Sālamans novēršas no Dieva
1 Ķēniņš Sālamans mīlēja daudzas svešu tautu sievas – faraona meitu un arī moābietes, amonietes, edomietes, sidonietes, hetietes, 2 no tām tautām, par kurām Kungs bija sacījis Israēla dēliem: “Neprecieties ar tiem, un viņi lai neprecas ar jums, jo tad jūsu sirdis noteikti pievērstos viņu dieviem!” – tām Sālamans pieķērās ar mīlestību. 3 Viņam bija septiņi simti augstdzimušu sievu un trīs simti blakussievu, un viņa sievas tam grozīja prātu. 4 Kad Sālamans kļuva vecs, viņa sievas pievērsa tā prātu citiem dieviem, un viņa sirds neatrada miera pie Kunga, viņa Dieva, kā viņa tēva Dāvida sirds. 5 Sālamans sekoja sidoniešu dievietei Aštartei un pretīgajam amoniešu elkam Milkomam. 6 Sālamans darīja to, kas ļauns Kunga acīs, un netiecās pēc Kunga, kā viņa tēvs Dāvids.
7 Tad Sālamans uzcēla altāri pretīgajam moābiešu elkam Kemošam kalnā, kas iepretī Jeruzālemei, un pretīgajam amoniešu elkam Moleham. 8 To pašu viņš darīja visām savām sveštautiešu sievām, kuras kvēpināja un upurēja saviem dieviem. 9 Un Kungs dusmojās uz Sālamanu, jo viņš bija novērsies no Kunga, Israēla Dieva, kas viņam bija divreiz atklājies. 10 Dievs viņam bija pavēlējis: “Neseko citiem dieviem!” – bet Sālamans neievēroja Kunga pavēli. 11 Un Kungs sacīja Sālamanam: “Tādēļ ka tu tā darīji un neturēji manu derību un manus likumus, ko es tev pavēlēju, es atraušu no tevis valdīšanu un došu to tavam kalpam. 12 Tomēr tavas dzīves laikā es to nedarīšu tava tēva Dāvida dēļ. Es to atraušu tavam dēlam! 13 Taču visu valsti es neatraušu – vienu cilti es došu tavam dēlam mana kalpa Dāvida un Jeruzālemes dēļ, ko es esmu izvēlējies!”
Sālamana pretinieki
14 Un Kungs deva Sālamanam pretinieku, edomieti Hadadu, viņš bija no Edoma ķēniņa dzimtas. 15 Toreiz, kad Dāvids bija Edomā un karaspēka virspavēlnieks Joābs bija devies apbedīt nogalinātos, viņš izkāva visus edomiešus. 16 Joābs un viss Israēls tur palika sešus mēnešus, līdz tie iznīdēja visus edomiešus. 17 Bet Hadads un daži edomieši no viņa tēva kalpiem aizbēga uz Ēģipti. Hadads bija mazs zēns. 18 Viņi izgāja no Midjānas un nonāca Pārānā. Viņi ņēma sev līdzi vīrus no Pārānas, nonāca Ēģiptē pie faraona, Ēģiptes ķēniņa, un tas viņam deva namu, maizi un zemi. 19 Un Hadads ieguva lielu faraona vēlību, un tas viņam deva par sievu savas sievas, ķēniņienes Tahpenēsas, māsu. 20 Un Tahpenēsas māsa dzemdēja viņam dēlu Gnubatu, un Tahpenēsa viņu nošķīra no krūts faraona namā, un Gnubats bija faraona namā kopā ar faraona dēliem. 21 Kad Hadads Ēģiptē uzzināja, ka Dāvids apgūlies pie saviem tēviem un karaspēka virspavēlnieks Joābs ir miris, Hadads sacīja faraonam: “Laid mani, lai es eju uz savu zemi!” 22 Bet faraons viņam sacīja: “Kā tev trūka pie manis, ka tu gribi iet uz savu zemi?” Un viņš atbildēja: “Nekā – tomēr atlaid mani!”
23 Un Dievs lika pret viņu sacelties Rezonam, Eljāda dēlam, kurš bija aizbēdzis no sava kunga Hadadezera, Cobas ķēniņa. 24 Viņš sapulcināja pie sevis vīrus un kļuva par laupītāju pulka vadoni, bet Dāvids tos sakāva. Tad viņi devās uz Damasku, apmetās tur un valdīja Damaskā. 25 Viņš bija Israēla pretinieks visu Sālamana laiku – ļauns kā Hadads, viņš nīda Israēlu un valdīja pār Arāmu.
