Dāvids tiek svaidīts par Jūdas ķēniņu
1 Pēc tam Dāvids jautāja Kungam: “Vai man doties uz kādu no Jūdas pilsētām?” Un Kungs viņam atbildēja: “Dodies!” Tad Dāvids jautāja: “Kurp man doties?” Un viņš atbildēja: “Uz Hebronu.” 2 Un Dāvids devās turp kopā ar abām sievām – jizreēlieti Ahīnoamu un karmelieša Nābāla atraitni Abīgailu. 3 Tāpat Dāvids ņēma līdzi arī vīrus, kas turējās kopā ar viņu – ikkatru ar viņa saimi –, un tie apmetās Hebronas apkārtnes pilsētās.
4 Tad atnāca Jūdas vīri, un viņi tur svaidīja Dāvidu par ķēniņu Jūdas namam. Un Dāvidam pastāstīja, ka Saulu apbedījuši vīri no Jābēšgileādas. 5 Dāvids sūtīja vēstnešus pie vīriem, kas Jābēšgileādā, un sacīja: “Jūs esat Kunga svētīti par to, ka izrādījāt laipnību savam kungam Saulam, viņu apbedīdami. 6 Tad nu arī Kungs izrādīs jums žēlastību un būs uzticams un arī es būšu jums vēlīgs, tādēļ ka jūs tā esat darījuši. 7 Tad nu lai jūsu rokas ir stipras un sirdis drošas, jo jūsu kungs Sauls ir miris, bet mani Jūdas nams ir svaidījis par savu ķēniņu!”
Īšbošets – ķēniņš pār Israēlu
8 Abnērs, Nēra dēls, Saula karaspēka virspavēlnieks, ņēma Saula dēlu Īšbošetu un aizveda pāri Jordānai uz Mahanaimu. 9 Viņš to iecēla par ķēniņu Gileādam, Ašeram, Jizreēlai, Efraimam, Benjamīnam un visam Israēlam. 10 Saula dēls Īšbošets bija četrdesmit gadus vecs, kad kļuva par Israēla ķēniņu, un viņš valdīja divus gadus. Vienīgi Jūdas nams sekoja Dāvidam. 11 Dāvida valdīšanas laiks Hebronā pār Jūdas namu bija septiņi gadi un seši mēneši.
12 Abnērs, Nēra dēls, kopā ar Saula dēla Īšbošeta kalpiem devās no Mahanaimas uz Gibeonu. 13 Ceļā devās arī Joābs, Cerūjas dēls, kopā ar Dāvida kalpiem, un viņi visi sastapās pie Gibeonas dīķa. Vieni apmetās dīķim vienā pusē un otri – otrā pusē. 14 Tad Abnērs teica Joābam: “Lai taču puiši ceļas un uzrīko mūsu priekšā sacīkstes!” Joābs atbildēja: “Lai notiek!” 15 Tad no Saula dēla Īšbošeta puses cēlās un iznāca divpadsmit benjamīnieši un arī no Dāvida kalpiem – divpadsmit vīri. 16 Tie grāba viens otru aiz galvas un grūda viens otram sānos zobenu un krita visi reizē. Šo vietu Gibeonā sauc par Helkatcūrīmu .
17 Kauja todien bija īpaši nežēlīga, un Dāvida kalpi sakāva Abnēru un Israēla vīrus. 18 Tur bija arī trīs Cerūjas dēli – Joābs, Abīšajs un Asāēls. Asāēls bija tik ātrs kā gazele laukā – 19 Asāēls dzinās pakaļ Abnēram, nenovērsdamies no Abnēra soļiem ne pa labi, ne pa kreisi. 20 Abnērs atskatījās un teica: “Vai tas esi tu, Asāēl?” Un tas atbildēja: “Es!” 21 Abnērs viņam sacīja: “Nogriezies uz vienu vai otru pusi, satver kādu no puišiem un ņem sev viņa ieročus.” Bet Asāēls negribēja beigt viņu vajāt. 22 Abnērs viņam vēlreiz sacīja: “Novērsies taču no manis! Kādēļ man tevi notriekt pie zemes, kā lai es pēc tam skatos acīs tavam brālim Joābam!” 23 Bet viņš neatstājās, un Abnērs ar šķēpa otru galu iedūra viņam vēderā. Šķēps izdūrās viņam cauri, viņš pakrita un uz vietas bija beigts. Ikviens, kas nonāca līdz vietai, kur Asāēls bija pakritis un miris, apstājās. 24 Bet Joābs un Abīšajs dzinās pakaļ Abnēram, un saule jau bija norietējusi, kad viņi nonāca pie Ammas pakalna, kas pirms Gīhas ceļā uz Gibeonas tuksnesi. 25 Benjamīnieši sapulcējās pie Abnēra – tie sastājās vienā pulkā pakalna galā. 26 Un Abnērs sauca Joābam: “Vai lai zobens rij bez mitas? Vai tad tu nezini, ka beigās būs rūgti? Cik ilgi tu vēl neteiksi ļaudīm, lai pārtrauc vajāt savus brāļus?” 27 Joābs atbildēja: “Dzīvs Dievs! Ja tu nebūtu runājis, tad tikai no rīta vīri beigtu vajāt savus brāļus.” 28 Joābs pūta ragu, un visi ļaudis apstājās un vairs nedzinās pakaļ israēliešiem un neturpināja cīņu. 29 Tad Abnērs ar saviem vīriem visu nakti gāja cauri Arābai, šķērsoja Jordānu, izgāja cauri aizai un nonāca Mahanaimā. 30 Joābs atgriezās no Abnēra vajāšanas, sapulcināja visus ļaudis, un no Dāvida kalpiem bez Asāēla trūka tikai deviņpadsmit vīru. 31 Bet no Abnēra vīriem benjamīniešiem Dāvida kalpi bija nokāvuši trīs simti sešdesmit vīru. 32 Asāēlu viņi aiznesa un apbedīja viņa tēva kapā Betlēmē. Tad Joābs un viņa vīri gāja visu nakti, un rītausmā tie nonāca Hebronā.
