Tempļa sienu labošana
(2Ķēn 12:1–17)
1 Joāšs sāka valdīt septiņu gadu vecumā. Viņš valdīja Jeruzālemē četrdesmit gadus. Viņa mātes vārds bija Cibja no Bēršebas. 2 Visu priestera Jehojādas laiku Joāšs darīja to, kas tīkams Kungam. 3 Jehojāda izraudzījās viņam divas sievas, tās viņam dzemdēja dēlus un meitas.
4 Pēc tam Joāšs nolēma atjaunot Kunga namu. 5 Viņš sapulcināja priesterus un levītus un sacīja: “Ejiet pa Jūdas pilsētām, vāciet no visa Israēla naudu, lai gadu no gada labotu Dieva namu. Steidziet to darīt!” Bet levīti nesteidzās. 6 Tad ķēniņš sauca augsto priesteri Jehojādu un teica: “Kādēļ tu nesūtīji levītus savākt no Jūdas un Jeruzālemes nodevas, kā Mozus, Kunga kalps, to pavēlēja Israēla sapulcei darīt saiešanas labad?” – 7 Jo grēcīgā Atalja un viņas dēli bija postījuši Dieva namu, un arī visas Kunga nama svētlietas bija lietotas baāliem. – 8 Ķēniņš pavēlēja tiem izgatavot lādi, un to nolika ārpusē pie Kunga nama ieejas. 9 Tad Jūdā un Jeruzālemē tika sludināts: “Nesiet nodevas Kungam, kā Dieva kalps Mozus tuksnesī pavēlēja Israēlam!” 10 Visi augstmaņi un tauta priecājās – nesa un meta lādē, līdz tā bija pilna. 11 Kad pienāca laiks, levīti aiznesa lādi ķēniņa ierēdņiem, un tie redzēja, ka tajā ir daudz naudas, tad nāca ķēniņa rakstvedis un augstā priestera ierēdnis – iztukšoja lādi un aiznesa atpakaļ vietā. Tā viņi darīja dienu no dienas un savāca daudz naudas. 12 Ķēniņš un Jehojāda to deva Kunga nama darbu veicējiem, kas nolīga akmeņkaļus un amatniekus, lai tie labo Kunga namu, kā arī vara un dzelzs kalējus Kunga nama nostiprināšanai. 13 Strādnieki darīja darbus, un atjaunošana veicās. Dieva nams atguva savu sākotnējo izskatu, un viņi to nostiprināja. 14 Kad darbs bija galā, tie atnesa pārējo naudu ķēniņam un Jehojādam. Viņš no tās darināja lietas Kunga namam – traukus kalpošanai, kausus upuriem, arī zelta un sudraba traukus. Visu Jehojādas laiku Kunga namā vienmēr pienesa sadedzināmos upurus.
15 Jehojāda bija pieredzējis daudz dienu un kļuva vecs. Viņš nomira simts trīsdesmit gadu vecumā. 16 Viņu apbedīja Dāvida pilsētā pie ķēniņiem, jo viņš bija darījis labi Israēlam, Dievam un viņa namam.
Joāša atkrišana
17 Pēc Jehojādas nāves Jūdas augstmaņi nāca un zemojās ķēniņam, un ķēniņš tos uzklausīja. 18 Viņi pameta Kunga, savu tēvu Dieva, namu un sāka kalpot ašērām un tēliem. Šā nodarījuma dēļ pār Jūdu un Jeruzālemi nāca dusmība. 19 Tad Kungs sūtīja tiem praviešus, lai tie atgriežas pie viņa, un viņi tos brīdināja, bet tie neklausījās.
20 Tad Dieva gars pārņēma priestera Jehojādas dēlu Zeharju, viņš nostājās ļaužu priekšā un sacīja: “Tā saka Dievs: kāpēc jūs pārkāpjat Kunga pavēles? Jums neveiksies, jo jūs pametāt Kungu un viņš pametīs jūs!” 21 Bet tie sazvērējās pret viņu un Kunga nama pagalmā nomētāja akmeņiem – tā bija pavēlējis ķēniņš. 22 Ķēniņš Joāšs nepieminēja laipnību, ko bija parādījis viņa tēvs Jehojāda, – viņš nokāva tā dēlu. Mirstot tas teica: “Kungs redz un atmaksā!”
Joāša nāve
(2Ķēn 12:20–22)
23 Gada beigās aramieši devās karā un nāca uz Jūdu un Jeruzālemi. Tie nogalināja visus tautas augstmaņus. Visu laupījumu tie aizveda Damaskas ķēniņam. 24 Kaut arī aramiešu karaspēkā bija maz vīru, Kungs viņiem nodeva visu lielo jūdu karaspēku, jo tie bija pametuši Kungu, savu tēvu Dievu! Tā viņi Joāšam sprieda tiesu. 25 Aramieši aizgāja, pametot Joāšu smagi sasirgušu, un kalpi sazvērējās pret viņu priestera Jehojādas dēlu asiņu dēļ. To nokāva savā gultā. Viņš nomira un tika apbedīts Dāvida pilsētā, taču ne ķēniņu kapenēs.
