Dievs otrreiz parādās Sālamanam
(2L 7:11–22)1 Kad Sālamans beidza celt Kunga namu, ķēniņa namu un visu, kas Sālamanam patika un ko viņš vēlējās uzcelt, 2 Kungs parādījās Sālamanam otrreiz, tāpat kā viņš tam bija parādījies Gibeonā. 3 Un Kungs viņam sacīja: “Es esmu dzirdējis tavu lūgšanu un pielūgšanu, ko tu izlūdzies manā priekšā, es esmu svētījis šo namu, kuru tu uzcēli, lai liktu tur mājot savam vārdam uz mūžiem, un manas acis un mana sirds būs tur vienmēr. 4 Ja tu staigāsi manā priekšā tāpat kā tavs tēvs Dāvids, godīgi no sirds darīdams visu, ko es tev pavēlēju, turēdams manus likumus un tiesas, 5 tad es nostiprināšu tavu ķēniņa troni pār Israēlu mūžīgi, kā es esmu runājis ar tavu tēvu Dāvidu, sacīdams: tev nekad netrūks, kas sēž Israēla tronī. 6 Bet, ja tu vai tavi dēli novērsīsies no manis un neturēs manus baušļus un likumus, kurus es jums devu, un ies kalpot citiem dieviem un tiem zemoties, 7 tad es iznīdēšu Israēlu no zemes, kuru es tam devu, un es atmetīšu namu, ko es svētīju savam vārdam, un Israēls kļūs par parunu un izsmieklu visām tautām. 8 Un par šo dižo namu visi garāmgājēji šausmināsies un svilpodami sacīs: kādēļ Kungs tā darīja šai zemei un šim namam? 9 Un tiem atbildēs: tādēļ, ka tie atmetuši Kungu, savu Dievu, kurš viņu tēvus izveda no Ēģiptes zemes, un stipri pieķērušies citiem dieviem, zemojušies un kalpojuši tiem, tādēļ Kungs lika pār tiem nākt visam šim ļaunumam.”
Pārējie Sālamana darbi
(2L 8:1–18)10 Pēc divdesmit gadiem, kad Sālamans bija uzcēlis abus namus – Kunga namu un ķēniņa namu – 11 un Tīras ķēniņš Hīrāms bija izpildījis visas Sālamana vēlmes par ciedru kokiem, ciprešu kokiem un zeltu, ķēniņš Sālamans deva Hīrāmam divdesmit pilsētas Galilejas zemē. 12 Un Hīrāms no Tīras devās apskatīt pilsētas, ko viņam bija dāvājis Sālamans, bet viņam tās nepatika. 13 Un viņš sacīja: “Brāli, kādas pilsētas tu man esi iedevis?!” Un viņš tās nosauca par Kābūlas zemi, tā tās sauc vēl šodien. 14 Un Hīrāms sūtīja ķēniņam simts divdesmit talantus zelta.
15 Un tā bija ar klaušām, kuras ķēniņš Sālamans noteica, lai celtu Kunga namu, savu namu, Millo un Jeruzālemes mūrus, Hācoru, Megido un Gezeru. 16 Faraons, Ēģiptes ķēniņš, bija nācis uz Gezeru un to ieņēmis, nodedzinājis ar uguni un nokāvis kanaāniešus, kas dzīvoja pilsētā, un viņš to deva par dāvanu savai meitai, Sālamana sievai. 17 Sālamans uzcēla Gezeru un lejas Bēthoronu, 18 Baālātu un Tadmoru – tuksneša zemē – 19 un visas noliktavu pilsētas, kas piederēja Sālamanam, kā arī pilsētas kararatiem un pilsētas jātniekiem, un visu, ko vien Sālamans vēlējās uzcelt Jeruzālemē, Lebanonā un visā viņa pārvaldītajā zemē – 20 visās tautās, kas nebija no Israēla dēliem, kas bija atlikuši no amoriešiem, hetiešiem, periziešiem, hiviešiem un jebūsiešiem. 21 Viņu dēlus, kuri bija atlikuši tajā zemē un kurus Israēla dēli nespēja iznīcināt, Sālamans padarīja par klaušiniekiem līdz šai dienai. 22 Bet Israēla dēliem Sālamans nelika būt vergiem – tie bija viņa karavīri, kalpi, priekšnieki, virsnieki, kararatu pavēlnieki un jātnieki.
