Barnabas un Saula īpašais uzdevums
1 Antiohijas draudzē bija pravieši un skolotāji: Barnaba, Sīmanis, saukts Nigers, kirēnietis Lūkijs un Manaēns, kas bija uzaudzināts kopā ar tetrarhu Hērodu, un Sauls. 2 Kad viņi kalpoja Kungam un gavēja, Svētais gars sacīja: “Nošķiriet man Barnabu un Saulu tam darbam, uz kuru es tos esmu aicinājis.” 3 Tad, gavējuši un Dievu pielūguši, viņi uzlika tiem rokas un tos atlaida.
Apustuļi sludina Kiprā
4 Bet viņi, Svētā gara sūtīti, nonāca Seleukijā un no turienes kuģoja uz Kipru. 5 Nokļuvuši Salamīnā, viņi sludināja Dieva vārdu jūdu sinagogās. Arī Jānis bija viņiem par palīgu. 6 Izgājuši cauri visai salai līdz pat Pafai, viņi tur sastapa kādu magu, viltus pravieti, jūdu vīru, vārdā Barjēzus, 7 viņš bija tuvs prokonsulam Sergijam Paulam, saprātīgam vīram. Tas uzaicināja pie sevis Barnabu un Saulu, jo gribēja dzirdēt Dieva vārdu. 8 Bet mags Elima – tā viņu sauc grieķiski – stājās viņiem pretim, cenzdamies prokonsulu novērst no ticības. 9 Sauls, saukts arī Pāvils, Svētā gara pilns, to cieši uzlūkojis, 10 sacīja: “Tu, velna bērns, pilns visādu viltību un blēdību, jebkādas taisnības ienaidnieks, vai tu nerimsies sagrozīt Kunga taisnos ceļus? 11 Un, redzi, tagad Kunga roka ir pret tevi, un tu būsi akls un neredzēsi saules gaismu līdz savam laikam.” Un tūdaļ pār viņu nāca akla tumsa, un viņš taustīdamies meklēja pēc kāda, kas viņu vestu aiz rokas. 12 Tad prokonsuls, redzēdams, kas notiek, kļuva ticīgs un bija pārsteigts par Kunga mācību.
Pāvils un Barnaba Pisidijas Antiohijā
13 No Pafas Pāvils ar pavadoņiem aizkuģoja uz Pergi Pamfīlijā, bet Jānis, no viņiem nošķīries, atgriezās Jeruzālemē. 14 Turpinot ceļu no Perges, viņi nonāca Pisidijas Antiohijā un sabata dienā iegāja sinagogā un apsēdās. 15 Pēc lasījuma no bauslības un praviešu grāmatām sinagogas vadītāji sūtīja pēc viņiem, sacīdami: “Brāļi, ja jums ir kāds stiprinājuma vārds tautai, tad sakiet to.” 16 Pāvils piecēlās, ar roku deva zīmi un sacīja: “Israēlieši un jūs pārējie, kas bīstaties Dieva, klausieties! 17 Israēla tautas Dievs izredzēja mūsu tēvus un paaugstināja savu tautu, kad tā dzīvoja svešatnē Ēģiptes zemē, un ar varenu roku viņus no tās izveda, un 18 četrdesmit gadus tuksnesī viņš tos pacieta. 19 Viņš izdeldēja septiņas tautas Kanaānas zemē un deva viņu zemi mantojumā savai tautai. 20 Tā pagāja kādi četrsimt piecdesmit gadi. Pēc tam viņš tiem deva soģus līdz pat pravietim Samuēlam. 21 Kad tauta prasīja, lai tai būtu ķēniņš, Dievs viņiem deva Saulu, Kīša dēlu, vīru no Benjamīna cilts, kurš valdīja četrdesmit gadus. 22 Tad Dievs, atmetis Saulu, iecēla pār tiem ķēniņu Dāvidu, par viņu liecinādams: es esmu atradis Jišaja dēlu Dāvidu, vīru pēc mana prāta , kas darīs visu manu gribu. 23 Kā Dievs bija solījis, no viņa pēcnācējiem viņš cēla Israēlam Pestītāju Jēzu; 24 pirms viņa nākšanas Jānis sludināja visam Israēlam grēku nožēlas un atgriešanās kristību. 25 Pabeidzis savas gaitas, Jānis sacīja: es neesmu tas, par ko jūs mani turat. Bet, redzi, pēc manis nāk tas, kuram es neesmu cienīgs sandales atraisīt. – 26 Brāļi, Ābrahāma cilts dēli, un jūs, kas bīstaties Dieva, – šis pestīšanas vārds ir mums sūtīts. 27 Jeruzālemes iedzīvotāji un to vadoņi viņu neatzina un notiesāja, liekot piepildīties praviešu vārdiem, ko lasa ik sabatā. 28 Un, lai gan nekādu nāves vainu pie viņa neatrada, tie lūdza Pilātu viņu nogalināt. 29 Kad viss bija piepildīts, kas par viņu rakstīts, viņš tika noņemts no krusta un guldīts kapā. 30 Bet Dievs viņu uzmodināja no miroņiem, 31 un daudzas dienas viņš bija redzams tiem, kas līdz ar viņu bija atnākuši no Galilejas uz Jeruzālemi, un tagad tie ir viņa liecinieki tautā. 32 Mēs jums pasludinām prieka vēsti, ko Dievs apsolīja tēviem 33 un ko piepildījis mums, viņu bērniem, augšāmceldams Jēzu, kā rakstīts otrajā psalmā: tu esi mans Dēls, es tevi šodien dzemdināju. 34 To, ka Dievs viņu ir augšāmcēlis no mirušajiem un viņš vairs neatgriezīsies iznīcībā, Dievs ir izteicis tā: es jums došu svētumu, kā reiz bija solīts Dāvidam. 35 Tādēļ citviet rakstīts: tu neļausi savam Svētajam pieredzēt iznīcību. 36 Dāvids pēc Dieva gribas savu laiku kalpoja, nomira un tika guldīts blakus tēviem un pieredzēja iznīcību. 37 Bet tas, kuru Dievs augšāmcēla, iznīcību nepiedzīvoja. 38 Tad lai jums top zināms, brāļi, ka caur viņu jums pasludināta grēku piedošana, un no visa, no kā pēc Mozus bauslības jūs nevarējāt tikt attaisnoti, 39 ikviens, kas tic, esat viņā attaisnoti. 40 Tad nu pielūkojiet, lai pār jums nenāk tas, ko jau pravieši teikuši: 41 raugiet, jūs nicinātāji, brīnieties un izzūdiet, jo jūsu dienās es darīšu darbu, tādu darbu, ka jūs neticēsit, ja jums kāds to stāstītu. 42 Pāvilam un Barnabam ejot ārā, ļaudis aicināja viņus arī nākamajā sabatā runāt šos vārdus. 43 Draudze izklīda, un daudzi jūdi un dievbijīgie prosēlīti sekoja Pāvilam un Barnabam, kuri viņus uzrunāja un mudināja turēties pie Dieva žēlastības. 44 Nākamajā sabatā gandrīz visa pilsēta sapulcējās klausīties Kunga vārdu. 45 Ļaužu pūli ieraugot, jūdus pārņēma skaudība, un viņi zaimoja, runādami pretī Pāvila sacītajam. 46 Pāvils un Barnaba viņiem atklāti atbildēja: “Dieva vārdam vispirms vajadzēja tikt sludinātam jums, bet, kad jūs to atgrūžat un neturat sevi par mūžīgās dzīvības cienīgiem, redzi, tad mēs vēršamies pie pagāniem. 47 Jo tā mums ir pavēlējis Kungs: es tevi esmu licis par gaismu pagāniem, lai tu būtu par pestīšanu līdz zemes galam. 48 Pagāni, to dzirdot, priecājās un slavēja Kunga vārdu, un tie, kas bija izraudzīti mūžīgai dzīvībai, ticēja. 49 Un Kunga vārds izplatījās pa visu apkaimi. 50 Tad jūdi sakūdīja cienījamas un dievbijīgas sievietes un pilsētas ievērojamākos vīrus, un tie sāka vajāt Pāvilu un Barnabu un izdzina viņus no sava apgabala. 51 Bet viņi, nokratījuši pret tiem pīšļus no savām kājām, aizgāja uz Ikoniju. 52 Un mācekļi kļuva prieka un Svētā gara pilni.
