Jeruzālemes iedzīvotāji
1 Viss Israēls tika ierakstīts cilts rakstos, redzi, tie tika ierakstīti Israēla ķēniņu grāmatā. Un Jūdu aizveda trimdā uz Bābeli viņu neuzticības dēļ.
2 Pirmie iemītnieki savos īpašumos, savās pilsētās, bija israēlieši – priesteri, levīti un tempļa kalpotāji. 3 Jeruzālemē dzīvoja vairāki no Jūdas, Benjamīna, Efraima un Manases dēliem. 4 Ūtajs, Amīhūda dēls, Omrī dēls, Imrī dēls, Bānī dēls no Pereca dēliem, Jūdas dēls. 5 No šiloniešiem: pirmdzimtais Asāja un viņa dēli. 6 No Zeraha dēliem: Jeuēls un viņa brāļi, kopā seši simti deviņdesmit. 7 No Benjamīna dēliem: Sallus, Mešullāma dēls, Hodavjas dēls, Senūas dēls, 8 Jibneja, Jerohāma dēls, un Ēla, Uzī dēls, Mihrī dēls un Mešullāms, Šefatjas dēls, Reuēla dēls, Jibnījas dēls, 9 un viņu brāļi pēc to dzimtām, kopā deviņi simti piecdesmit seši. Visi šie vīri bija galvenie tēvu namos.
10 No priesteriem: Jedaja, Jehojārībs, Jāhīns, 11 Azarja, Hilkijas dēls, Mešullāma dēls, Cādoka dēls, Merājota dēls, Dieva nama pārziņa Ahītūva dēls, 12 Adāja, Jerohāma dēls, Pašhūra dēls, Malkijas dēls, un Masajs, Adiēla dēls, Jahzēra dēls, Mešullāma dēls, Mešillēmota dēls, Immēra dēls.
13 Un viņu brāļi, galvenie tēvu namos, kopā tūkstotis septiņi simti sešdesmit vareni spēkavīri, Kunga nama darbu veicēji.
14 No levītiem: Šemaja, Hašūba dēls, Azrīkāma dēls, Hašabjas dēls, no Merārī dēliem, 15 un Bakbakars, Herešs, Gālāls un Matanja, Mihas dēls, Zihrī dēls, Āsāfa dēls. 16 Obadja, Šemajas dēls, Gālāla dēls, Jedūtūna dēls. Berehja, Āsas dēls, Elkānas dēls, viņš dzīvoja Netofātas ciematos.
17 Vārtu sargi: Šallūms, Akūbs, Talmons, Ahīmans un viņu brāļi. Šallūms ir galvenais 18 ķēniņa vārtos, kas pret rītiem, – līdz pat šim laikam! Tie bija vārtu sargi no Levija dēlu nometnes. 19 Šallūms, Kores dēls, Ebjāsāfa dēls, Koraha dēls, un viņa brāļi no tēva nama, korahieši, bija atbildīgi par durvju sargu darbu Saiešanas teltī, un viņu tēvi bija Kunga nometnes ieejas sargi. 20 Iepriekš pār tiem valdīja Pinhāss, Elāzāra dēls, Kungs bija ar viņu. 21 Zeharja, Mešelemjāhu dēls, bija Saiešanas telts ieejas sargs. 22 Kopā par vārtu sargiem tika izvēlēti divi simti divpadsmit. Viņi bija ierakstīti cilts rakstos savos ciematos. Dāvids un redzētājs Samuēls tiem uzticējās un iecēla viņus šajā amatā. 23 Viņi ar saviem dēliem bija Kunga nama vārtu sargi, telts nama sargi. 24 Vārtu sargi stāvēja pret četriem vējiem – austreni, rieteni, ziemeli un dienvidu. 25 Viņu brāļiem no saviem ciematiem katras septiņas dienas bija jānāk kopā ar tiem. 26 Tie bija uzticīgi – četri spēcīgi vārtu sargi no levītiem, viņi bija atbildīgi par Dieva nama telpām un dārgumu krātuvēm. 27 Viņi palika nomodā lokā ap Dieva namu, jo viņi to sargāja un ik rītu atslēdza.
28 Daži no viņiem bija atbildīgi par kalpošanas piederumiem – noteiktā skaitā tos ienesa un tādā pašā skaitā tos aiznesa. 29 Un daži tika iecelti, lai būtu atbildīgi par traukiem un svētlietām, smalkajiem miltiem, vīnu, eļļu, vīraku un smaržvielām. 30 Bet daži priesteru dēli jauca ziežu maisījumu smaržvielām. 31 Matitjam no levītiem, viņš bija korahieša Šallūma pirmdzimtais, tika uzticēta plāceņu cepšana. 32 Bet vairāki no kehātiešu dēliem, viņu brāļiem, ik sabatu gādāja par upurmaizēm.
33 Levija tēva nama galvenie, dziedātāji, kas dzīvoja tempļa istabās, bija atbrīvoti no pārējās kalpošanas, dienām un naktīm aizņemti ar savu darbu. 34 Šie ir tēvu namu galvenie, vadoņi pēc levītu cilts rakstiem, kas dzīvoja Jeruzālemē.
Saula cilts raksti
35 Gibeonā dzīvoja Gibeona tēvs Jeiēls, viņa sievas vārds bija Maaha. 36 Viņa dēli – pirmdzimtais Abdons, tad Cūrs, Kīšs, Baāls, Nērs, Nādābs, 37 Gdora, Ahjo, Zeharja un Miklots. 38 Miklots bija Šimāma tēvs. Arī viņi dzīvoja kopā ar saviem brāļiem Jeruzālemē – iepretī tiem.
