Pāvils un Barnaba Ikonijā
1 Tāpat arī Ikonijā Pāvils un Barnaba iegāja jūdu sinagogā un tā runāja, ka ļoti daudzi sāka ticēt – gan jūdi, gan grieķi. 2 Bet jūdi, kas neticēja, kūdīja un ieļaunoja pagānu sirdis pret brāļiem. 3 Tomēr Pāvils un Barnaba vēl diezgan ilgi tur palika, atklāti sludinādami Kungu, kas savu žēlastības vārdu apliecināja, likdams caur viņu rokām notikt zīmēm un brīnumiem. 4 Un ļaudis pilsētā sašķēlās – citi bija ar jūdiem, citi ar apustuļiem. 5 Kad jūdi un pagāni ar saviem vadoņiem jau grasījās viņiem uzbrukt, lai viņus varmācīgi pazemotu un nomētātu akmeņiem, 6 viņi, to paredzēdami, aizbēga uz Likāonijas pilsētām Listrām un Derbi un to apkaimi 7 un sludināja tur evaņģēliju.
Pāvils un Barnaba Listrās
8 Listrās bija vīrs, kas nevarēja pakustināt kājas, – viņš bija kropls no mātes miesām un nekad nebija staigājis. 9 Viņš sēdēja un klausījās Pāvilu runājam. Vērīgi to uzlūkojis un ieraudzījis, ka viņā ir ticība tikt dziedinātam, 10 Pāvils sacīja stiprā balsī: “Celies un stāvi stingri uz savām kājām!” Tas pielēca kājās un sāka staigāt. 11 Kad ļaužu pūlis ieraudzīja, ko Pāvils bija izdarījis, tie sāka skaļi kliegt likāoniešu valodā: “Pie mums ir nokāpuši dievi cilvēku izskatā.” 12 Viņi nosauca Barnabu par Zevu un Pāvilu par Hermeju, tādēļ ka viņš bija galvenais runātājs. 13 Priesteris no Zeva tempļa, kas atradās ārpus pilsētas, atveda pie vārtiem vēršus un upura vītnes un kopā ar ļaudīm jau grasījās upurēt. 14 Apustuļi Pāvils un Barnaba, to dzirdējuši, pārplēsa drēbes un metās ļaužu pūlī, kliegdami: 15 “Vīri, kādēļ jūs tā darāt? Mēs esam tādi paši ciešanām pakļauti cilvēki kā jūs. Mēs sludinām jums evaņģēliju, lai jūs atgrieztos no šiem māņiem pie dzīvā Dieva, kas radījis debesis un zemi, un jūru, un visu, kas tur iekšā, 16 un kas visām tautām iepriekšējās paaudzēs ļāvis iet savu ceļu. 17 Tomēr viņš nepārstāja par sevi liecināt ar labiem darbiem, sūtīdams no debesīm lietu un ražas laiku, sagādādams jums barību un piepildīdams jūsu sirdis ar prieku.” 18 Tā runājot, viņiem tik tikko izdevās atturēt ļaužu pūli no upurēšanas viņiem par godu. 19 Tad ieradās jūdi no Antiohijas un Ikonijas un noskaņoja ļaudis pret viņiem. Viņi nomētāja Pāvilu akmeņiem un, domādami viņu jau nomirušu, vilka to ārā no pilsētas. 20 Kad mācekļi apstājās viņam apkārt, viņš piecēlās kājās un iegāja atpakaļ pilsētā. Nākamajā dienā viņš kopā ar Barnabu izgāja uz Derbi.
