Vēršanās pret Jēzu
(Mt 26:1–5Mk 14:1–2Jņ 11:45–53)
1 Tuvojās Neraudzētās maizes svētki, saukti Pasha. 2 Virspriesteri un rakstu mācītāji meklēja iespēju, kā viņu pazudināt, bet viņi baidījās no tautas.
Jūdas nodevība
(Mt 26:14–16Mk 14:10–11)
3 Tad sātans iegāja Jūdā, kuru sauca Iskariots, vienā no tiem divpadsmit. 4 Viņš aizgāja un sarunāja ar virspriesteriem un tempļa sardzes virsniekiem, kā viņu tiem nodot. 5 Un tie nopriecājās un savstarpēji vienojās, ka dos viņam naudu. 6 Viņš piekrita un meklēja izdevīgu brīdi, lai viņu tiem nodotu, kad nebūs klāt ļaudis.
Jēzus gatavojas ēst Pashas jēru
(Mt 26:17–25Mk 14:12–21Jņ 13:21–30)
7 Tad pienāca Neraudzētās maizes diena, kad bija jākauj Pashas jērs. 8 Un viņš sūtīja Pēteri un Jāni, sacīdams: “Ejiet un sagatavojiet mums Pashas mielastu, lai mēs to varētu ēst.” 9 Tie viņam jautāja: “Kur tu gribi, lai mēs to sagatavojam?” 10 Viņš sacīja: “Redzi, iegājuši pilsētā, jūs sastapsiet cilvēku, kas nes māla krūzi ar ūdeni, sekojiet viņam tajā mājā, kur viņš ieies, 11 un sakiet tās mājas saimniekam: Skolotājs jautā: kur ir tā telpa, kur varu ar saviem mācekļiem baudīt Pashas mielastu? 12 Un viņš jums ierādīs lielu iekārtotu augšistabu, tur gatavojiet mielastu.” 13 Aizgājuši viņi atrada, kā viņš tiem bija sacījis, un sagatavoja Pashas mielastu. 14 Kad tā stunda pienāca, viņš apsēdās un apustuļi līdz ar viņu.
Pashas mielasts ar mācekļiem
(Mt 26:26–30Mk 14:22–261Kor 11:23–25)
15 Viņš tiem sacīja: “Kā es ilgojos kopā ar jums ēst šo Pashu pirms savām ciešanām, 16 jo es jums saku: es to vairs neēdīšu, tiekams tas piepildīsies Dieva valstībā.” 17 Un, paņēmis biķeri un pateicies, viņš sacīja: “Ņemiet to un sadaliet savā starpā, 18 jo es jums saku: kopš šā brīža es no vīnakoka augļiem vairs nedzeršu, tiekams nāks Dieva valstība.” 19 Paņēmis maizi un pateicies, viņš lauza to un deva viņiem, sacīdams: “Šī ir mana miesa, kas par jums tiek dota; to dariet, mani pieminēdami.” 20 Tāpat viņš ņēma arī biķeri, kad viņi bija paēduši, un teica: “Šis biķeris ir jaunā derība manās asinīs, kas par jums tiek izlietas. 21 Bet, redzi, tā cilvēka roka, kas mani nodod, ir līdzās man uz galda. 22 Jo tiešām Cilvēka dēls aiziet, kā tas nolikts, bet vai! tam cilvēkam, caur kuru viņš tiek nodots.” 23 Un viņi sāka taujāt cits citam, kurš no viņiem to grasās darīt.
Strīds par to, kurš ir lielākais
24 Un viņu starpā izcēlās arī strīds, kurš no viņiem būtu uzskatāms par lielāko. 25 Bet viņš tiem sacīja: “Ķēniņi valda pār tautām; un tie, kam vara pār tām, tiek saukti par labdariem. 26 Bet jūs tā ne. Lielākais no jums lai top kā mazākais, un vadošais lai ir kā tāds, kas kalpo! 27 Kas ir lielāks – vai tas, kas pie galda sēž, vai tas, kas kalpo? Vai gan ne tas, kas sēž pie galda? Bet es jūsu vidū esmu kā tāds, kas kalpo. 28 Jūs vienmēr esat palikuši kopā ar mani manos pārbaudījumos. 29 Un es jums novēlu Valstību, tāpat kā mans Tēvs to novēlēja man, 30 lai jūs ēstu un dzertu pie mana galda manā Valstībā un sēdētu troņos, tiesādami divpadsmit Israēla ciltis.
Jēzus paredz Pētera nodevību
(Mt 26:31–35Mk 14:27–31Jņ 13:36–38)
31 Sīmani, Sīmani, redzi – sātans gribējis jūs sijāt kā kviešus. 32 Bet es esmu lūdzis par tevi, lai tava ticība nemitētos. Un, kad tu būsi atgriezies, stiprini savus brāļus!” 33 Tas viņam sacīja: “Kungs, es esmu gatavs ar tevi doties pat cietumā un nāvē.” 34 Bet Jēzus sacīja: “Es tev saku, Pēteri, vēl gailis nebūs šodien nodziedājis, pirms tu trīs reizes noliegsi, ka mani pazīsti.”
