Jonatāna uzvara
1 Todien Saula dēls Jonatāns teica puisim, savam ieroču nesējam: “Nāc, iesim pāri uz filistiešu sardzi, kas viņā pusē!” Bet savam tēvam viņš neko neteica. 2 Sauls bija apmeties zem granātkoka Migronā, Gibas nomalē, un pie viņa bija ap seši simti vīru, 3 arī Ahija, kas nēsāja efodu, Īhāboda brāļa Ahītūva dēls, Pinhāsa dēls, Ēlī dēls, kas bija Kunga priesteris Šīlo. Un neviens nezināja, ka Jonatāns ir aizgājis. 4 Abpus pārejai, pa kuru Jonatāns lūkoja tikt pāri pie filistiešu sardzes, bija smailas klintis. Vienu sauca Mirdzošais un otru Dzelošais. 5 Viena klints slējās ziemeļos pretī Mihmāsai un otra dienvidos pretī Gebai.
6 Jonatāns teica puisim, savam ieroču nesējam: “Nāc, iesim pāri pie tiem neapgraizītajiem, kas tur stāv sardzē! Varbūt Kungs rīkosies mūsu labā, jo kas var Kungam liegt glābt ar maz tāpat kā ar daudz?!” 7 Un viņa ieroču nesējs teica: “Dari visu pēc sava prāta! Uz priekšu! Redzi, es esmu ar tevi vienis prātis!” 8 Jonatāns teica: “Redzi, mēs iesim pāri pie tiem vīriem tā, ka viņi mūs redz. 9 Ja viņi mums teiks: gaidiet, kamēr mēs tiekam pie jums! – tad paliksim uz vietas un nekāpsim augšā pie viņiem. 10 Bet, ja viņi teiks: kāpiet šurp pie mums! – mēs kāpsim augšā, jo tā būs zīme, ka Kungs viņus ir nodevis mūsu rokās.” 11 Kad filistiešu sardze viņus ieraudzīja, tie teica: “Redzi, ebreji lien ārā no alām, kur bija slēpušies!” 12 Un posteņa vīri sauca Jonatānam un viņa ieroču nesējam: “Kāpiet tik šurp pie mums, tad mēs jums rādīsim!”
Tad Jonatāns teica savam ieroču nesējam: “Man pakaļ! Kungs viņus ir nodevis Israēla rokās!” 13 Jonatāns rāpās rokām, kājām un viņa ieroču nesējs aiz viņa. Tie krita no Jonatāna rokas, un viņa ieroču nesējs tos piebeidza, iedams aiz viņa. 14 Šajā pirmajā slaktiņā Jonatāns un viņa ieroču nesējs nokāva ap divdesmit vīru uz tik liela zemes gabala, ko var apart pusdienā. 15 Liela drebēšana bija gan nometnē, gan laukā, un drebēja visi ļaudis – gan sargi, gan sirotāji, un trīcēja zeme – viss drebēja bailēs no Dieva. 16 Saula izlūki Benjamīna Gibā skatījās, un redzi – pūlis šķīda uz visām pusēm!
17 Tad Sauls teica ļaudīm, kas bija kopā ar viņu: “Apskatieties un noskaidrojiet, kurš no mums ir prom!” Tie apskatījās, redzi, nebija Jonatāna un viņa ieroču nesēja! 18 Sauls teica Ahijam: “Atnesiet Dieva šķirstu!” – tolaik Dieva šķirsts bija pie israēliešiem. 19 Kamēr Sauls runāja ar priesteri, kņada filistiešu nometnē pieauga aizvien vairāk, tādēļ Sauls teica priesterim: “Apturi savu roku!” 20 Sauls sasauca visus ļaudis, kas bija pie viņa, un tie devās uz kaujas vietu. Un, redzi, tie kāva viens otru, un tur bija liels juceklis. 21 Un ebreji, kas agrāk bija ar filistiešiem un visur gāja tiem līdzi nometnēs, nu pievienojās israēliešiem, kas nāca ar Saulu un Jonatānu. 22 Visi Israēla vīri, kas slēpās Efraima kalnos, dzirdēja, ka filistieši bēg, un arī viņi ar kauju tiem cieši sekoja. 23 Tā Kungs todien izglāba Israēlu, un kauja turpinājās līdz Bētāvenai.
