Šķirsts tiek pārvests uz Jeruzālemi
(2Sam 6:12–16)
1 Viņš cēla sev namus Dāvida pilsētā, sagatavoja vietu Dieva derības šķirstam un uzslēja tam telti. 2 Tad Dāvids sacīja: “Lai Dieva šķirstu nenes neviens cits kā vien levīti, jo Kungs uz visiem laikiem izvēlējies, lai viņi kalpotu un nestu Kunga šķirstu!”
3 Dāvids sapulcināja Jeruzālemē visu Israēlu – lai ienes Kunga šķirstu vietā, kuru viņš bija sagatavojis. 4 Dāvids pulcināja Ārona dēlus un levītus. 5 No Kehāta dēliem bija vadonis Ūrīēls ar brāļiem, simts divdesmit vīri. 6 No Merārī dēliem bija vadonis Asāja ar brāļiem, divi simti divdesmit. 7 No Gēršoma dēliem bija vadonis Joēls ar brāļiem, simts trīsdesmit. 8 No Elīcāfāna dēliem bija vadonis Šemaja ar brāļiem, divi simti. 9 No Hebrona dēliem bija vadonis Elīēls ar brāļiem, astoņdesmit. 10 No Uziēla bija vadonis Ammīnādābs ar brāļiem, simts divpadsmit.
11 Dāvids saaicināja priesterus Cādoku un Ebjātāru, levītus Ūrīēlu, Asāju, Joēlu, Šemaju, Elīēlu un Ammīnādābu 12 un sacīja tiem: “Jūs esat levītu tēvu namu galvenie, svētījieties kopā ar saviem brāļiem un tad uznesiet Kunga, Israēla Dieva, šķirstu tam sagatavotajā vietā. 13 Pirmajā reizē jūs šeit nebijāt, un Kungs, mūsu Dievs, mūs satrieca, jo mēs par to nerūpējāmies, kā bija noteikts.” 14 Tad priesteri un levīti svētījās, lai nestu Kunga, Israēla Dieva, šķirstu. 15 Levija dēli nesa šķirstu, kā Mozus bija pavēlējis Kunga vārdā – iekārtu pār pleciem pārliktās kārtīs.
16 Dāvids lika levītu vadoņiem norīkot savus brāļus dziedātājus ar mūzikas instrumentiem – arfām, lirām un cimbolēm, lai būtu dzirdamas to priecīgās skaņas. 17 Levīti norīkoja Hēmānu, Joēla dēlu, un no viņu brāļiem Āsāfu, Berehjas dēlu, no Merārī dēliem, saviem brāļiem, – Ētānu, Kūšājāhu dēlu. 18 Kopā ar tiem viņu otrās kārtas brāļus – Zeharjahu dēlu, Jaaziēlu, Šemīramotu, Jeiēlu, Unnī, Elīābu, Benājāhu, Maasejāhu, Matitjāhu, Elīflēhu, Miknējāhu, Obēdedomu un Jehiēlu, tie bija vārtu sargi. 19 Dziedātāji Hēmāns, Āsāfs un Ētāns muzicēja ar vara cimbolēm, 20 bet Zeharja, Aziēls, Šemīramots, Jehiēls, Unnī, Elīābs, Maasejāhu un Benājāhu – ar augsti skaņotām arfām. 21 Matitjāhu, Elīflēhs, Miknējāhu, Obēdedoms, Jeiēls un Azazjāhu – ar lirām, kas skaņotas astotā atslēgā. 22 Kenanjāhu, levītu mūzikas vadītājs, mācīja muzicēt, jo viņš spēja mācīt. 23 Berehja un Elkāna bija vārtu sargi pie šķirsta. 24 Priesteri Šebanjāhu, Jehošāfāts, Netanēls, Amāsajs, Zeharjahu, Benājāhu un Elīezers pūta taures Dieva šķirsta priekšā. Obēdedoms un Jehija bija vārtu sargi pie šķirsta. 25 Tad Dāvids, Israēla vecajie un virsnieki pār tūkstošiem ar prieku gāja nest Kunga derības šķirstu no Obēdedoma nama.
