Lūgšana lielās bēdās
1 Korvedim. Stīgu pavadījumam. Astoņus toņus zemāk. Dāvida psalms.
2 Kungs, ne dusmās tiesā mani,
ne niknumā mani pārmāci,
3 žēlo mani, Kungs, jo esmu novārdzis,
dziedini mani, Kungs, kaulus man lauž,
4 manu dvēseli salauž –
ak, Kungs, cik ilgi vēl?
5 Griezies atpakaļ, Kungs, manu dzīvību glāb,
izpestī mani savas žēlastības dēļ!
6 Jo nāvē nepaliek ne miņas par tevi –
kurš šeolā tevi slavinās!
7 Esmu apguris vaidēt –
ik nakti mirkst mana gulta,
asarām slapinu savas cisas.
8 Bēdu saēstas manas acis,
nespodras manu naidnieku dēļ.
9 Nost no manis, jūs visi netaisnības darītāji,
jo Kungs dzird manas raudas,
10 Kungs dzird manu gaušanos,
Kungs manu lūgšanu pieņem!
11 Apkaunoti apmulsīs visi mani naidnieki,
kaunā tie metīsies bēgt uzreiz!
A Prayer for Help in Time of Trouble
1 Lord, don't be angry and rebuke me!
Don't punish me in your anger!
2 I am worn out, O Lord; have pity on me!
Give me strength; I am completely exhausted
3 and my whole being is deeply troubled.
How long, O Lord, will you wait to help me?
4 Come and save me, Lord;
in your mercy rescue me from death.
5 In the world of the dead you are not remembered;
no one can praise you there.
6 I am worn out with grief;
every night my bed is damp from my weeping;
my pillow is soaked with tears.
7 I can hardly see;
my eyes are so swollen
from the weeping caused by my enemies.
8 Keep away from me, you evil people!
The Lord hears my weeping;
9 he listens to my cry for help
and will answer my prayer.
10 My enemies will know the bitter shame of defeat;
in sudden confusion they will be driven away.