Dievs ir tautu ķēniņš
1 Korvedim. Koraha dēlu psalms.
2 Visas tautas, plaukšķiniet rokas!
Gavilējiet Dievam ar līksmu balsi!
3 Jo Kungs, Visuaugstais, ir bijājams,
dižens ķēniņš pār visu zemi!
4 Viņš pakļauj tautas mums
un liek ciltis mums zem kājām,
5 viņš izraugās mums mantojumu
par lepnumu Jēkabam, kuru viņš mīl!
6 Dievs cēlās gavilēs, Kungs raga skaņās!
7 Dziediet Dievam, dziediet!
Dziediet mūsu ķēniņam, dziediet!
8 Jo visas zemes ķēniņš ir Dievs! Dziediet dziesmu!
9 Dievs ir ķēniņš pār tautām, Dievs sēž svētuma tronī!
10 Tautu augstmaņi pulcējas kopā –
Ābrahāma Dieva tauta! –
jo Dievam pieder zemes stiprie!
Cik viņš augsts!
The Supreme Ruler
1 Clap your hands for joy, all peoples!
Praise God with loud songs!
2 The Lord, the Most High, is to be feared;
he is a great king, ruling over all the world.
3 He gave us victory over the peoples;
he made us rule over the nations.
4 He chose for us the land where we live,
the proud possession of his people, whom he loves.
5 God goes up to his throne.
There are shouts of joy and the blast of trumpets,
as the Lord goes up.
6 Sing praise to God;
sing praise to our king!
7 God is king over all the world;
praise him with songs!
8 God sits on his sacred throne;
he rules over the nations.
9 The rulers of the nations assemble
with the people of the God of Abraham.
More powerful than all armies is he;
he rules supreme.