Amacjāhu valdīšana
(2Ķēn 14:1–6)1 Amacjāhu sāka valdīt divdesmit piecu gadu vecumā, viņš valdīja Jeruzālemē divdesmit deviņus gadus. Viņa mātes vārds bija Jehoadāna no Jeruzālemes. 2 Viņš darīja to, kas tīkams Kungam, bet ne no visas sirds. 3 Ieguvis valsts varu, viņš nokāva kalpus, kas bija nogalinājuši viņa tēvu ķēniņu. 4 Bet viņu dēlus nenonāvēja, jo Mozus bauslības grāmatā ir rakstīts, ka Kungs pavēlējis: “Tēvi lai netiek nonāvēti par dēliem, un dēli lai netiek nonāvēti par tēviem – katrs lai tiek nonāvēts par savu grēku!”
Amacjāhu sakauj edomiešus
(2Ķēn 14:7)5 Amacjāhu sapulcēja Jūdu un sarindoja visu Jūdu un Benjamīnu pēc tēvu namiem virsnieku pār tūkstošiem un simtiem vadībā. Viņš saskaitīja tos, kam divdesmit gadu un vairāk, un kopā bija trīs simti tūkstoši kaujai gatavu izlases vīru ar šķēpiem un vairogiem rokā. 6 Israēlā par simts sudraba gabaliem viņš nolīga simts tūkstošus varonīgu karavīru. 7 Tad pie viņa atnāca Dieva vīrs un sacīja: “Ķēniņ, lai Israēla karaspēks neiet tev līdzi, jo Kungs nav ar Israēlu – nav ar Efraima dēliem! 8 Ja tu iesi kopā ar tiem, kaut būsi stipri bruņojies karam, Dievs tevi nogāzīs ienaidnieka priekšā, jo vienīgi Dievs var balstīt vai gāzt!” 9 Amacjāhu sacīja Dieva vīram: “Bet kā tad ar tiem simts sudraba talantiem, kurus es atdevu Israēla pulkam?” Dieva vīrs sacīja: “Kungam ir daudz vairāk, ko tev dot!” 10 Tad Amacjāhu lika pulkam, kas bija nācis no Efraima, doties mājup. Un tie aizsvilās pret Jūdu un atgriezās mājās, dusmās degdami.
11 Amacjāhu sadūšojās un veda savus ļaudis uz Sāls ieleju, tur tie kāva desmit tūkstošus Seīras vīru. 12 Desmit tūkstošus jūdi sagūstīja dzīvus, uzveda klints virsotnē un nogrūda lejā, ka tie visi sašķīda. 13 Taču karotāji, kurus Amacjāhu bija sūtījis atpakaļ, lai tie nenāk līdzi karā, uzbruka Jūdas pilsētām no Samarijas līdz Bēthoronai. Tie nokāva trīs tūkstošus vīru un guva lielu laupījumu.
14 Atgriezdamies pēc edomiešu sakāves, Amacjāhu atveda Seīras iemītnieku dievus. Viņš kalpoja šiem dieviem, zemojās un kvēpināja tiem. 15 Kungs aizsvilās dusmās pret Amacjāhu un sūtīja pie viņa pravieti, lai tas saka: “Kāpēc tu meklē to tautu dievus, kuri nespēja no tevis paglābt savus ļaudis?!” 16 Kamēr viņš vēl runāja, ķēniņš sacīja: “Vai tu taisies dot ķēniņam padomu? Rimsties, citādi nokaušu!” Pravietis rimās, bet piebilda: “Es zinu, ka Dievs nodomājis tevi iznīcināt, jo tu tā esi darījis, neklausīdamies manā padomā!”
Israēls sakauj Jūdu
(2Ķēn 14:8–14)17 Jūdas ķēniņš Amacjāhu apspriedās un sūtīja sacīt Israēla ķēniņam Joāšam, Jehoāhāza dēlam, Jehus dēlam: “Tiksimies aci pret aci!” 18 Israēla ķēniņš Joāšs sūtīja sacīt Jūdas ķēniņam Amacjāhu: “Lebanona ērkšķis sūtīja pie Lebanona ciedra teikt: dod man savu meitu par sievu, bet garām gāja Lebanona lauku zvēri un samina ērkšķi! 19 Tu saki: redzi, es sakāvu Edomu! Tava sirds līksmo un lepojas, bet paliec savā namā, kāpēc tev meklēt nelaimi? Tu kritīsi, un Jūda kopā ar tevi!” 20 Bet Amacjāhu neklausījās, jo Dievs tā bija nolicis – atdeva viņu ienaidniekam, jo viņš tiecās pēc Edoma dieviem. 21 Israēla ķēniņš Joāšs tikās aci pret aci ar Jūdas ķēniņu Amacjāhu Bētšemešā, kas Jūdā. 22 Israēla sakauts, Jūda bēga uz saviem namiem. 23 Israēla ķēniņš Bētšemešā sagūstīja Jūdas ķēniņu Amacjāhu, Joāša dēlu, Jehoāhāza dēlu. Viņš to aizveda uz Jeruzālemi un nopostīja Jeruzālemes mūrus no Efraima vārtiem līdz Stūra vārtiem, četri simti olektis. 24 Viņš atgriezās Samarijā ar visu zeltu un sudrabu un visiem traukiem, kas atradās Dieva namā pie Obēdedoma, un ar visu, kas bija ķēniņa nama mantnīcās, un ar ķīlniekiem.
