Abīmelehs ceļ sevi par ķēniņu
1 Abīmelehs, Jerubaāla dēls, devās uz Šehemu pie saviem mātesbrāļiem un runāja ar tiem un visu sava mātes tēva dzimtas namu: 2 “Jel runājiet, lai klausās visi Šehemas pilsoņi: kas jums ir labāk – vai ka pār jums valda septiņdesmit vīri, visi Jerubaāla dēli, vai ka pār jums valda viens vīrs? Pieminiet taču, ka es esmu no jūsu kaula un miesas!” 3 Viņa mātesbrāļi stāstīja par viņu visus šos vārdus Šehemas pilsoņiem, un to prāti nosliecās par labu Abīmeleham, jo tie sacīja: “Viņš ir mūsu brālis.” 4 Viņi tam deva septiņdesmit sudraba gabalus no Baālberīta nama, un Abīmelehs par tiem nolīga salašņas un pārgalvjus, kas viņam sekoja. 5 Viņš nāca uz sava tēva namu Ofrā un nokāva savus brāļus, Jerubaāla dēlus, – septiņdesmit vīrus uz viena akmens. Bet Jerubaāla jaunākais dēls Jotāms palika dzīvs, jo viņš bija paslēpies.
Līdzība par kokiem
6 Visi Šehemas pilsoņi un visi no Millo nama sapulcējās un devās pie piemiņas ozola Šehemā iecelt sev ķēniņu – lai Abīmelehs kļūtu viņu ķēniņš. 7 Kad to paziņoja Jotāmam, viņš gāja un nostājās Gerizīma kalna galā un skaļā balsī tiem sauca:
“Uzklausiet mani, Šehemas pilsoņi,
tad arī Dievs uzklausīs jūs!
8 Nāktin reiz sanāca koki,
lai sev svaidītu ķēniņu,
un sacīja olīvkokam:
valdi kā ķēniņš pār mums!
9 Olīvkoks tiem atbildēja:
vai lai pametu savu taukumu,
ar ko dievi un vīri tiek godāti,
un eju locīties pāri kokiem?!
10 Tad koki sacīja vīģeskokam:
nāc tu, valdi kā ķēniņš pār mums!
11 Vīģeskoks tiem atbildēja:
vai lai pametu savu saldumu
un savus lieliskos augļus
un eju locīties pāri kokiem?!
12 Tad koki sacīja vīnakokam:
nāc tu, valdi kā ķēniņš pār mums!
13 Vīnakoks tiem atbildēja:
vai lai pametu jauno vīnu,
kas ielīksmo dievus un vīrus,
un eju locīties pāri kokiem?!
14 Tad visi koki sacīja dadzim:
nāc tu, valdi kā ķēniņš pār mums!
15 Un dadzis sacīja kokiem:
ja jau patiesi jūs mani svaidāt,
lai es būtu ķēniņš pār jums,
tad nāciet un tverieties manā paēnā,
bet, ja ne, šausies uguns no dadža
un aprīs Lebanona ciedrus!
16 Tad, ja nu jūs esat rīkojušies patiesi un godīgi, ieceļot Abīmelehu par ķēniņu, ja esat labu darījuši Jerubaālam un viņa namam, ja esat atmaksājuši viņam, kā viņa darbi to pelna, – 17 kad mans tēvs karoja par jums, savu dzīvību nežēlodams, un izrāva jūs no Midjāna rokas, 18 bet jūs šodien esat sacēlušies pret mana tēva namu un nokāvuši viņa dēlus, septiņdesmit vīrus uz viena akmens, un Abīmelehu, verdzenes dēlu, iecēluši par ķēniņu Šehemas pilsoņiem, jo viņš ir jūsu brālis, – 19 ja nu jūs šodien esat rīkojušies patiesi un godīgi pret Jerubaālu un viņa namu, tad baudiet prieku par Abīmelehu, un arī viņš lai bauda prieku par jums, 20 bet ja ne – uguns izšausies no Abīmeleha un aprīs Šehemas pilsoņus un Millo namu, un uguns izšausies no Šehemas pilsoņiem un Millo nama un aprīs Abīmelehu!” 21 Un Jotāms bēga un glābās, dodamies uz Beēru. Tur viņš dzīvoja tālu no sava brāļa Abīmeleha.