26 Pret viņu sazvērējās šie ļaudis: amonietis Zābāds, Šimāta dēls, un moābietis Jehozābāds, Šimrīta dēls.
27 Par viņa dēliem un daudzajiem pravietojumiem, kas par viņu sacīti, un par to, kā viņš nostiprināja Dieva namu, – ir rakstīts Ķēniņu grāmatas skaidrojumā. Pēc tam sāka valdīt viņa dēls Amacjāhu.
King Joash of Judah
(2 Kings 12.1-16)
1 Joash was only 7 years old when he became king of Judah, and he ruled 40 years from Jerusalem. His mother Zibiah was from the town of Beersheba.
2 While Jehoiada the priest was alive, Joash obeyed the Lord by doing right. 3 Jehoiada even chose two women for Joash to marry so he could have a family.
4 Some time later, Joash decided it was time to repair the temple. 5 He called together the priests and Levites and said, “Go everywhere in Judah and collect the annual tax from the people. I want this done at once—we need that money to repair the temple.”
But the Levites were in no hurry to follow the king's orders. 6 So he sent for Jehoiada the high priest and asked, “Why didn't you send the Levites to collect the taxes? The Lord's servant Moses and the people agreed long ago that this tax would be collected and used to pay for the upkeep of the sacred tent. 7 And now we need it to repair the temple because the sons of that evil woman Athaliah came in and wrecked it. They even used some of the sacred objects to worship the god Baal.”
8 Joash gave orders for a wooden box to be made and had it placed outside, near the gate of the temple. 9 He then sent letters everywhere in Judah and Jerusalem, asking everyone to bring their taxes to the temple, just as Moses had required their ancestors to do.
10 The people and their leaders agreed, and they brought their money to Jerusalem and placed it in the box. 11 Each day, after the Levites took the box into the temple, the king's secretary and the high priest's assistant would dump out the money and count it. Then the empty box would be taken back outside.
This happened day after day, and soon a large amount of money was collected. 12 Joash and Jehoiada turned the money over to the men who were supervising the repairs to the temple. They used the money to hire stonecutters, carpenters, and experts in working with iron and bronze.
13 These workers went right to work repairing the temple, and when they were finished, it looked as good as new. 14 They did not use all the tax money for the repairs, so the rest of it was handed over to Joash and Jehoiada, who then used it to make dishes and other gold and silver objects for the temple.
Sacrifices to please the Lord were offered regularly in the temple for as long as Jehoiada lived. 15 He died at the ripe old age of 130 years, 16 and he was buried in the royal tombs in Jerusalem, because he had done so much good for the people of Israel, for God, and for the temple.
Joash Turns Away from the Lord
17 After the death of Jehoiada the priest, the leaders of Judah went to Joash and talked him into doing what they wanted. 18 The people of Judah soon stopped worshiping in the temple of the Lord God and started worshiping idols and the symbols of the goddess Asherah. These sinful things made the Lord God angry with the people of Judah and Jerusalem, 19 but he still sent prophets who warned them to turn back to him. The people refused to listen.
20 God's Spirit spoke to Zechariah son of Jehoiada the priest, and Zechariah told everyone that God was saying: “Why are you disobeying me and my laws? This will only bring punishment! You have deserted me, so now I will desert you.”
21-22 King Joash forgot that Zechariah's father had always been a loyal friend. So when the people of Judah plotted to kill Zechariah, Joash joined them and gave orders for them to stone him to death in the courtyard of the temple. As Zechariah was dying, he said, “I pray that the Lord will see this and punish all of you.”
Joash Is Killed
23 In the spring of the following year, the Syrian army invaded Judah and Jerusalem, killing all of the nation's leaders. They collected everything of value that belonged to the people and took it back to their king in Damascus. 24 The Syrian army was very small, but the Lord let them defeat Judah's large army, because he was punishing Joash and the people of Judah for turning away from him.
25-26 Joash was severely wounded during the battle, and as soon as the Syrians left Judah, two of his officials, Zabad and Jehozabad, decided to revenge the death of Zechariah. They plotted and killed Joash while he was in bed, recovering from his wounds. Joash was buried in Jerusalem, but not in the royal tombs. 27 The History of the Kings also tells more about the sons of Joash, what the prophets said about him, and how he repaired the temple. Amaziah son of Joash became king after his father's death.