Amacjāhu nāve
(2Ķēn 14:17–20)25 Jūdas ķēniņš Amacjāhu, Joāša dēls, dzīvoja vēl piecpadsmit gadus pēc Israēla ķēniņa Jehoāhāza nāves. 26 Pārējie Amacjāhu darbi no pirmā līdz pēdējam – vai tad tie nav aprakstīti Jūdas un Israēla ķēniņu grāmatā?! 27 Tolaik, kad Amacjāhu novērsās no Kunga, Jeruzālemē pret viņu sazvērējās. Viņš bēga uz Lāhīšu, bet tie sūtīja uz Lāhīšu un tur viņu nonāvēja. 28 Ar zirgiem viņu atveda atpakaļ un apbedīja pie viņa tēviem Jūdas pilsētā.
King Amaziah of Judah
(2 Kings 14.1-6)1 Amaziah was 25 years old when he became king, and he ruled 29 years from Jerusalem, the hometown of his mother Jehoaddin.
2 Even though Amaziah obeyed the Lord by doing right, he refused to be completely faithful. 3 For example, as soon as he had control of Judah, he arrested and killed the officers who had murdered his father. 4 But the children of those officers were not killed; the Lord had commanded in the Law of Moses that only the people who sinned were to be punished.
Edom Is Defeated
(2 Kings 14.7)5 Amaziah sent a message to the tribes of Judah and Benjamin and called together all the men who were 20 years old and older. Three hundred thousand men went to Jerusalem, all of them ready for battle and able to fight with spears and shields. Amaziah grouped these soldiers according to their clans and put them under the command of his army officers. 6 Amaziah also paid about 3.4 tons of silver to hire 100,000 soldiers from Israel.
7 One of God's prophets said, “Your Majesty, don't let these Israelite soldiers march into battle with you. The Lord has refused to help anyone from the northern kingdom of Israel, 8 and so he will let your enemies defeat you, even if you fight hard. He is the one who brings both victory and defeat.”
9 Amaziah replied, “What am I supposed to do about all the silver I paid those troops?”
“The Lord will give you back even more than you paid,” the prophet answered.
10 Amaziah ordered the troops from Israel to go home, but when they left, they were furious with the people of Judah.
11 After Amaziah got his courage back, he led his troops to Salt Valley, where he killed 10,000 Edomite soldiers in battle. 12 He captured 10,000 more soldiers and dragged them to the top of a high cliff. Then he pushed them over the side, and they all were killed on the rocks below.
13 Meanwhile, the Israelite troops that Amaziah had sent home, raided the towns in Judah between Samaria and Beth-Horon. They killed 3,000 people and carried off their possessions.
14 After Amaziah had defeated the Edomite army, he returned to Jerusalem. He took with him the idols of the Edomite gods and set them up. Then he bowed down and offered them sacrifices. 15 This made the Lord very angry, and he sent a prophet to ask Amaziah, “Why would you worship these foreign gods that couldn't even save their own people from your attack?”
16 But before the prophet finished speaking, Amaziah interrupted and said, “You're not one of my advisors! Don't say another word, or I'll have you killed.”
The prophet stopped. But then he added, “First you sinned and now you've ignored my warning. It's clear that God has decided to punish you!”
Israel Defeats Judah
(2 Kings 14.8-14)17 King Amaziah of Judah talked with his officials, then sent a message to King Jehoash of Israel: “Come out and face me in battle!”
18 Jehoash sent back a reply that said:
Once upon a time, a small thornbush in Lebanon arranged the marriage between his son and the daughter of a large cedar tree. But a wild animal came along and trampled the small bush.
19 Amaziah, you think you're so powerful because you defeated Edom. But stay at home and do your celebrating. If you cause any trouble, both you and your kingdom of Judah will be destroyed.
20 God made Amaziah stubborn because he was planning to punish him for worshiping the Edomite gods. Amaziah refused to listen to Jehoash's warning, 21 so Jehoash led his army to the town of Beth-Shemesh in Judah to attack Amaziah and his troops. 22 During the battle, Judah's army was crushed. Every soldier from Judah ran back home, 23 and Jehoash captured Amaziah.
Jehoash took Amaziah with him when he went to attack Jerusalem. Jehoash broke down the city wall from Ephraim Gate to Corner Gate, a section nearly 200 meters long. 24 He carried away the gold, the silver, and all the valuable furnishings from God's temple where the descendants of Obed-Edom stood guard. He robbed the king's treasury, took hostages, then returned to Samaria.
Amaziah Is Killed
(2 Kings 14.15-20)25 Amaziah lived 15 years after Jehoash died. 26 Everything else Amaziah did while he was king is written in The History of the Kings of Judah and Israel.
27 As soon as Amaziah started disobeying the Lord, some people in Jerusalem plotted against Amaziah. He was able to escape to the town of Lachish, but another group of people caught him and killed him there. 28 His body was taken to Jerusalem on horseback and buried beside his ancestors.