Ījabs: kurš gan var pastāvēt Dieva priekšā?
1 Ījabs atbildēja, sacīdams:
2 “Patiesi zinu, ka tā!
Bet kurš cilvēks taisns Dieva priekšā?
3 Kurš gribēs ar viņu tiesāties?
Tas nespēs atbildēt ne reizi no tūkstoša!
4 Gudrs viņš sirdī, spēkā stiprs –
kurš pretojies viņam un palicis sveikā?
5 Viņš stumda kalnus, un tie nezina,
kas tos apgāž savās dusmās,
6 viņš tricina zemi no tās vietas,
un tās balsti ļogās,
7 viņš pavēl saulei, lai neuzlec,
un zvaigžņu priekšā zīmogu liek,
8 viņš debesis izpleš viens pats
un jūras bangas kājām min,
9 Gan Lāci, gan Muļķi radījis viņš,
gan Sietiņu, gan Dienvidu kambarus .
10 Viņš veic lielas lietas, ka ne izprast,
un brīnumus bez sava skaita!
11 Redzi, viņš iet garām, bet es neieraugu,
viņš aizsteidzas, bet nemanu viņu.
12 Redzi, viņš sagrābj – kurš liegs viņam,
kas uzsauks viņam: ko tu dari?
13 Dievs neaptur savas dusmas,
viņa priekšā liecas Rahaba palīgi!
14 Kā tad es atbildēšu viņam?
Kā rast vārdus, ko sacīt viņam?
15 Kaut man taisnība, nerodu atbildēt –
man jālūdzas žēlastība savam Soģim!
16 Ja es sauktu un viņš atbildētu –
neticu, ka viņš mani uzklausīs!
17 Viesulī viņš mani satriec,
cērt man daudz brūču par neko,
18 neļauj man atvilkt elpu,
mielo mani ar rūgtu!
19 Ja spēkoties – viņš varenāks,
ja tiesāties – kurš sasauks tiesu?
20 Kaut es taisns, mana mute pels mani,
kaut es nevainīgs, viņš vainos mani!
21 Es esmu nevainīgs!
Es nezinos sevi.
Man riebj dzīvot!
22 Viss viens! Tādēļ saku:
gan krietno, gan ļaundari viņš nomaitā.
23 Ja pātaga pēkšņi nokauj,
par nevainīgo izbailēm viņš smej!
24 Ļaundaru rokās nodota zeme,
tās tiesnešiem vaigu viņš aizklāj –
ja ne viņš, kurš tad?
25 Par ziņnesi žiglāk man dienas steidz,
tās aiztrauc, neredzējušas laba,
26 aizšaujas kā niedru laivas,
kā ērglis, kas metas uz ēsmu.
27 Ja es saku: mitēšos gausties,
pacelšu acis, lai atspirgstu, –
28 satrūkstos savās sāpēs,
zinu, tu neattaisnosi mani.
29 Es tas negantais!
Ko tad lai velti nopūlos?
30 Ja es mazgātos sniega ūdenī
un šķīstītu delnas ar sārmu,
31 tad tomēr mani iemērktu smirdīgā bedrē,
ka es riebtos pat paša drēbēm!
32 Viņš nav cilvēks kā es –
kā lai atbildu viņam,
kā mums abiem stāties pie tiesas?
33 Starp mums šķīrēja nav,
kas uzliktu roku mums abiem.
34 Lai savu rīksti viņš atrauj man,
un viņa briesmas lai nevajā mani,
35 tad runāšu nebīdamies,
jo neesmu vainīgs!
1-2 Yes, I've heard all that before.
But how can a human being win a case against God?
3 How can anyone argue with him?
He can ask a thousand questions
that no one could ever answer.
4 God is so wise and powerful;
no one can stand up against him.
5 Without warning he moves mountains
and in anger he destroys them.
6 God sends earthquakes and shakes the ground;
he rocks the pillars that support the earth.
7 He can keep the sun from rising,
and the stars from shining at night.
8 No one helped God spread out the heavens
or trample the sea monster's back.
9 God hung the stars in the sky—the Dipper,
Orion, the Pleiades, and the stars of the south.
10 We cannot understand the great things he does,
and to his miracles there is no end.

11 God passes by, but I cannot see him.
12 He takes what he wants, and no one can stop him;
no one dares ask him, “What are you doing?”
13 God's anger is constant. He crushed his enemies
who helped Rahab, the sea monster, oppose him.
14 So how can I find words to answer God?
15 Though I am innocent, all I can do
is beg for mercy from God my judge.
16 Yet even then, if he lets me speak,
I can't believe he would listen to me.
17 He sends storms to batter and bruise me
without any reason at all.
18 He won't let me catch my breath;
he has filled my life with bitterness.
19 Should I try force? Try force on God?
Should I take him to court? Could anyone make him go?
20 I am innocent and faithful, but my words sound guilty,
and everything I say seems to condemn me.
21-22 I am innocent, but I no longer care.
I am sick of living. Nothing matters;
innocent or guilty, God will destroy us.
23 When an innocent person suddenly dies,
God laughs.
24 God gave the world to the wicked.
He made all the judges blind.
And if God didn't do it, who did?

25 My days race by, not one of them good.
26 My life passes like the swiftest boat,
as fast as an eagle swooping down on a rabbit.
27-28 If I smile and try to forget my pain,
all my suffering comes back to haunt me;
I know that God does hold me guilty.
29 Since I am held guilty, why should I bother?
30 No soap can wash away my sins.
31 God throws me into a pit with filth,
and even my clothes are ashamed of me.
32 If God were human, I could answer him;
we could go to court to decide our quarrel.
33 But there is no one to step between us—
no one to judge both God and me.
34 Stop punishing me, God!
Keep your terrors away!
35 I am not afraid. I am going to talk
because I know my own heart.