Tik Dievā rod mieru mana dvēsele
1 Korvedim Jedūtūnam. Dāvida psalms.
2 Tik pie Dieva es rodu mieru,
no viņa – mans glābiņš.
3 Tik viņš ir mana klints un mans glābiņš,
mans patvērums – es vis nepaklupšu!

4 Cik ilgi jūs cilvēkam uzbruksiet,
cik vēl ārdīsiet viņu jūs visi
kā grūstošu sienu, kā ļodzīgu žogu?
5 Tik viens tiem padomā – kā dižo nogāzt!
Meli tiem tīk! Ar muti tie svētī, bet sirdī lād!

6 Tik Dievā rod mieru mana dvēsele,
jo uz viņu es ceru.
7 Tikai viņš ir mana klints un mans glābiņš,
mans patvērums – es nepaklupšu!
8 Pie Dieva mans glābiņš un mans gods,
mana stiprā klints un mans patvērums – Dievā.

9 Paļaujieties vienmēr uz viņu, ļaudis,
izkratiet viņa priekšā savas sirdis,
Dievs ir mūsu patvērums!

10 Tik dvesma ir cilvēkbērni,
māns vien ir vīru dēli,
svaru kausos tie augšup ceļas,
par dvesmu vieglāki visi kopā!
11 Nepaļaujieties uz apspiešanu
un velti neceriet uz laupījumu;
kaut manta vairojas, tai nepiesieniet sirdi!

12 Vienu reizi ir runājis Dievs,
un divas reizes esmu dzirdējis,
ka spēks ir pie Dieva,
13 ka tev, Kungs, pieder žēlastība,
tu atmaksā cilvēkam pēc padarītā!
Confidence in God's Protection
1 I wait patiently for God to save me;
I depend on him alone.
2 He alone protects and saves me;
he is my defender,
and I shall never be defeated.

3 How much longer will all of you attack someone
who is no stronger than a broken-down fence?
4 You only want to bring him down from his place of honor;
you take pleasure in lies.
You speak words of blessing,
but in your heart you curse him.

5 I depend on God alone;
I put my hope in him.
6 He alone protects and saves me;
he is my defender,
and I shall never be defeated.
7 My salvation and honor depend on God;
he is my strong protector;
he is my shelter.

8 Trust in God at all times, my people.
Tell him all your troubles,
for he is our refuge.

9 Human beings are all like a puff of breath;
great and small alike are worthless.
Put them on the scales, and they weigh nothing;
they are lighter than a mere breath.
10 Don't put your trust in violence;
don't hope to gain anything by robbery;
even if your riches increase,
don't depend on them.

11 More than once I have heard God say
that power belongs to him
12 and that his love is constant.
You yourself, O Lord, reward everyone according to their deeds.