Saula pārsteidzīgais lāsts
24 Israēla vīri todien bija paguruši, jo Sauls bija ļaudis nozvērinājis, sacīdams: “Nolādēts, kurš kaut ko ēdīs, pirms iestājas vakars un pirms es esmu atriebies saviem ienaidniekiem!” Tā neviens no ļaudīm neko nebaudīja.
25 Viņi visi iegāja mežā, un tur uz zemes bija medus. 26 Ļaudis iegāja mežā, un, redzi, tecēja medus! Bet neviens necēla roku pie mutes, jo ļaudis bijās zvēresta. 27 Taču Jonatāns nebija dzirdējis, ka viņa tēvs uzlicis ļaudīm lāstu. Viņš pasniedzās ar nūjas galu, kas tam bija rokā, iemērca to medus kārē un cēla roku pie mutes; un viņa acis iemirdzējās. 28 Tad kāds no ļaudīm teica: “Tavs tēvs ir ļaudis zvērināt nozvērinājis: nolādēts, kurš šodien ko ēdīs! Tāpēc ļaudis ir pārguruši.” 29 Jonatāns teica: “Mans tēvs grūž postā šo zemi! Redziet taču, kā man iemirdzējās acis, kad es mazliet nobaudīju medu. 30 Kur vēl, ja ļaudis šodien krietni saēstos no visa, ko tie laupījuši ienaidniekiem, jo filistiešu sakāve vēl nav gana liela.” 31 Todien viņi kāva filistiešus no Mihmāsas līdz Ajalonai, un ļaudis bija pārguruši. 32 Tie metās uz laupījumu un sagrāba avis, vēršus un teļus, kāva turpat uz zemes un ēda asiņainu. 33 Saulam teica: “Redzi, ļaudis grēko pret Kungu, ēdot asiņainu.” Viņš teica: “Jūs esat lauzuši uzticību! Tūliņ atveliet pie manis lielu akmeni!” 34 Tad Sauls teica: “Iejūciet ļaužu vidū un sakiet tiem: lai katrs atved pie manis savu vērsi un savu avi – kaujiet tos šeit un ēdiet, bet negrēkojiet pret Kungu, ēzdami asiņainu!” Tonakt ļaudis atveda katrs savu vērsi un kāva tur. 35 Tā Sauls uzcēla altāri Kungam. Tas bija pirmais altāris, ko viņš cēla Kungam.
Jonatāns tiek atbrīvots no lāsta
36 Sauls teica: “Dzīsimies pakaļ filistiešiem naktī un laupīsim viņus līdz rīta gaismai – neatstāsim dzīvu nevienu no viņiem!” Tie atbildēja: “Dari visu, kā tev šķiet labi.”
Bet priesteris teica: “Vērsīsimies pie Dieva šeit pat!” 37 Un Sauls jautāja Kungam: “Vai man dzīties pakaļ filistiešiem? Vai tu tos nodosi Israēla rokās?” Bet todien viņš tam neatbildēja. 38 Tad Sauls teica: “Pulcējieties šeit, jūs, visi tautas balsti, lai zinām un redzam, kura dēļ šodien noticis šis grēks! 39 Kā dzīvs Kungs, Israēla glābējs! – pat ja to darījis mans dēls Jonatāns, viņš mirtin mirs!” Bet neviens visā tautā neatbildēja. 40 Un viņš teica Israēlam: “Jūs būsiet vienā pusē, bet mēs ar dēlu Jonatānu otrā pusē.” Un ļaudis teica Saulam: “Dari, kā tev šķiet labi.”
41 Un Sauls teica Kungam: “Israēla Dievs, lem taisnību!” Un tika norādīti Jonatāns un Sauls, bet tauta izgāja sveikā. 42 Tad Sauls teica: “Metiet lozi par mani un manu dēlu Jonatānu!” Un tika norādīts Jonatāns. 43 Sauls teica Jonatānam: “Stāsti man, ko tu esi darījis!” Un Jonatāns viņam stāstīja: “Ar nūjas galu, kas man bija rokā, es gan nobaudīju mazliet medus – vai tad man jāmirst!” 44 Sauls sacīja: “Lai Dievs dara tā un vēl vairāk! Tev tiešām jāmirst, Jonatān!” 45 Bet ļaudis sacīja Saulam: “Vai Jonatānam jāmirst? Viņam, kurš nesis Israēlam lielo glābšanu? Pasargi! Dzīvs Kungs! Ne mats no viņa galvas nekritīs zemē! Jo ar Dieva palīgu viņš to šodien paveicis!” Tā ļaudis izglāba Jonatānu no nāves.