Abīmeleha krišana
22 Abīmelehs valdīja pār Israēlu trīs gadus. 23 Bet Dievs sūtīja ļaunu garu starp Abīmelehu un Šehemas pilsoņiem, un Šehemas pilsoņi kļuva neuzticīgi Abīmeleham, 24 lai septiņdesmit Jerubaāla dēliem nodarītie varasdarbi un viņu asinis nāktu pār viņu brāli Abīmelehu, kurš tos nokāva, un pār Šehemas pilsoņiem, kuri atbalstīja viņa brāļu nokaušanu. 25 Šehemas pilsoņi viņa dēļ kalnu virsotnēs slēpņos izvietoja vīrus, kuri aplaupīja katru, kas gāja pa ceļu tiem garām. Tas tika pavēstīts Abīmeleham.
26 Gaals, Ebeda dēls, nāca kopā ar saviem brāļiem, un viņi ienāca Šehemā. Viņš ieguva Šehemas pilsoņu uzticību. 27 Un, kad tie izgāja laukos, novāca vīnogas savos vīnadārzos, izspieda tās un rīkoja svētkus, tie gāja sava dieva namā, ēda un dzēra un lādēja Abīmelehu. 28 Gaals, Ebeda dēls, teica: “Kas gan ir Abīmelehs un kas ir Šehema, ka mums viņam jākalpo? Vai viņš nav Jerubaāla dēls un Zebūls viņa pilnvarnieks? Kalpojiet Hamora, Šehemas tēva, vīriem! Kāpēc lai mēs kalpotu viņam! 29 Eh, ja šie ļaudis būtu manā rokā, es novāktu Abīmelehu!” Un viņš teica par Abīmelehu: “Piepulcini sev vēl karapulkus un iznāc!” 30 Kad pilsētas pārvaldnieks Zebūls dzirdēja Gaala, Ebeda dēla, vārdus, viņš iedegās dusmās. 31 Viņš slepus sūtīja vēstnešus pie Abīmeleha, sacīdams: “Redzi, Gaals, Ebeda dēls, un viņa brāļi ir atnākuši uz Šehemu, un, redzi, viņi musina pilsētu pret tevi. 32 Tad nu celies naktī, tu un tavi ļaudis, un paslēpies laukos. 33 Bet rīta agrumā, kad lēks saule, strauji uzbrūc pilsētai. Un, kad viņš un viņa ļaudis izies pret tevi, tad dari viņam, cik spēj.”
34 Abīmelehs un visi viņa ļaudis cēlās naktī un paslēpās pie Šehemas – četri pulki. 35 Gaals, Ebeda dēls, iznāca un nostājās pilsētas vārtu ejā. Tad Abīmelehs un viņa ļaudis cēlās no slēpņa. 36 Kad Gaals ieraudzīja šos ļaudis, viņš teica Zebūlam: “Redzi, ļaudis nāk lejā no kalnu virsotnēm!” Bet Zebūls viņam atbildēja: “Kalnu ēnas tev izskatās pēc vīriem.”
37 Tomēr Gaals nerimās un atkal ierunājās: “Redzi, ļaudis, tie nāk lejā no zemes vidienes, un vēl viens pulks nāk no Zīlnieku ozola puses!” 38 Tad Zebūls viņam teica: “Kur tad nu tava mute, tu, kas sacīji: kas gan ir Abīmelehs, ka mums šim jākalpo? Vai šie nav ļaudis, kurus tu nonievāji? Tad nu tagad ej un cīnies ar tiem!”
39 Gaals izgāja Šehemas pilsoņu priekšgalā un cīnījās ar Abīmelehu. 40 Abīmelehs viņu vajāja, un viņš bēga no tā, un daudzi krita nodurti līdz pat ieejai pilsētas vārtos. 41 Abīmelehs dzīvoja Arūmā, bet Gaalu un viņa brāļus Zebūls izdzina no Šehemas. 42 Nākamajā dienā ļaudis izgāja laukos, un tas tika pavēstīts Abīmeleham. 43 Viņš ņēma ļaudis, sadalīja tos trīs pulkos un paslēpās laukos. Viņš skatījās, un redzi – ļaudis nāca ārā no pilsētas. Tad viņš cēlās tiem pretī un tos sakāva. 44 Abīmelehs un pulki, kas bija pie viņa, strauji uzbruka un nostājās pilsētas vārtu ejā, bet divi pulki uzbruka visiem, kas bija laukā, un sakāva tos. 45 Abīmelehs visu dienu karoja pret pilsētu, kamēr ieņēma šo pilsētu un nokāva ļaudis, kas tajā. Viņš šo pilsētu nopostīja un pārkaisīja ar sāli.
