Dāvids saudzē Saula dzīvību
1 No turienes Dāvids kāpa augšā un apmetās Ēngedī nocietinājumā. 2 Kad Sauls atgriezās no filistiešu vajāšanas, viņam pastāstīja: “Redzi, Dāvids ir Ēngedī tuksnesī!”
3 Sauls ņēma trīs tūkstošus vīru, kas izraudzīti no visa Israēla, un devās meklēt Dāvidu un viņa vīrus pa kalnu kazu klintīm. 4 Pa ceļam viņš nonāca pie avju aplokiem. Tur bija ala, un Sauls iegāja alā atviegloties, bet Dāvids ar saviem vīriem sēdēja alas dziļumā. 5 Dāvida vīri sacīja viņam: “Redzi, brīdis, par kuru Kungs tev sacīja: redzi, es nododu ienaidnieku tavās rokās, dari ar viņu, ko gribi!” Dāvids piecēlās un slepus nogrieza Saula tērpam stūri. 6 Taču pēc tam Dāvida sirds strauji sitās par to, ka viņš nogriezis Saula tērpam stūri.
7 Un viņš teica saviem vīriem: “Lai Kungs mani pasargā, ka es ko tādu darītu savam kungam, Kunga svaidītajam, ka paceltu roku pret viņu – viņš ir Kunga svaidītais!” 8 Dāvids ar šiem vārdiem modināja šaubas savos vīros un neļāva tiem uzbrukt Saulam. Un Sauls alā piecēlās un devās tālāk.
9 Pēc tam arī Dāvids cēlās, iznāca no alas un sauca Saulam pakaļ: “Mans kungs, ķēniņ!” Kad Sauls atskatījās, Dāvids krita uz sava vaiga pie zemes un zemojās.
10 Dāvids teica Saulam: “Kāpēc tu klausies ļaužu runas, kuri saka: re, Dāvids vēl tev ļaunu! – 11 Redzi, šodien pats savām acīm tu redzēji, ka Kungs tevi tajā alā bija nodevis manās rokās. Mani skubināja tevi nokaut, bet manas acis iežēlojās par tevi, un es teicu: nepacelšu roku pret savu kungu, jo viņš ir Kunga svaidītais! – 12 Skaties, mans tēvs, paraugies uz sava tērpa stūri manā rokā! Es gan nogriezu tavam tērpam stūri, bet tevi es nenokāvu. Zini un redzi – manī nav nedz ļauna, nedz pārkāpuma, un es neesmu pret tevi grēkojis! Tu uzglūni manai dzīvībai, lai to laupītu! 13 Kungs izspriedīs starp mani un tevi, Kungs tev atmaksās par mani, bet mana roka nebūs pret tevi! 14 Kā saka sena paruna:
no ļaundariem nāk ļaundarība! –
bet mana roka nebūs pret tevi. 15 Ko gan Israēla ķēniņš ir izgājis vajāt? Kam tu dzenies pakaļ? Beigtam sunim! Vienai vienīgai blusai! 16 Kungs būs tiesnesis un izspriedīs starp mani un tevi. Viņš redzēs un izcīnīs manu cīņu un iztiesās mani no tavām rokām!”
17 Kad Dāvids to visu bija Saulam pateicis, Sauls sacīja: “Vai tā ir tava balss, mans dēls Dāvid?” Un Sauls sāka skaļi raudāt. 18 Viņš teica Dāvidam: “Tu esi taisnāks par mani, jo tu man atdarīji ar labu, bet es tev atdarīju ar ļaunu. 19 Tu man šodien pierādīji, ko esi man labu darījis – kad Kungs mani lika tavās rokās, tu mani nenokāvi! 20 Ja kāds sastop savu ienaidnieku, vai viņš to atlaidīs ar labu? Kungs tev atmaksās ar labu par šo dienu – par to, ko tu man esi darījis! 21 Nu redzi, es zinu, ka tu valdīsi kā ķēniņš un ar tevi nostiprināsies Israēla valstība. 22 Tagad zvēri man pie Kunga, ka nepārtrauksi manu dzimumu pēc manis un neiznīcināsi manu vārdu no mana tēva nama!” 23 Dāvids zvērēja Saulam, un Sauls atgriezās mājās, bet Dāvids ar saviem vīriem devās augšā uz cietoksni.
David Lets Saul Live
1 When Saul got back from fighting off the Philistines, he heard that David was in the desert around En-Gedi. 2 Saul led 3,000 of Israel's best soldiers out to look for David and his men near Wild Goat Rocks at En-Gedi. 3 There were some sheep pens along the side of the road, and one of them was built around the entrance to a cave. Saul went into the cave to relieve himself.
David and his men were hiding at the back of the cave. 4 They whispered to David, “The Lord told you he was going to let you defeat your enemies and do whatever you want with them. This must be the day the Lord was talking about.”
David sneaked over and cut off a small piece of Saul's robe, but Saul didn't notice a thing. 5 Afterwards, David was sorry that he had even done that, 6-7 and he told his men, “Stop talking foolishly. We're not going to attack Saul. He's my king, and I pray that the Lord will keep me from doing anything to harm his chosen king.”
Saul left the cave and started down the road. 8 Soon, David also got up and left the cave. “Your Majesty!” he shouted from a distance.
Saul turned around to look. David bowed down very low 9 and said:
Your Majesty, why do you listen to people who say that I'm trying to harm you? 10 You can see for yourself that the Lord gave me the chance to catch you in the cave today. Some of my men wanted to kill you, but I wouldn't let them do it. I told them, “I will not harm the Lord's chosen king!” 11 Your Majesty, look at what I'm holding. You can see that it's a piece of your robe. If I could cut off a piece of your robe, I could have killed you. But I let you live, and that should prove I'm not trying to harm you or to rebel. I haven't done anything to you, and yet you keep trying to ambush and kill me.
12 I'll let the Lord decide which one of us has done right. I pray that the Lord will punish you for what you're doing to me, but I won't do anything to you. 13 An old proverb says, “Only evil people do evil things,” and so I won't harm you.
14 Why should the king of Israel be out chasing me, anyway? I'm as worthless as a dead dog or a flea. 15 I pray that the Lord will help me escape and show that I am in the right.
16 “David, my son—is that you?” Saul asked. Then he started crying 17 and said:
David, you're a better person than I am. You treated me with kindness, even though I've been cruel to you. 18 You've told me how you were kind enough not to kill me when the Lord gave you the chance. 19 If you really were my enemy, you wouldn't have let me leave here alive. I pray that the Lord will give you a big reward for what you did today.
20 I realize now that you will be the next king, and a powerful king at that. 21 Promise me with the Lord as your witness, that you won't wipe out my descendants. Let them live to keep my family name alive.
22 So David promised, and Saul went home. David and his men returned to their hideout.