46 Bet Sauls atstājās no filistiešu vajāšanas, un filistieši devās uz savu zemi.
Saula vestie kari
47 Kad Sauls bija saņēmis valdīšanu pār Israēlu, viņš karoja ar visiem saviem ienaidniekiem visapkārt – ar Moābu, amoniešiem, Edomu, Cobas ķēniņiem un ar filistiešiem. Visur, kur viņš devās, viņš rīkojās nežēlīgi. 48 Viņš rīkojās drosmīgi, satrieca amālēkiešus un izrāva Israēlu no laupītāju rokām.
49 Saula dēli bija Jonatāns, Jišvī un Malkīšūa, un abas viņa meitas sauca: pirmdzimto – Mēraba un jaunāko – Mīhala. 50 Saula sievu sauca Ahīnoama, Ahīmaaca meita. Saula karaspēka virspavēlnieks bija Abnērs, Saula tēvoča Nēra dēls. 51 Jo Saula tēvs Kīšs un Abnēra tēvs Nērs bija Abīēla dēli.
52 Karš ar filistiešiem bija sīvs visas Saula dienas. Kad vien Sauls ieraudzīja kādu varenu vai stipru vīru, viņš to piepulcināja sev.
1-3 and Saul was in Geba with his 600 men. Saul's own tent was set up under a fruit tree by the threshing place at the edge of town. Ahijah was serving as priest, and one of his jobs was to get answers from the Lord for Saul. Ahijah's father was Ahitub, and his father's brother was Ichabod. Ahijah's grandfather was Phinehas, and his great-grandfather Eli had been the Lord's priest at Shiloh.
One day, Jonathan told the soldier who carried his weapons that he wanted to attack the Philistine camp on the other side of the valley. So they slipped out of the Israelite camp without anyone knowing it. Jonathan didn't even tell his father he was leaving.
4-5 Jonathan decided to get to the Philistine camp by going through the pass that led between Shiny Cliff and Michmash to the north and Thornbush Cliff and Geba to the south.
6 Jonathan and the soldier who carried his weapons talked as they went toward the Philistine camp. “It's just the two of us against all those godless men,” Jonathan said. “But the Lord can help a few soldiers win a battle just as easily as he can help a whole army. Maybe the Lord will help us win this battle.”
7 “Do whatever you want,” the soldier answered. “I'll be right there with you.”
8 “This is what we will do,” Jonathan said. “We will go across and let them see us. 9 If they agree to come down the hill and fight where we are, then we won't climb up to their camp. 10 But we will go if they tell us to come up the hill and fight. That will mean the Lord is going to help us win.”
11-12 Jonathan and the soldier stood at the bottom of the hill where the Philistines could see them. The Philistines said, “Look! Those worthless Israelites have crawled out of the holes where they've been hiding.” Then they yelled down to Jonathan and the soldier, “Come up here, and we will teach you a thing or two!”
Jonathan turned to the soldier and said, “Follow me! The Lord is going to let us win.”
13 Jonathan crawled up the hillside with the soldier right behind him. When they got to the top, Jonathan killed the Philistines who attacked from the front, and the soldier killed those who attacked from behind. 14 Before they had gone 30 meters, they had killed about 20 Philistines.
15 The whole Philistine army panicked—those in camp, those on guard duty, those in the fields, and those on raiding patrols. All of them were afraid and confused. Then God sent an earthquake, and the ground began to tremble.
Israel Defeats the Philistines
16 Saul's lookouts at Geba saw that the Philistine army was running in every direction, like melted wax. 17 Saul told his officers, “Call the roll and find out who left our camp.” When they had finished, they found out that Jonathan and the soldier who carried his weapons were missing.
18 At that time, Ahijah was serving as priest for the army of Israel, and Saul told him, “Come over here! Let's ask God what we should do.” 19 Just as Saul finished saying this, he could see that the Philistine army camp was getting more and more confused, and he said, “Ahijah, never mind!”
20 Saul quickly called his army together, then led them to the Philistine camp. By this time the Philistines were so confused that they were killing each other.
