ļaudīm netiktu liegts viņam kalpot.
Pāvils apcietinājumā
24 Pēc dažām dienām Fēlikss ieradās ar savu sievu Drusillu, kas bija jūdiete, un sūtīja pēc Pāvila un klausījās viņu par ticību Jēzum Kristum. 25 Kad Pāvils runāja par taisnīgumu, atturīgu dzīvi un nākamo tiesu, Fēlikss pārbijās un sacīja: “Tagad pietiks, ej, kādā izdevīgā reizē es aizsūtīšu pēc tevis.” 26 Viņš arī cerēja saņemt no Pāvila naudu; tādēļ viņš to bieži aicināja un ar viņu sarunājās. 27 Kad bija pagājuši divi gadi, Fēliksa vietā amatā stājās Porkijs Fēsts, bet Fēlikss, gribēdams jūdiem izpatikt, atstāja Pāvilu cietumā.
Paul Is Accused in the Court of Felix
1 Five days later Ananias the high priest, together with some of their leaders and a lawyer named Tertullus, went to the governor to present their case against Paul. 2 So Paul was called in, and Tertullus stated the case against him:
Honorable Felix, you have brought our people a long period of peace, and because of your concern our nation is much better off. 3 All of us are always grateful for what you have done. 4 I don't want to bother you, but please be patient with us and listen to me for just a few minutes.
5 This man has been found to be a real pest and troublemaker for our people all over the world. He is also a leader of a group called Nazarenes. 6-8 When he tried to disgrace the temple, we arrested him. If you question him, you will find out for yourself that our charges are true.
9 The Jewish crowd spoke up and agreed with what Tertullus had said.
Paul Defends Himself
10 The governor motioned for Paul to speak, and he began:
I know that you have judged the people of our nation for many years, and I am glad to defend myself in your court.
11 It was no more than twelve days ago that I went to worship in Jerusalem. You can find this out easily enough. 12 Never once did the Jews find me arguing with anyone in the temple. I didn't cause trouble in the synagogues or in the city itself. 13 There is no way that they can prove these charges they are now bringing against me.
14 I admit that their leaders think the Lord's Way which I follow is based on wrong beliefs. But I still worship the same God that my ancestors worshiped. And I believe everything written in the Law of Moses and in the Prophets. 15 I am just as sure as these people are that God will raise from death everyone, good or evil. 16 And because I am sure, I try my best to have a clear conscience in whatever I do for God or for people.
17 After being away for several years, I returned here to bring gifts for the poor people of my nation and to offer sacrifices. 18 This is what I was doing when I was found going through a ceremony in the temple. I wasn't with a crowd, and there was no uproar.
19 Some Jews from Asia were there at that time, and if they have anything to say against me, they should be here now. 20 Or ask the ones who are here. They can tell you that they didn't find me guilty of anything when I was tried by their own council. 21 The only charge they can bring against me is what I shouted out in court, when I said, “I am on trial today because I believe that the dead will be raised to life!”
22 Felix knew a lot about the Lord's Way. But he brought the trial to an end and said, “I will make my decision after Lysias the commander arrives.” 23 He then ordered the army officer to keep Paul under guard, but not to lock him up or to stop his friends from helping him.
Paul Is Kept under Guard
24 Several days later Felix and his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish, went to the place where Paul was kept under guard. They sent for Paul and listened while he spoke to them about having faith in Christ Jesus. 25 But Felix was frightened when Paul started talking to them about doing right, about self-control, and about the coming judgment. So he said to Paul, “That's enough for now. You may go. But when I have time I will send for you.” 26 After this, Felix often sent for Paul and talked with him, because he hoped that Paul would offer him a bribe.
27 Two years later Porcius Festus became governor in place of Felix. But since Felix wanted to do the Jewish leaders a favor, he kept Paul in jail.