39 Nērs bija Kīša tēvs, un Kīšs bija Saula tēvs, un Sauls bija Jonatāna, Malkīšūas, Abīnādāva un Ešbaāla tēvs. 40 Jonatāna dēls bija Merībbaāls, un Merībbaāls bija Mihas tēvs. 41 Mihas dēli – Pītons, Melehs un Tahrēa. 42 Āhāzs bija Jaāras tēvs, un Jaāra bija Ālemeta, Azmāveta un Zimrī tēvs, Zimrī bija Mocas tēvs, 43 Moca bija Binas tēvs, viņa dēls bija Refāja, viņa dēls Elāsa, viņa dēls Ācēls. 44 Ācēlam bija seši dēli, un šie ir viņu vārdi – Azrīkāms, Bohrū, Ismaēls, Šearja, Obadja un Hānāns. Šie ir Ācēla dēli.
The People Who Returned from Babylonia and Settled in Jerusalem
1 Everyone in Israel was listed in the official family records that were included in the history of Israel's kings.
The people of Judah were taken to Babylonia as prisoners because they sinned against the Lord. 2 And the first people to return to their towns included priests, Levites, temple workers, and other Israelites. 3 People from the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh settled in Jerusalem.
4-6 There were 690 people from the Judah tribe who settled in Jerusalem. They were all descendants of Judah's three sons: Perez, Shelah, and Zerah. Their leaders were Uthai, Asaiah, and Jeuel. Uthai was the son of Ammihud and a descendant of Omri, Imri, Bani, and Perez. Asaiah was a descendant of Shelah; Jeuel was a descendant of Zerah.
7-9 There were also 956 family leaders from the Benjamin tribe who settled in Jerusalem. They included: Sallu son of Meshullam, grandson of Hodaviah, and great-grandson of Hassenuah; Ibneiah son of Jeroham; Elah son of Uzzi and grandson of Michri; Meshullam son of Shephatiah, grandson of Reuel, and great-grandson of Ibnijah.
The Priests Who Settled in Jerusalem
10-12 Here is a list of priests who settled in Jerusalem: Jedaiah; Jehoiarib; Jachin; Azariah, who was a temple official, and whose ancestors included Hilkiah, Meshullam, Zadok, Meraioth, and Ahitub; Adaiah son of Jeroham, whose ancestors included Pashhur and Malchijah; Maasai son of Adiel, whose ancestors included Jahzerah, Meshullam, Meshillemith, and Immer.
13 There was a total of 1,760 priests, all of them family leaders in their clan and trained in the work at the temple.
The Levites Who Settled in Jerusalem
14-16 Here is a list of Levites who settled in Jerusalem: Shemaiah from the Merari clan, whose ancestors included Hasshub, Azrikam, and Hashabiah; Bakbakkar; Heresh; Galal; Mattaniah son of Mica, whose ancestors included Zichri and Asaph; Obadiah son of Shemaiah, whose ancestors included Galal and Jeduthun; Berechiah son of Asa and grandson of Elkanah, who had lived in the villages near the town of Netophah.
The Temple Guards Who Settled in Jerusalem
17 Shallum, Akkub, Talmon, Ahiman, and their relatives were the guards at the temple gates. Shallum was the leader of this clan, 18 and for a long time they had been the guards at the King's Gate on the east side of the city. Before that, their ancestors guarded the entrance to the Levite camp.
19 Shallum son of Kore, as well as the other men in the Korahite clan, guarded the entrance to the temple, just as their ancestors had guarded the entrance to the sacred tent. 20 Phinehas son of Eleazar had supervised their work because the Lord was with him.
21 Zechariah son of Meshelemiah was also one of the guards at the temple.
22 There was a total of 212 guards, all of them listed in the family records in their towns. Their ancestors had been chosen by King David and by Samuel the prophet to be responsible for this work, 23 and now they guarded the temple gates.
24 There was one full-time guard appointed to each of the four sides of the temple. 25 Their assistants lived in the villages outside the city, and every seven days a group of them would come into the city and take their turn at guard duty. 26 The four full-time guards were Levites, and they supervised the other guards and were responsible for the rooms in the temple and the supplies kept there. 27 They guarded the temple day and night and opened its doors every morning.
The Duties of the Levites
28 Some of the Levites were responsible for the equipment used in worship at the temple, and they had to count everything before and after it was used. 29 Others were responsible for the temple furnishings and its sacred objects, as well as the flour, wine, olive oil, incense, and spices. 30 But only the priests could mix the spices. 31 Mattithiah, Shallum's oldest son, was a member of the Levite clan of Korah, and he was in charge of baking the bread used for offerings. 32 The Levites from the Kohath clan were in charge of baking the sacred loaves of bread for each Sabbath.
33 The Levite family leaders who were the musicians also lived at the temple. They had no other responsibilities, because they were on duty day and night.
34 All of these men were family leaders in the Levi tribe and were listed that way in their family records. They lived in Jerusalem.
King Saul's Family
(1 Chronicles 8.29-38)35 Jeiel had settled the town of Gibeon, where he and his wife Maacah lived. 36 They had ten sons, who were born in the following order: Abdon, Zur, Kish, Baal, Ner, Nadab, 37 Gedor, Ahio, Zechariah, and Mikloth 38 the father of Shimeam. Some of them went to live in Jerusalem near their relatives.
39 Ner was the father of Kish and the grandfather of King Saul.
Saul had four sons: Jonathan, Malchishua, Abinadab, and Eshbaal. 40-41 Jonathan was the father of Meribbaal, the grandfather of Micah, and the great-grandfather of Pithon, Melech, Tahrea, and Ahaz. 42-44 The descendants of Ahaz included Jarah, Alemeth, Azmaveth, Zimri, Moza, Binea, Rephaiah, Eleasah, and Azel and his six sons: Azrikam, Bocheru, Ishmael, Sheariah, Obadiah, and Hanan.