Atgriešanās Sīrijas Antiohijā
21 Arī tajā pilsētā viņi pasludināja prieka vēsti un, darījuši daudzus par mācekļiem, atgriezās Listrās, Ikonijā un Antiohijā. 22 Viņi stiprināja mācekļu dvēseles un mudināja palikt ticībā, sacīdami, ka Dieva valstībā mums jāieiet caur daudzām ciešanām. 23 Viņi iecēla draudzēs presbiterus un ar lūgšanām un gavēšanu uzticēja viņus Kungam, kuram tie bija sākuši ticēt. 24 Izgājuši cauri Pisidijai, viņi nonāca Pamfīlijā. 25 Tad, pasludinājuši vārdu Pergē, viņi devās lejup uz Ataliju. 26 No turienes viņi ar kuģi devās uz Antiohiju, kur viņi bija uzticēti Dieva žēlastībai tam darbam, ko tagad bija pabeiguši. 27 Tur ieradušies un sapulcinājuši draudzi, viņi vēstīja, cik daudz Dievs caur viņiem darījis un ka viņš ir atvēris ticības durvis pagāniem. 28 Kopā ar mācekļiem viņi pavadīja krietnu laiku.
Paul and Barnabas in Iconium
1 Paul and Barnabas spoke in the synagogue in Iconium, just as they had done at Antioch, and many Jews and Gentiles put their faith in the Lord. 2 But the Jews who did not have faith in him made the other Gentiles angry and turned them against the Lord's followers.
3 Paul and Barnabas stayed there for a while, having faith in the Lord and bravely speaking his message. The Lord gave them the power to work miracles and wonders, and he showed that their message about his gift of undeserved grace was true.
4 The people of Iconium did not know what to think. Some of them believed the Jewish group, and others believed the apostles. 5 Finally, some Gentiles and Jews, together with their leaders, decided to make trouble for Paul and Barnabas and to stone them to death.
6-7 But when the two apostles found out what was happening, they escaped to the region of Lycaonia. They preached the good news there in the towns of Lystra and Derbe and in the nearby countryside.
Paul and Barnabas in Lystra
8 In Lystra there was a man who had been born with paralyzed feet and had never been able to walk. 9 The man was listening to Paul speak, when Paul saw that he had faith in Jesus and could be healed. So he looked straight at the man 10 and shouted, “Stand up!” The man jumped up and started walking around.
11 When the crowd saw what Paul had done, they yelled out in the language of Lycaonia, “The gods have turned into humans and have come down to us!” 12 The people then gave Barnabas the name Zeus, and they gave Paul the name Hermes, because he did the talking.
13 The temple of Zeus was near the entrance to the city. Its priest and the crowds wanted to offer a sacrifice to Barnabas and Paul. So the priest brought some bulls and flowers to the city gates. 14 When the two apostles found out about this, they tore their clothes in horror and ran to the crowd, shouting:
15 Why are you doing this? We are humans just like you. Please give up all this foolishness. Turn to the living God, who made the sky, the earth, the sea, and everything in them. 16 In times past, God let each nation go its own way. 17 But he showed he was there by the good things he did. God sends rain from heaven and makes your crops grow. He gives food to you and makes your hearts glad.
18 Even after Paul and Barnabas had said all this, they could hardly keep the people from offering a sacrifice to them.
19 Some Jewish leaders from Antioch and Iconium came and turned the crowds against Paul. They hit him with stones and dragged him out of the city, thinking he was dead. 20 But when the Lord's followers gathered around Paul, he stood up and went back into the city. The next day he and Barnabas went to Derbe.
Paul and Barnabas Return to Antioch in Syria
21 Paul and Barnabas preached the good news in Derbe and won some people to the Lord. Then they went back to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch in Pisidia. 22 They encouraged the followers and begged them to remain faithful. They told them, “We have to suffer a lot before we can get into God's kingdom.” 23 Paul and Barnabas chose some leaders for each of the churches. Then they went without eating and prayed that the Lord would take good care of these leaders who had trusted in the Lord.
24 Paul and Barnabas went on through Pisidia to Pamphylia, 25 where they preached in the town of Perga. Then they went down to Attalia 26 and sailed to Antioch in Syria. It was there that they had been placed in God's care for the work they had now completed.
27 After arriving in Antioch, they called the church together. They told the people what God had helped them do and how he had made it possible for the Gentiles to believe. 28 Then they stayed there with the followers for a long time.