26 Dievs palīdzēja levītiem, kas nesa Kunga derības šķirstu. Viņi upurēja septiņus vērsēnus un septiņus aunus. 27 Dāvids bija tērpies garā smalka lina kreklā, tāpat kā visi levīti, kuri nesa šķirstu, arī dziedātāji un mūzikas vadītājs Kenanjāhu. Dāvidam bija arī linu plecu sega. 28 Viss Israēls nesa Kunga derības šķirstu ar gavilēm, ragu, tauru un cimboļu skaņām, spēlēdami arfas un liras.
29 Kad Kunga derības šķirsts bija atnests līdz Dāvida pilsētai, Mīhala, Saula meita, skatījās pa logu un ieraudzīja ķēniņu Dāvidu līksmi dejojam, un viņa savā sirdī to nicināja.
David Gets Ready To Bring the Sacred Chest to Jerusalem
1 David had several buildings built in Jerusalem, and he had a tent set up where the sacred chest would be kept. 2 He said, “Only Levites will be allowed to carry the chest, because the Lord has chosen them to do that work and to serve him forever.”
3 Next, David invited everyone to come to Jerusalem and watch the sacred chest being carried to the place he had set up for it. 4 He also sent for Aaron's descendants and for the Levites. The Levites that came were: 5 Uriel, the leader of the Kohath clan, and 120 of his relatives; 6 Asaiah, the leader of the Merari clan, and 220 of his relatives; 7 Joel, the leader of the Gershon clan, and 130 of his relatives; 8 Shemaiah, the leader of the Elizaphan clan, and 200 of his relatives; 9 Eliel, the leader of the Hebron clan, and 80 of his relatives; and 10 Amminadab, the leader of the Uzziel clan, with 112 of his relatives.
11 David called together these six Levites and the two priests, Zadok and Abiathar. 12 He said to them, “You are the leaders of the clans in the Levi tribe. You and your relatives must first go through the ceremony to make yourselves clean and acceptable to the Lord. Then you may carry the sacred chest that belongs to the Lord God of Israel and bring it to the place I have prepared for it. 13 The first time we tried to bring the chest to Jerusalem, we didn't ask the Lord what he wanted us to do. He was angry with us, because you Levites weren't there to carry the chest.”
14 The priests and the Levites made themselves clean. They were now ready to carry the sacred chest 15 on poles that rested on their shoulders, just as the Lord had told Moses to do.
16 David then told the leaders to choose some Levites to sing and play music on small harps, other stringed instruments, and cymbals. 17-21 The men chosen to play the cymbals were Heman the son of Joel, his relative Asaph the son of Berechiah, and Ethan the son of Kushaiah from the Merari clan. Some of their assistants played the smaller harps: they were Zechariah, Aziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Unni, Eliab, Maaseiah, and Benaiah. Others played the larger harps: they were Mattithiah, Eliphelehu, Mikneiah, Azaziah, and two of the temple guards, Obed-Edom and Jeiel.
22 Chenaniah was chosen to be the music director, because he was a skilled musician.
23-24 Four Levites were then appointed to guard the sacred chest. They were Berechiah, Elkanah, Obed-Edom, and Jehiah.
Finally, David chose priests to walk in front of the sacred chest and blow trumpets. They were Shebaniah, Joshaphat, Nethanel, Amasai, Zechariah, Benaiah, and Eliezer.
The Sacred Chest Is Brought to Jerusalem
(2 Samuel 6.12-22)
25 David, the leaders of Israel, and the army commanders were very happy as they went to Obed-Edom's house to get the sacred chest. 26 God gave the Levites the strength they needed to carry the chest, and so they sacrificed seven bulls and seven rams.
27 David, the Levites, Chenaniah the music director, and all the musicians were wearing linen robes, and David was also wearing a linen cloth. 28 While the sacred chest was being carried into Jerusalem, everyone was celebrating by shouting and playing music on horns, trumpets, cymbals, harps, and other stringed instruments.
29 Saul's daughter Michal looked out her window and watched the chest being brought into David's City. But when she saw David jumping and dancing in honor of the Lord, she was disgusted.