23 Sālamanam bija pieci simti piecdesmit darbu pārvaldnieku – tie valdīja pār tautu, kas darīja darbus. 24 Bet faraona meita pārcēlās no Dāvida pilsētas uz savu namu, kurš tai tika uzcelts. Tad viņš uzcēla Millo.
25 Sālamans trīs reizes gadā pienesa sadedzināmos upurus un miera upurus uz altāra, ko bija uzcēlis Kungam, un kvēpināja Kunga priekšā. Tā viņš pabeidza namu.
26 Un ķēniņš Sālamans būvēja kuģus Ecjongeberā, pie Ēlatas, Niedru jūras krastā, Edoma zemē. 27 Hīrāms sūtīja uz kuģiem līdzi Sālamana kalpiem savus kalpus, kuģiniekus – jūras pazinējus. 28 Tie devās uz Ofīru un no turienes atveda četri simti divdesmit talantus zelta, ko nogādāja ķēniņam Sālamanam.
The Lord Appears to Solomon Again
(2 Chronicles 7.11-22)1 The Lord's temple and Solomon's palace were now finished, and Solomon had built everything he wanted. 2 Some time later the Lord appeared to him again in a dream, just as he had done at Gibeon. 3 The Lord said:
I heard your prayer and what you asked me to do. This temple you have built is where I will be worshiped forever. It belongs to me, and I will never stop watching over it.
4 You must obey me, as your father David did, and be honest and fair. Obey my laws and teachings, 5 and I will keep my promise to David that someone from your family will always be king of Israel.
6 But if you or any of your descendants disobey my commands or start worshiping foreign gods, 7 I will no longer let my people Israel live in this land I gave them. I will desert this temple where I said I would be worshiped. Then people everywhere will think this nation is only a joke and will make fun of it. 8 This temple will become a pile of rocks! Everyone who walks by will be shocked, and they will ask, “Why did the Lord do such a terrible thing to his people and to this temple?” 9 Then they will answer, “We know why the Lord did this. The people of Israel rejected the Lord their God, who rescued their ancestors from Egypt, and they started worshiping other gods.”
Other Things Solomon Did
(2 Chronicles 8.1-18)10 It took 20 years for the Lord's temple and Solomon's palace to be built. 11 Later, Solomon gave King Hiram of Tyre 20 towns in the region of Galilee to repay him for the cedar, pine, and gold he had given Solomon.
12 When Hiram went to see the towns, he did not like them. 13 He said, “Solomon, my friend, are these the kind of towns you want to give me?” So Hiram called the region Cabul because he thought it was worthless. 14 He sent Solomon only five tons of gold in return.
15 After Solomon's workers had finished the temple and the palace, he ordered them to fill in the land on the east side of Jerusalem, to build a wall around the city, and to rebuild the towns of Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer.
16 Earlier, the king of Egypt had captured the town of Gezer; he burned it to the ground and killed the Canaanite people living there. Then he gave it to his daughter as a wedding present when she married Solomon. 17 So Solomon had the town rebuilt.
Solomon ordered his workers to rebuild Lower Beth-Horon, 18 Baalath, and Tamar in the desert of Judah. 19 They also built towns where he could keep his supplies and his chariots and horses. Solomon ordered them to build whatever he wanted in Jerusalem, Lebanon, and anywhere in his kingdom.
20-22 Solomon did not force the Israelites to do his work. They were his soldiers, officials, leaders, commanders, chariot captains, and chariot drivers. But he did make slaves of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites who were living in Israel. These were the descendants of those foreigners the Israelites could not destroy, and they remained Israel's slaves.
23 Solomon appointed 550 officers to be in charge of his workers and to watch over his building projects.
24 Solomon's wife, the daughter of the king of Egypt, moved from the older part of Jerusalem to her new palace. Then Solomon had the land on the east side of Jerusalem filled in.
25 Three times a year, Solomon burned incense and offered sacrifices to the Lord on the altar he had built.
Solomon had now finished building the Lord's temple.
26 He also had a lot of ships at Ezion-Geber, a town in Edom near Eloth on the Red Sea. 27-28 King Hiram let some of his experienced sailors go to the country of Ophir with Solomon's own sailors, and they brought back about 14 tons of gold for Solomon.