Derības šķirsts tiek novietots templī
(1Ķēn 8:1–11)
1 Tad visi darbi, kurus Sālamans darīja Kunga namā, tika pabeigti. Un Sālamans tur ienesa sava tēva Dāvida svētlietas – sudrabu, zeltu un visus piederumus – un lika tos pie Dieva nama dārgumiem.
2 Pēc tam Sālamans sapulcināja Israēla vecajos, visu cilšu galvenos, Israēla dēlu tēvu namu vadoņus Jeruzālemē, lai pārnestu Kunga derības šķirstu no Dāvida pilsētas Ciānas. 3 Septītajā mēnesī uz svētkiem pie ķēniņa sapulcējās visi Israēla vīri. 4 Kad visi Israēla vecajie bija sanākuši, levīti ņēma šķirstu 5 un uznesa šķirstu, Saiešanas telti un visas svētlietas, kas bija teltī, – tās nesa priesteri un levīti. 6 Ķēniņš Sālamans un visa Israēla sapulce, kas pie viņa pulcējās derības šķirsta priekšā, upurēja sīklopus un liellopus – to bija tik daudz, ka nedz saskaitīt, nedz aplēst! 7 Priesteri ienesa Kunga derības šķirstu tā vietā, nama iekšnamā, svētumu svētumā zem ķerubu spārniem. 8 Ķerubu spārni bija izplesti pār šķirsta vietu, un ķerubi pārsedza šķirstu un nesamās kārtis no augšas. 9 Kārtis bija tik garas, ka kāršu galus no šķirsta puses varēja redzēt iekšnama priekšā, bet ārpusē tās neredzēja. Tā tas ir līdz šai dienai. 10 Šķirstā nekā cita nebija, tikai divas akmens plāksnes – tās Mozus deva Horebā, kur Kungs noslēdza derību ar Israēla dēliem, kad tie izgāja no Ēģiptes.
11 Tad priesteri izgāja no svētvietas, jo visi priesteri, kas tur piedalījās, bija svētījušies, viņi nebija sadalījušies pēc kalpošanas kārtām, 12 tie bija visi levīti dziedātāji – Āsāfs, Hēmāns, Jedūtūns ar saviem dēliem un brāļiem, tērpušies smalkā linā, ar cimbolēm, arfām un lirām. Tie stāvēja altārim austrumu pusē, un kopā ar tiem bija simts divdesmit priesteri, kas pūta taures. 13 Un tiem tā saskanēja, it kā tie pūstu vienu tauri un dziedātu vienā balsī – viņi slavēja Kungu un pateicās viņam. Kad sāka skanēt taures, bungu šķīvji un mūzikas instrumenti, lai slavētu Kungu – viņš ir labs, viņa žēlastība ir mūžīga! – Kunga nams piepildījās ar mākoni, 14 un mākoņa dēļ priesteri nevarēja nostāties kalpošanai, jo Kunga godība piepildīja Dieva namu!
1 After the Lord's temple was finished, Solomon put in its storage rooms everything that his father David had dedicated to the Lord, including the gold and silver, and the objects used in worship.
Solomon Brings the Sacred Chest to the Temple
(1 Kings 8.1-13)
2-3 The sacred chest had been kept on Mount Zion, also known as the city of David. But Solomon decided to have the chest moved to the temple while everyone was in Jerusalem to celebrate the Festival of Shelters during the seventh month.
Solomon called together all the important leaders of Israel. 4-5 Then the priests and the Levites picked up the sacred chest, the sacred tent, and the objects used for worship, and they carried them to the temple. 6 Solomon and a crowd of people stood in front of the chest and sacrificed more sheep and cattle than could be counted.
7 The priests carried the chest into the most holy place and put it under the winged creatures, 8 whose wings covered both the chest and the poles used for carrying it. 9 The poles were so long that they could be seen from just outside the most holy place, but not from anywhere else. And they stayed there from then on.
10 The only things kept in the chest were the two flat stones Moses had put there when the Lord made his agreement with the people of Israel at Mount Sinai, after bringing them out of Egypt.
11-13 The priests of every group had gone through the ceremony to make themselves clean and acceptable to the Lord. The Levite musicians, including Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and their sons and relatives, were wearing robes of fine linen. They were standing on the east side of the altar, playing cymbals, small harps, and other stringed instruments. One hundred and twenty priests were with these musicians, and they were blowing trumpets.
They were praising the Lord by playing music and singing:

“The Lord is good,
and his love never ends.”

Suddenly a cloud filled the temple as the priests were leaving the holy place. 14 The Lord's glory was in that cloud, and the light from it was so bright that the priests could not stay inside to do their work.