Barnabas and Saul Are Chosen and Sent
1 The church at Antioch had several prophets and teachers. They were Barnabas, Simeon, also called Niger, Lucius from Cyrene, Manaen, who was Herod's close friend, and Saul. 2 While they were worshiping the Lord and going without eating, the Holy Spirit told them, “Appoint Barnabas and Saul to do the work for which I have chosen them.” 3 Everyone prayed and went without eating for a while longer. Next, they placed their hands on Barnabas and Saul to show that they had been appointed to do this work. Then everyone sent them on their way.
Barnabas and Saul in Cyprus
4 After Barnabas and Saul had been sent by the Holy Spirit, they went to Seleucia. From there they sailed to the island of Cyprus. 5 They arrived at Salamis and began to preach God's message in the synagogues. They also had John as a helper.
6 Barnabas and Saul went all the way to the city of Paphos on the other end of the island, where they met a Jewish man named Bar-Jesus. He practiced witchcraft and was a false prophet. 7 He also worked for Sergius Paulus, who was very smart and was the governor of the island. Sergius Paulus wanted to hear God's message, and he sent for Barnabas and Saul. 8 But Bar-Jesus, whose other name was Elymas, was against them. He even tried to keep the governor from having faith in the Lord.
9 Then Saul, better known as Paul, was filled with the Holy Spirit. He looked straight at Elymas 10 and said, “You son of the devil! You are a liar, a crook, and an enemy of everything that is right. When will you stop speaking against the true ways of the Lord? 11 The Lord is going to punish you by making you completely blind for a while.”
Suddenly the man's eyes were covered by a dark mist, and he went around trying to get someone to lead him by the hand. 12 When the governor saw what had happened, he was amazed at this teaching about the Lord. So he put his faith in the Lord.
Paul and Barnabas in Antioch of Pisidia
13 Paul and the others left Paphos and sailed to Perga in Pamphylia. But John left them and went back to Jerusalem. 14 The rest of them went on from Perga to Antioch in Pisidia. Then on the Sabbath they went to the synagogue and sat down.
15 After the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the leaders sent someone over to tell Paul and Barnabas, “Friends, if you have anything to say that will help the people, please say it.”
16 Paul got up. He motioned with his hand and said:
People of Israel, and everyone else who worships God, listen! 17 The God of Israel chose our ancestors, and he let our people prosper while they were living in Egypt. Then with his mighty power he led them out, 18 and for about 40 years he took care of them in the desert. 19 He destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan and gave their land to our people. 20 All this happened in about 450 years.
Then God gave our people judges until the time of the prophet Samuel, 21 but the people demanded a king. So for 40 years God gave them King Saul, the son of Kish from the tribe of Benjamin. 22 Later, God removed Saul and let David rule in his place. God said about him, “David the son of Jesse is the kind of person who pleases me most! He does everything I want him to do.”
23 God promised that someone from David's family would come to save the people of Israel, and this one is Jesus. 24 But before Jesus came, John was telling everyone in Israel to turn back to God and be baptized. 25 Then, when John's work was almost done, he said, “Who do you people think I am? Do you think I am the Promised One? He will come later, and I am not good enough to untie his sandals.”
26 Now listen, you descendants of Abraham! Pay attention, all of you Gentiles who are here to worship God! Listen to this message about how to be saved, because it is for everyone. 27 The people of Jerusalem and their leaders didn't realize who Jesus was. And they didn't understand the words of the prophets they read each Sabbath. So they condemned Jesus just as the prophets had said.
28-29 They did exactly what the Scriptures said they would. Even though they couldn't find any reason to put Jesus to death, they still asked Pilate to have him killed.
After Jesus had been put to death, he was taken down from the cross and placed in a tomb. 30 But God raised him from death! 31 Then for many days Jesus appeared to his followers who had gone with him from Galilee to Jerusalem. Now they are telling our people about him.
32 God made a promise to our ancestors. And we are here to tell you the good news 33 that he has kept this promise to us. It is just as the second Psalm says about Jesus,

