Ēlīhu par Dieva taisnīgumu
1 Un Ēlīhu runāja vēl:
2 “Klausieties, gudrie, manus vārdus,
zinātāji, sadzirdiet mani,
3 jo vārdus pārbauda auss,
tāpat kā aukslējas izbauda garšu.
4 Spriedīsim tiesu paši vien,
kopā lemsim, kas labs.
5 Jo Ījabs teica: es esmu taisns!
Sagrozījis Dievs manu tiesu,
6 kaut man taisnība, par meli sauc,
sāpīgi vaino, kaut es bez vainas! –
7 Kur vēl redzēts tāds kā Ījabs?
Zaimus kā ūdeni dzer,
8 ar ļaundariem pinas,
kopā iet ar negantniekiem
9 un saka: tas neko nedod,
ja cilvēks pēc Dieva kāro! –
10 Tad, prātnieki, uzklausiet mani:
tālu no Dieva negantība
un netaisnība no Visuvarenā!
11 Par darbiem viņš cilvēkam atdara,
pēc kā šis dzenas, to atrod.
12 Tik tiešām, Dievs nedara ļaunu,
un Visuvarenais nesagroza tiesu!
13 Kas viņam uzticēja zemi,
kas viņam nodeva debesloku?
14 Ja iedomātos viņš savā sirdī
atpakaļ paņemt garu un dvašu,
15 tūdaļ iznīktu visa radība
un cilvēks tiktu atpakaļ pīšļos.
16 Ja jums prāts, tad klausieties nu,
tad ausieties manos vārdos.
17 Kas ienīdis tiesu, nu grib citus siet?
Vai diženo Taisno tu grasies vainot?
18 Kas ķēniņam saka: bezgodis tāds! –
un augstmanim: tu, ļaundaris! –
19 Kurš gan dižkungu pusē nenostājas
un bagātos netur augstāk par nabagiem? –
visi tie veidoti viņa rokām!
20 Piepeši mirst, nakts vidū
meimurodami ļautiņi aiziet,
varenais nogrūsts – tak ne ar roku!
21 Jo viņa acis redz cilvēka ceļus,
viņš nomana visus tā soļus.
22 Nav tumsas, ne melnuma nav,
kur ļaundariem slēpties,
23 jo viņš nevienam vēl nav nolicis laiku,
kad pie Dieva jānāk uz tiesu!
24 Dižos viņš satriec pat nejautājis,
noliek citus to vietā,
25 jo viņš to darbus zina,
naktī tos sagrauj, tie sabirst,
26 kā ļaundarus tos šausta,
visiem redzot, –
27 tos, kuri pārstāja sekot viņam
un viņa ceļus neņēma vērā.
28 Tad sasniedza viņu bēduļu klaigas,
nabagu vaimanas viņš sadzirdēja.
29 Ja viņš klusēs – kas sūdzēs viņu,
ja slēps vaigu – kas viņu pamanīs?
Gan tautu, gan cilvēku viņš vēro,
30 lai nevalda bezgodis,
lai nesien tautu cilpās!
31 Vai tu sacīsi Dievam:
sodīts esmu, vairs tā nedarīšu,
32 ko pats neredzu, māci tu man –
ja ļaunu es darījis, tad vairs nedarīšu? –
33 Vai viņš atlīdzinās, kā tev tīk, jo tu neesi mierā,
vai teiks: lem tu, nevis es,
cik gribi, tik prasi!
34 Sirdī zinīgie pasacīs man
un gudrais, kas klausījies mani:
35 aplami runā Ījabs,
viņa vārdiem līdz gudrībai tālu!
36 Lai tad pārbauda Ījabu līdz galam,
jo viņš atbild kā nekrietnie,
37 jo vairo vainu ar jaunu grēku,
mūsu priekšā pat plaukstas sit,
runā un runā pret Dievu!”
1-2 You men are so wise, so clever;
listen now to what I am saying.
3 You know good food when you taste it,
but not wise words when you hear them.
4 It is up to us to decide the case.
5 Job claims that he is innocent,
that God refuses to give him justice.
6 He asks, “How could I lie and say I am wrong?
I am fatally wounded, but I am sinless.”

7 Have you ever seen anyone like this man Job?
He never shows respect for God.
8 He likes the company of evil people
and goes around with sinners.
9 He says that it never does any good
to try to follow God's will.

10 Listen to me, you men who understand!
Will Almighty God do what is wrong?
11 He rewards people for what they do
and treats them as they deserve.
12 Almighty God does not do evil;
he is never unjust to anyone.
13 Did God get his power from someone else?
Did someone put him in charge of the world?
14 If God took back the breath of life,
15 then everyone living would die
and turn into dust again.

16 Now listen to me, if you are wise.
17 Are you condemning the righteous God?
Do you think that he hates justice?
18 God condemns kings and rulers
when they are worthless or wicked.
19 He does not take the side of rulers
nor favor the rich over the poor,
for he created everyone.
20 We may suddenly die at night.
God strikes us down and we perish;
he kills the mighty with no effort at all.
21 He watches every step we take.
22 There is no darkness dark enough
to hide a sinner from God.
23 God does not need to set a time
for us to go and be judged by him.
24 He does not need an investigation
to remove leaders and replace them with others.
25 Because he knows what they do;
he overthrows them and crushes them by night.
26 He punishes sinners where all can see it,
27 because they have stopped following him
and ignored all his commands.
28 They forced the poor to cry out to God,
and he heard their calls for help.

29 If God decided to do nothing at all,
no one could criticize him.
If he hid his face, we would be helpless.
30 There would be nothing that nations could do
to keep godless oppressors from ruling them.

31 Job, have you confessed your sins to God
and promised not to sin again?
32 Have you asked God to show you your faults,
and have you agreed to stop doing evil?
33 Since you object to what God does,
can you expect him to do what you want?
The decision is yours, not mine;
tell us now what you think.

34 Any sensible person will surely agree;
and the wise who hear me will say
35 that Job is speaking from ignorance
and that nothing he says makes sense.
36 Think through everything that Job says;
you will see that he talks like an evil man.
37 To his sins he adds rebellion;
in front of us all he mocks God.