Jeremija un Pašhūrs
1 Priesteris Pašhūrs, Immēra dēls, kas bija Kunga nama galvenais uzraugs, dzirdēja Jeremiju pravietojam šo visu. 2 Tad Pašhūrs sita pravieti Jeremiju un ielika viņu siekstā, kas atradās Benjamīna vārtos – tie bija augšējie Kunga namā. 3 Un no rīta Pašhūrs atlaida pravieti Jeremiju no siekstas, un Jeremija viņam teica: “Kungs tevi vairs nesauks par Pašhūru, bet gan par Magormisābību !”
4 Jo tā saka Kungs: “Redzi, es uzsūtīšu tev šaušalas, tev un visiem taviem mīļajiem, viņi kritīs no ienaidnieka zobena, un tavas acis to redzēs! Visu Jūdu es atdošu Bābeles ķēniņa rokā, un viņš aiztrieks to trimdā uz Bābeli un kaus ar zobenu! 5 Es atdošu ienaidnieka rokā visus šīs pilsētas dārgumus, visus tās krājumus un dārglietas, un visas Jūdas ķēniņu dārgumus, – tie tās izlaupīs, paņems un aiznesīs uz Bābeli! 6 Un tu, Pašhūr, un visi, kas dzīvo tavā namā, aiziesiet gūstā, jūs iesiet uz Bābeli, tur mirsiet un tiksiet aprakti – tu un visi tavi mīļie, kam tu pravietoji melus!”
Jeremijas žēlabas par vajātājiem
7 Tu mani pierunāji, Kungs,
es ļāvos pierunāties,
tu mani pārspēkoji un pievārēji,
es biju par izsmieklu cauru dienu,
visi par mani ņirdz!
8 Jo, kad es runāju,
es kliedzu,
spaidi un varasdarbi! –
es saucu.
Man bija Kunga vārds
par kaunu un izsmieklu
cauru dienu!
9 Es teicu:
viņu vairs neatcerēšos,
vairs viņa vārdā nerunāšu!
Manā sirdī bija degoša uguns,
kaulos man ieslodzīta,
knapi turos to valdīt
un nevaru.
10 Es dzirdēju daudzas paļas:
visapkārt šaušalas –
apsūdzam, uzrādām viņu!
Visi mani ļaudis
lūko, kad kritīšu:
varbūt viņš pieviļas
un mēs viņu pievārēsim
un sariebsim viņam!
11 Bet ar mani ir Kungs
kā varonis spēcīgs! –
Tādēļ klups mani vajātāji
un nepārspēs mani!
Tie paliks kaunā,
jo nejēdz,
negods tiem mūžīgs –
tas netiks aizmirsts!
12 Pulku Kungs,
kas pārbauda taisno,
kas redz sirdis un prātus!
Ļauj, lai es ieraugu,
kā tu atriebies viņiem,
tev es uzticu savu lietu!
13 Dziediet Kungam,
slavējiet Kungu,
jo viņš izglāba nabaga dzīvību
no ļaundaru rokas!
14 Nolādēta tā diena,
kad piedzimu,
diena, kurā māte mani dzemdēja,
nav svētīta!
15 Nolādēts tas vīrs,
kurš pateica manam tēvam:
tev piedzimis dēls, –
re, kā iepriecināja!
16 Lai tam vīram ir kā tām pilsētām,
kuras Kungs noplēsa un nežēloja,
lai viņš dzird kliedzam no rīta
un kara dunu jau pusdienas laikā!
17 Kādēļ viņš nenogalēja mani vēl mātes klēpī?
Tad mana māte būtu mans kaps
un viņas klēpis paliktu mūžam grūts.
18 Kādēļ es pametu klēpi?
Lai redzētu mokas un pūles?
Lai manas dienas ritētu kaunā?
Jeremiah's Conflict with Pashhur the Priest
1 When the priest Pashhur son of Immer, who was the chief officer of the Temple, heard me proclaim these things, 2 he had me beaten and placed in chains near the upper Benjamin Gate in the Temple. 3 The next morning, after Pashhur had released me from the chains, I said to him, “The Lord did not name you Pashhur. The name he has given you is ‘Terror Everywhere.’ 4 The Lord himself has said, ‘I am going to make you a terror to yourself and to your friends, and you will see them all killed by the swords of their enemies. I am going to put all the people of Judah under the power of the king of Babylonia; he will take some away as prisoners to his country and put others to death. 5 I will also let their enemies plunder all the wealth of this city and seize all its possessions and property, even the treasures of the kings of Judah, and carry everything off to Babylonia. 6 As for you, Pashhur, you and all your family will also be captured and taken off to Babylonia. There you will die and be buried, along with all your friends to whom you have told so many lies.’”
Jeremiah Complains to the Lord
7 Lord, you have deceived me,
and I was deceived.
You are stronger than I am,
and you have overpowered me.
Everyone makes fun of me;
they laugh at me all day long.
8 Whenever I speak, I have to cry out
and shout, “Violence! Destruction!”
Lord, I am ridiculed and scorned all the time
because I proclaim your message.
9 But when I say, “I will forget the Lord
and no longer speak in his name,”
then your message is like a fire
burning deep within me.
I try my best to hold it in,
but can no longer keep it back.
10 I hear everybody whispering,
“Terror is everywhere!
So let's report him to the authorities!”
Even my close friends wait for my downfall.
“Perhaps he can be tricked,” they say;
“then we can catch him and get revenge.”
11 But you, Lord, are on my side, strong and mighty,
and those who persecute me will fail.
They will be disgraced forever,
because they cannot succeed.
Their disgrace will never be forgotten.
12 But, Almighty Lord, you test people justly;
you know what is in their hearts and minds.
So let me see you take revenge on my enemies,
for I have placed my cause in your hands.
13 Sing to the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
He rescues the oppressed from the power of evil people.
14 Curse the day I was born!
Forget the day my mother gave me birth!
15 Curse the one who made my father glad
by bringing him the news,
“It's a boy! You have a son!”
16 May he be like those cities
that the Lord destroyed without mercy.
May he hear cries of pain in the morning
and the battle alarm at noon,
17 for not killing me before I was born.
Then my mother's womb would have been my grave.
18 Why was I born?
Was it only to have trouble and sorrow,
to end my life in disgrace?