“You are my son because today
I have become your Father.”

34 God raised Jesus from death and will never let his body decay. It is just as God said,

“I will make to you
the same holy promises
that I made to David.”

35 And in another psalm it says, “God will never let the body of his Holy One decay.”
36 When David was alive, he obeyed God. Then after he died, he was buried in the family grave, and his body decayed. 37 But God raised Jesus from death, and his body did not decay.
38 My friends, the message is that Jesus can forgive your sins! The Law of Moses could not set you free from all your sins. 39 But everyone who has faith in Jesus is set free. 40 Make sure what the prophets have said doesn't happen to you. They said,

41 “Look, you people
who make fun of God!
Be amazed
and disappear.
I will do something today
that you won't believe,
even if someone
tells you about it!”

42 As Paul and Barnabas were leaving the synagogue, the people begged them to say more about these same things on the next Sabbath. 43 After the service, many Jews and a lot of Gentiles who worshiped God went with them. Paul and Barnabas begged them all to remain faithful to God, who had treated them with undeserved grace.
44 The next Sabbath almost everyone in town came to hear the message about the Lord. 45 When the Jewish people saw the crowds, they were very jealous. They insulted Paul and spoke against everything he said.
46 But Paul and Barnabas bravely said:
We had to tell God's message to you before we told it to anyone else. But you rejected the message! This proves that you don't deserve eternal life. Now we are going to the Gentiles. 47 The Lord has given us this command,

“I have placed you here
as a light
for the Gentiles.
You are to take
the saving power of God
to people everywhere on earth.”

48 This message made the Gentiles glad, and they praised what they had heard about the Lord. Everyone who had been chosen for eternal life then put their faith in the Lord.
49 The message about the Lord spread all over this region. 50 But the Jewish leaders went to some of the important men in the town and to some respected women who were religious. They turned them against Paul and Barnabas and started making trouble for them. They even chased them out of this part of the country.
51 Paul and Barnabas shook the dust from that place off their feet and went on to the city of Iconium.
52 But the Lord's followers in Antioch were very happy and were filled with the Holy Spirit.