Jārobāma sacelšanās
26 Sālamana kalps, efrātietis Jārobāms, Nebāta dēls no Cerēdas, kura māte bija atraitne, vārdā Cerūa, sacēlās pret ķēniņu. 27 Redzi, kādēļ viņš sacēlās pret ķēniņu – Sālamans cēla Millo un mūrēja ciet plaisas sava tēva Dāvida pilsētā. 28 Bet Jārobāms bija ietekmīgs vīrs, un Sālamans ievēroja jaunekli, ka tas labi tiek galā ar darbiem, un iecēla viņu pār visiem Jāzepa nama strādniekiem.
29 Toreiz Jārobāms bija izgājis no Jeruzālemes, un ceļā tam pienāca pravietis Ahija no Šīlo, kurš bija apvilcis jaunu mēteli. Tie abi uz lauka bija vieni. 30 Tad Ahija ņēma jauno mēteli, kas tam bija mugurā, sarāva divpadsmit gabalos 31 un sacīja Jārobāmam: “Ņem sev desmit gabalus, jo tā saka Kungs, Israēla Dievs: redzi, es izraušu valsti no Sālamana rokām un došu tev desmit ciltis, 32 bet viņam paliks viena cilts mana kalpa Dāvida un Jeruzālemes dēļ – tā ir pilsēta, kuru es izvēlējos starp visām Israēla ciltīm! 33 Tāpēc ka viņi mani ir pametuši un zemojušies sidoniešu dievietei Aštartei, moābiešu dievam Kemošam un Amona dēlu dievam Milkomam un nav staigājuši manos ceļos, nav darījuši, kas man šķiet pareizs, un nav pildījuši manus likumus un manas tiesas, kā darīja viņa tēvs Dāvids, 34 es neatņemšu viņam visu valsti, jo es viņu iecēlu par valdnieku uz visu mūžu mana kalpa Dāvida dēļ, kuru es izvēlējos un kurš turēja manus baušļus un likumus. 35 Es atņemšu valsti viņa dēlam un došu tev desmit ciltis, 36 bet viņa dēlam es došu vienu cilti, lai manam kalpam Dāvidam vienmēr būtu gaismeklis manā priekšā Jeruzālemē – pilsētā, kuru es izvēlējos, lai tur mājotu mans vārds. 37 Es tevi ņemšu, un tu valdīsi pār visu, ko tava dvēsele vēlēsies, un tu būsi ķēniņš pār Israēlu. 38 Ja tu klausīsi visu, ko es tev pavēlēšu, un staigāsi manos ceļos, darīsi, kas man šķiet pareizs, un turēsi manus likumus un manus baušļus kā mans kalps Dāvids, tad es būšu ar tevi un uzcelšu tev drošu namu, kā uzcēlu Dāvidam, un es došu tev Israēlu! 39 Tādēļ es pazemošu Dāvida dzimtu, bet ne uz visiem laikiem.”
40 Un Sālamans lūkoja nonāvēt Jārobāmu, bet Jārobāms sataisījās un bēga uz Ēģipti pie Ēģiptes ķēniņa Šīšaka un palika Ēģiptē līdz Sālamana nāvei.
Sālamana nāve
(2L 9:29–31)
41 Citi Sālamana darbi un viss, ko viņš darījis, un viņa gudrība – vai tad par to nav rakstīts Sālamana darbu grāmatā? 42 Sālamans valdīja Jeruzālemē pār visu Israēlu četrdesmit gadus. 43 Sālamans apgūlās pie saviem tēviem, un viņu apbedīja viņa tēva Dāvida pilsētā. Pēc tam valdīja viņa dēls Rehabeāms.
Solomon Disobeys the Lord
1-2 The Lord did not want the Israelites to worship foreign gods, so he had warned them not to marry anyone who was not from Israel.
Solomon loved his wife, the daughter of the king of Egypt. But he also loved some women from Moab, Ammon, and Edom, and others from Sidon and the land of the Hittites. 3-4 Seven hundred of his wives were daughters of kings, but he also married 300 other women.
As Solomon got older, some of his wives led him to worship their gods. He wasn't like his father David, who had worshiped only the Lord God. 5 Solomon also worshiped Astarte the goddess of Sidon, and Milcom the disgusting god of Ammon. 6 Solomon's father had obeyed the Lord with all his heart, but Solomon disobeyed and did what the Lord hated.