46 Kad visi Šehemas torņa pilsoņi to dzirdēja, viņi iegāja Baālberīta nama pagrabā. 47 Abīmeleham tika pavēstīts, ka visi Šehemas torņa pilsoņi ir sapulcējušies vienuviet. 48 Tad Abīmelehs uzkāpa Calmona kalnā, viņš un visi viņa ļaudis, un Abīmelehs ņēma rokā cirvi, nocirta koku zarus, pacēla tos, uzlika sev plecos un teica ļaudīm, kas bija pie viņa: “Kā jūs redzējāt mani darām, tā steidziet un dariet arī jūs!” 49 Tad arī visi ļaudis ikviens nocirta pa zaram, gāja pakaļ Abīmeleham, nolika tos uz pagraba un aizdedzināja pagrabu virs tiem. Tā gāja bojā visi Šehemas torņa iedzīvotāji – ap tūkstoš vīru un sievu.
50 Pēc tam Abīmelehs devās uz Tēbēcu. Viņš to aplenca un ieņēma. 51 Bet pilsētas vidū bija stiprs tornis, un visi vīri un sievas, visi šīs pilsētas pilsoņi sabēga tajā un ieslēdzās, un uzkāpa uz torņa jumta. 52 Abīmelehs devās pret torni, lai cīnītos pret to. Viņš tuvojās torņa durvīm, lai tās sadedzinātu, 53 bet kāda sieva nometa augšējo dzirnakmeni Abīmeleham uz galvas un sadragāja viņa galvaskausu. 54 Viņš steigšus sauca puisi, savu ieroču nesēju, un sacīja tam: “Izvelc savu zobenu un nonāvē mani, lai par mani neteiktu: sieva viņu ir nokāvusi!” Viņa puisis nodūra viņu, un viņš nomira. 55 Kad Israēla vīri redzēja, ka Abīmelehs ir miris, tie visi devās mājup. 56 Tā Dievs Abīmeleha noziegumu vērsa pret viņu pašu – visu, ko tas bija darījis savam tēvam, nokaudams savus septiņdesmit brāļus. 57 Un visam Šehemas vīru noziegumam Dievs lika nākt pār viņu pašu galvām. Pār tiem nāca Jotāma, Jerubaāla dēla, lāsts.
1 Gideon's son Abimelech went to the town of Shechem, where all his mother's relatives lived, and told them 2 to ask the men of Shechem, “Which would you prefer? To have all seventy of Gideon's sons govern you or to have just one man? Remember that Abimelech is your own flesh and blood.” 3 His mother's relatives talked to the men of Shechem about this for him, and the men of Shechem decided to follow Abimelech because he was their relative. 4 They gave him seventy pieces of silver from the temple of Baal-of-the-Covenant, and with this money he hired a bunch of worthless scoundrels to join him. 5 He went to his father's house at Ophrah, and there on top of a single stone he killed his seventy brothers, Gideon's sons. But Jotham, Gideon's youngest son, hid and was not killed. 6 Then all the men of Shechem and Bethmillo got together and went to the sacred oak tree at Shechem, where they made Abimelech king.
7 When Jotham heard about this, he went and stood on top of Mount Gerizim and shouted out to them, “Listen to me, you men of Shechem, and God may listen to you! 8 Once upon a time the trees went out to choose a king for themselves. They said to the olive tree, ‘Be our king.’ 9 The olive tree answered, ‘In order to govern you, I would have to stop producing my oil, which is used to honor gods and human beings.’ 10 Then the trees said to the fig tree, ‘You come and be our king.’ 11 But the fig tree answered, ‘In order to govern you, I would have to stop producing my good sweet fruit.’ 12 So the trees then said to the grapevine, ‘You come and be our king.’ 13 But the vine answered, ‘In order to govern you, I would have to stop producing my wine, that makes gods and human beings happy.’ 14 So then all the trees said to the thorn bush, ‘You come and be our king.’ 15 The thorn bush answered, ‘If you really want to make me your king, then come and take shelter in my shade. If you don't, fire will blaze out of my thorny branches and burn up the cedars of Lebanon.’
16 “Now then,” Jotham continued, “were you really honest and sincere when you made Abimelech king? Did you respect Gideon's memory and treat his family properly, as his actions deserved? 17 Remember that my father fought for you. He risked his life to save you from the Midianites. 18 But today you turned against my father's family. You killed his sons—seventy men on a single stone—and just because Abimelech, his son by his servant woman, is your relative, you have made him king of Shechem. 19 Now then, if what you did today to Gideon and his family was sincere and honest, then be happy with Abimelech and let him be happy with you. 20 But if not, may fire blaze out from Abimelech and burn up the men of Shechem and Bethmillo. May fire blaze out from the men of Shechem and Bethmillo and burn Abimelech up.” 21 Then because he was afraid of his brother Abimelech, Jotham ran away and went to live at Beer.