David Becomes King of Judah
1 Later, David asked the Lord, “Should I go back to one of the towns of Judah?”
The Lord answered, “Yes.”
David asked, “Which town should I go to?”
“Go to Hebron,” the Lord replied.
2 David went to Hebron with his two wives, Ahinoam and Abigail. Ahinoam was from Jezreel, and Abigail was the widow of Nabal from Carmel. 3 David also told his men and their families to come and live in the villages near Hebron.
4 The people of Judah met with David at Hebron and poured olive oil on his head to show that he was their new king. Then they told David, “The people from Jabesh in Gilead buried Saul.”
5 David sent messengers to tell them:
The Lord bless you! You were kind enough to bury Saul your ruler, 6 and I pray that the Lord will be kind and faithful to you. I will be your friend because of what you have done. 7 Saul is dead, but the tribe of Judah has made me their king. So be strong and have courage.
Ishbosheth Becomes King of Israel
8 Abner the son of Ner had been the general of Saul's army. He took Saul's son Ishbosheth across the Jordan River to Mahanaim 9 and made him king of Israel, including the areas of Gilead, Asher, Jezreel, Ephraim, and Benjamin. 10 Ishbosheth was 40 years old at the time, and he ruled for two years. But the tribe of Judah made David their king, 11 and he ruled from Hebron for seven and a half years.
The War between David and Ishbosheth
12 One day, Abner and the soldiers of Ishbosheth left Mahanaim and went to Gibeon. 13 Meanwhile, Joab the son of Zeruiah was leading David's soldiers, and the two groups met at the pool in Gibeon. Abner and his men sat down on one side of the pool, while Joab and his men sat on the other side. 14 Abner yelled to Joab, “Let's get some of our best soldiers to stand up and fight each other!”
Joab agreed, 15 and twelve of Ishbosheth's men from the tribe of Benjamin got up to fight twelve of David's men. 16 They grabbed each other by the hair and stabbed each other in the side with their daggers. They all died right there! That's why the place in Gibeon is called “Field of Daggers.” 17 Then everyone started fighting. Both sides fought very hard, but David's soldiers defeated Abner and the soldiers of Israel.
18 Zeruiah's three sons were there: Joab, Abishai, and Asahel. Asahel could run as fast as a deer in an open field, 19 and he ran straight after Abner, without looking to the right or to the left.
20 When Abner turned and saw him, he said, “Is that you, Asahel?”
Asahel answered, “Yes it is.”
21 Abner said, “There are soldiers all around. Stop chasing me and fight one of them! Kill him and take his clothes and weapons for yourself.”
But Asahel refused to stop.
22 Abner said, “If you don't turn back, I'll have to kill you! Then I could never face your brother Joab again.”
23 But Asahel would not turn back, so Abner struck him in the stomach with the back end of his spear. The spear went all the way through and came out of his back. Asahel fell down and died. Everyone who saw Asahel lying dead just stopped and stood still. 24 But Joab and Abishai went after Abner. Finally, about sunset, they came to the hill of Ammah, not far from Giah on the road to Gibeon Desert. 25 Abner brought the men of Benjamin together in one group on top of a hill, and they got ready to fight.
26 Abner shouted to Joab, “Aren't we ever going to stop killing each other? Don't you know that the longer we keep on doing this, the worse it's going to be when it's all over? When are you going to order your men to stop chasing their own relatives?”
27 Joab shouted back, “I swear by the living God, if you hadn't spoken, my men would have chased their relatives all night!” 28 Joab took his trumpet and blew the signal for his soldiers to stop chasing the soldiers of Israel. At once, the fighting stopped.
29 Abner and his troops marched through the Jordan River valley all that night. Then they crossed the river and marched all morning until they arrived back at Mahanaim.
30 As soon as Joab stopped chasing Abner, he got David's troops together and counted them. There were 19 missing besides Asahel. 31 But David's soldiers had killed 360 of Abner's men from the tribe of Benjamin. 32 Joab and his troops carried Asahel's body to Bethlehem and buried him in the family burial place. Then they marched all night and reached Hebron before sunrise.