7 Solomon built shrines on a hill east of Jerusalem to worship Chemosh the disgusting god of Moab, and Molech the disgusting god of Ammon. 8 In fact, he built a shrine for each of his foreign wives, so all of them could burn incense and offer sacrifices to their own gods.
9-10 The Lord God of Israel had appeared to Solomon two times and warned him not to worship foreign gods. But Solomon disobeyed and did it anyway. This made the Lord very angry, 11 and he said to Solomon:
You did what you wanted and not what I told you to do. Now I'm going to take your kingdom from you and give it to one of your officials. 12 But because David was your father, you will remain king as long as you live. I will wait until your son becomes king, then I will take the kingdom from him. 13 When I do, I will still let him rule one tribe, because I have not forgotten that David was my servant and Jerusalem is my chosen city.
Hadad Becomes an Enemy of Solomon
14 Hadad was from the royal family of Edom, and here is how the Lord made him Solomon's enemy:
15-16 Some time earlier, when David conquered the nation of Edom, Joab his army commander went there to bury those who had died in battle. Joab and his soldiers stayed in Edom six months, and during that time they killed every man and boy who lived there.
17-19 Hadad was a boy at the time, but he escaped to Midian with some of his father's officials. At Paran some other men joined them, and they went to the king of Egypt. The king liked Hadad and gave him food, some land, and a house, and even let him marry the sister of Queen Tahpenes. 20 Hadad and his wife had a son named Genubath, and the queen let the boy grow up in the palace with her own children.
21 When Hadad heard that David and Joab were dead, he said to the king, “Your Majesty, please let me go back to my own country.”
22 “Why?” asked the king. “Do you want something I haven't given you?”
“No, I just want to go home.”
Rezon Becomes an Enemy of Solomon
23 Here is how God made Rezon son of Eliada an enemy of Solomon:
Rezon had run away from his master, King Hadadezer of Zobah. 24-25 He formed his own small army and became its leader after David had defeated Hadadezer's troops. Then Rezon and his army went to Damascus, where he became the ruler of Syria and an enemy of Israel.
Both Hadad and Rezon were enemies of Israel while Solomon was king, and they caused him a lot of trouble.
The Lord Makes a Promise to Jeroboam
26 Jeroboam was from the town of Zeredah in Ephraim. His father Nebat had died, but his mother Zeruah was still alive. Jeroboam was one of Solomon's officials, but even he rebelled against Solomon. 27 Here is how it happened:
While Solomon's workers were filling in the land on the east side of Jerusalem and repairing the city walls, 28 Solomon noticed that Jeroboam was a hard worker. So he put Jeroboam in charge of the work force from Manasseh and Ephraim.
29-30 One day when Jeroboam was leaving Jerusalem, he met Ahijah, a prophet from Shiloh. No one else was anywhere around. Suddenly, Ahijah took off his new coat and ripped it into twelve pieces. 31 Then he said:
Jeroboam, take ten pieces of this coat and listen to what the Lord God of Israel says to you. “Jeroboam, I am the Lord God, and I am about to take Solomon's kingdom from him and give you ten tribes to rule. 32 But Solomon will still rule one tribe, since he is the son of David my servant, and Jerusalem is my chosen city.
33 “Solomon and the Israelites are not like their ancestor David. They will not listen to me, obey me, or do what is right. They have turned from me to worship Astarte the goddess of Sidon, Chemosh the god of Moab, and Milcom the god of Ammon.
34 “Solomon is David's son, and David was my chosen leader, who did what I commanded. So I will let Solomon be king until he dies. 35 Then I will give you ten tribes to rule, 36 but Solomon's son will still rule one tribe. This way, my servant David will always have a descendant ruling in Jerusalem, the city where I have chosen to be worshiped.
37 “You will be king of Israel and will rule every nation you want. 38 I'll help you if you obey me. And if you do what I say, as my servant David did, I will always let someone from your family rule in Israel, just as someone from David's family will always rule in Judah. The nation of Israel will be yours.
39 “I will punish the descendants of David, but not forever.”
40 When Solomon learned what the Lord had told Jeroboam, Solomon tried to kill Jeroboam. But he escaped to King Shishak of Egypt and stayed there until Solomon died.
Solomon Dies
(2 Chronicles 9.29-31)
41 Everything else Solomon did while he was king is written in the book about him and his wisdom. 42 After he had ruled 40 years from Jerusalem, 43 he died and was buried there in the city of his father David. His son Rehoboam then became king.