22 Abimelech ruled Israel for three years. 23 Then God made Abimelech and the men of Shechem hostile to each other, and they rebelled against Abimelech. 24 This happened so that Abimelech and the men of Shechem, who encouraged him to murder Gideon's seventy sons, would pay for their crime. 25 The men of Shechem put men in ambush against Abimelech on the mountaintops, and they robbed everyone who passed their way. Abimelech was told about this.
26 Then Gaal son of Ebed came to Shechem with his brothers, and the men of Shechem put their confidence in him. 27 They all went out into their vineyards and picked the grapes, made wine from them, and held a festival. They went into the temple of their god, where they ate and drank and made fun of Abimelech. 28 Gaal said, “What kind of men are we in Shechem? Why are we serving Abimelech? Who is he, anyway? The son of Gideon! And Zebul takes orders from him, but why should we serve him? Be loyal to your ancestor Hamor, who founded your clan! 29 I wish I were leading this people! I would get rid of Abimelech! I would tell him, ‘Reinforce your army, come on out and fight!’”
30 Zebul, the ruler of the city, became angry when he heard what Gaal had said. 31 He sent messengers to Abimelech at Arumah to say, “Gaal son of Ebed and his brothers have come to Shechem, and they are not going to let you into the city. 32 Now then, you and your men should move by night and hide in the fields. 33 Get up tomorrow morning at sunrise and make a sudden attack on the city. Then when Gaal and his men come out against you, hit them with all you've got!”
34 So Abimelech and all his men made their move at night and hid outside Shechem in four groups. 35 When Abimelech and his men saw Gaal come out and stand at the city gate, they got up from their hiding places. 36 Gaal saw them and said to Zebul, “Look! There are men coming down from the mountaintops!”
“Those are not men,” Zebul answered. “They are just shadows on the mountains.”
37 Gaal said again, “Look! There are men coming down the crest of the mountain and one group is coming along the road from the oak tree of the fortunetellers!”
38 Then Zebul said to him, “Where is all your big talk now? You were the one who asked why we should serve this man Abimelech. These are the men you were making fun of. Go on out now and fight them.” 39 Gaal led the men of Shechem out and fought Abimelech. 40 Abimelech started after Gaal, and Gaal ran. Many were wounded, even at the city gate. 41 Abimelech lived in Arumah, and Zebul drove Gaal and his brothers out of Shechem, so that they could no longer live there.
42 The next day Abimelech found out that the people of Shechem were planning to go out into the fields, 43 so he took his men, divided them into three groups, and hid in the fields, waiting. When he saw the people coming out of the city, he came out of hiding to kill them. 44 While Abimelech and his group hurried forward to guard the city gate, the other two companies attacked the people in the fields and killed them all. 45 The fighting continued all day long. Abimelech captured the city, killed its people, tore it down, and covered the ground with salt.
46 When all the leading men in the fort at Shechem heard about this, they sought safety in the stronghold of the temple of Baal-of-the-Covenant. 47 Abimelech was told that they had gathered there, 48 so he went up to Mount Zalmon with his men. There he took an ax, cut a limb off a tree, and put it on his shoulder. He told his men to hurry and do the same thing. 49 So everyone cut off a tree limb; then they followed Abimelech and piled the wood up against the stronghold. They set it on fire, with the people inside, and all the people of the fort died—about a thousand men and women.
50 Then Abimelech went to Thebez, surrounded that city, and captured it. 51 There was a strong tower there, and every man and woman in the city, including the leaders, ran to it. They locked themselves in and went up to the roof. 52 When Abimelech came to attack the tower, he went up to the door to set the tower on fire. 53 But a woman threw a millstone down on his head and fractured his skull. 54 Then he quickly called the young man who was carrying his weapons and told him, “Draw your sword and kill me. I don't want it said that a woman killed me.” So the young man ran him through, and he died. 55 When the Israelites saw that Abimelech was dead, they all went home.
56 And so it was that God paid Abimelech back for the crime that he committed against his father in killing his seventy brothers. 57 God also made the men of Shechem suffer for their wickedness, just as Jotham, Gideon's son, said they would when he cursed them.