21 There were also some hired soldiers in the Philistine camp, who now switched to Israel's side and fought for Saul and Jonathan.
22 Many Israelites had been hiding in the hill country of Ephraim. And when they heard that the Philistines were running away, they came out of hiding and joined in chasing the Philistines.
23-24 So the Lord helped Israel win the battle that day.
Saul's Curse on Anyone Who Eats
Saul had earlier told his soldiers, “I want to get even with those Philistines by sunset. If any of you eat before then, you will be under a curse!” So he made them swear not to eat.
By the time the fighting moved past Beth-Aven, the Israelite troops were weak from hunger. 25-26 The army and the people who lived nearby had gone into a forest, and they came to a place where honey was dripping on the ground. But no one ate any of it, because they were afraid of being put under the curse.
27 Jonathan did not know about Saul's warning to the soldiers. So he dipped the end of his walking stick in the honey and ate some with his fingers. He felt stronger and more alert. 28 Then a soldier told him, “Your father swore that anyone who ate food today would be put under a curse, and we agreed not to eat. That's why we're so weak.”
29 Jonathan said, “My father has caused you a lot of trouble. Look at me! I ate only a little of this honey, but already I feel strong and alert. 30 I wish you had eaten some of the food the Philistines left behind. We would have been able to kill a lot more of them.”
31 By evening the Israelite army was exhausted from killing Philistines all the way from Michmash to Aijalon. 32 They grabbed the food they had captured from the Philistines and started eating. They even killed sheep and cows and calves right on the spot and ate the meat without draining the blood. 33 Someone told Saul, “Look! The army is disobeying the Lord by eating meat before the blood drains out.”
“You're right,” Saul answered. “They are being unfaithful to the Lord! Hurry! Roll a big rock over here. 34 Then tell everyone in camp to bring their cattle and lambs to me. They can kill the animals on this rock, then eat the meat. That way no one will disobey the Lord by eating meat with blood still in it.”
That night the soldiers brought their cattle over to the big rock and killed them there. 35 It was the first altar Saul had built for offering sacrifices to the Lord.
The Army Rescues Jonathan
36 Saul said, “Let's attack the Philistines again while it's still dark. We can fight them all night. Let's kill them and take everything they own!”
The people answered, “We will do whatever you want.”
“Wait!” Ahijah the priest said. “Let's ask God what we should do.”
37 Saul asked God, “Should I attack the Philistines? Will you help us win?”
This time God did not answer. 38 Saul called his army officers together and said, “We have to find out what sin has kept God from answering. 39 I swear by the living Lord that whoever sinned must die, even if it turns out to be my own son Jonathan.”
No one said a word.
40 Saul told his army, “You stand on that side of the priest, and Jonathan and I will stand on the other side.”
Everyone agreed.
41 Then Saul prayed, “Our Lord, God of Israel, why haven't you answered me today? Please show us who sinned. Was it my son Jonathan and I, or was it your people Israel?”
The answer came back that Jonathan or Saul had sinned, not the army. 42 Saul told Ahijah, “Now ask the Lord to decide between Jonathan and me.”
The answer came back that Jonathan had sinned. 43 “Jonathan,” Saul exclaimed, “tell me what you did!”
“I dipped the end of my walking stick in some honey and ate a little. Now you say I have to die!”
44 “Yes, Jonathan. I swear to God that you must die.”
45 “No!” the soldiers shouted. “God helped Jonathan win the battle for us. We won't let you kill him. We swear to the Lord that we won't let you kill him or even lay a hand on him!” So the army kept Saul from killing Jonathan.
46 Saul stopped hunting down the Philistines, and they went home.
Saul Fights His Enemies
47-48 When Saul became king, the Moabites, the Ammonites, the Edomites, the kings of Zobah, the Philistines, and the Amalekites had all been robbing the Israelites. Saul fought back against these enemies and stopped them from robbing Israel. He was a brave commander and always won his battles.
Saul's Family
49-51 Saul's wife was Ahinoam, the daughter of Ahimaaz. They had three sons: Jonathan, Ishvi, and Malchishua. They also had two daughters: The older one was Merab, and the younger one was Michal.
Abner, Saul's cousin, was the commander of the army. Saul's father Kish and Abner's father Ner were sons of Abiel.
War with the Philistines
52 Saul was at war with the Philistines for as long as he lived. Whenever he found a good warrior or a brave man, Saul made him join his army.