Maks, soma un zobens
35 Viņš tiem sacīja: “Kad es jūs sūtīju bez maka, bez somas un bez apaviem, vai jums kā trūka?” Un tie atbildēja: “Nekā.” 36 Un viņš tiem sacīja: “Bet tagad, kam ir maks, lai to ņem, tāpat arī somu, un, kam nav, tas lai pārdod drēbes un lai pērk zobenu, 37 jo es jums saku: pie manis ir jātop piepildītiem Rakstu vārdiem: viņš ir pieskaitīts noziedzniekiem . Un, kas par mani ir rakstīts, jau piepildās.” 38 Viņi sacīja: “Kungs, redzi, šeit ir divi zobeni.” Un viņš tiem sacīja: “Pietiek!”
Jēzus lūdz Olīvkalnā
(Mt 26:36–46Mk 14:32–42)
39 Izgājis viņš, kā ieradis, devās uz Olīvkalnu, un arī mācekļi viņam sekoja. 40 Un, tajā vietā nonācis, viņš tiem sacīja: “Lūdziet Dievu, ka jūs nekrītat kārdināšanā.” 41 Viņš aizgāja no tiem sāņus akmens metiena attālumā un, ceļos nometies, lūdza Dievu: 42 “Tēvs, ja tu gribi, ņem šo biķeri prom no manis, tomēr lai notiek nevis mana, bet tava griba.” 43 Tad viņam parādījās eņģelis no debesīm un viņu stiprināja. 44 Nāves baiļu pārņemts, viņš lūdza Dievu vēl stiprāk. Un viņa sviedri kā biezas asins lāses ritēja zemē. 45 No lūgšanas piecēlies, viņš nāca pie mācekļiem un atrada tos bēdās aizmigušus. 46 Viņš tiem sacīja: “Kādēļ jūs guļat? Celieties un lūdziet Dievu, ka jūs nekrītat kārdināšanā.”
Jēzus tiek apcietināts
(Mt 26:47–56Mk 14:43–50Jņ 18:3–11)
47 Viņam vēl runājot, redzi, nāca ļaužu pūlis, un viens no tiem divpadsmit, vārdā Jūda, gāja viņiem pa priekšu un tuvojās Jēzum, lai viņu skūpstītu. 48 Bet Jēzus tam sacīja: “Jūda, vai ar skūpstu tu nodod Cilvēka dēlu?” 49 Bet tie, kas bija ap viņu, redzēdami, kas notiek, sacīja: “Kungs, vai lai cērtam ar zobenu?” 50 Un viens no viņiem cirta virspriestera kalpam un nocirta tam labo ausi. 51 Bet Jēzus sacīja: “Stājiet, pietiek!” Un, pieskāries ausij, viņš to dziedināja. 52 Tad Jēzus sacīja tiem, kas bija ieradušies pēc viņa, – virspriesteriem, tempļa sardzes virsniekiem un vecajiem: “Kā pret laupītāju jūs esat izgājuši ar zobeniem un rungām? 53 Kad ik dienas biju ar jums templī, jūs neizstiepāt rokas pēc manis; bet šī ir jūsu stunda un tumsības vara.”
Pēteris noliedz Jēzu
(Mt 26:57–58, Mt 69–75Mk 14:53–54, Mk 66–72Jņ 18:12–18, Jņ 25–27)
54 Tie viņu saņēma un ieveda augstā priestera namā. Bet Pēteris iztālēm sekoja. 55 Tad ļaudis, sakūruši ugunskuru pagalma vidū, sasēdās ap to, un Pēteris apsēdās starp viņiem. 56 Kāda kalpone ieraudzīja viņu sēžam pie uguns un, cieši ieskatījusies viņā, sacīja: “Šis arī bija kopā ar viņu.” 57 Bet tas noliedza viņu, sacīdams: “Sieviete, es viņu nepazīstu.” 58 Un pēc īsa brīža cits, viņu ieraudzījis, sacīja: “Tu arī esi no viņiem.” Bet Pēteris teica: “Cilvēk, es neesmu.” 59 Pagāja kāda stunda, un vēl kāds cits uzstāja: “Patiesi šis arī bija ar viņu, jo arī ir galilejietis.” 60 Bet Pēteris sacīja: “Cilvēk, es nesaprotu, par ko tu runā.” Un, viņam vēl runājot, pēkšņi iedziedājās gailis. 61 Kungs pagriezies uzlūkoja Pēteri, un Pēteris atcerējās Kunga vārdus, kad tas viņam sacīja: “Šodien, pirms gailis dziedās, tu mani trīs reizes noliegsi.” 62 Un, izgājis ārā, viņš rūgti raudāja.
Jēzus zaimots un sists
(Mt 26:67–68Mk 14:65)
63 Vīri, kas apsargāja Jēzu, ņirgājās par viņu un sita, 64 un, aizklājuši viņam seju, tincināja: “Nu pravieto, kurš tev iesita.” 65 Un vēl visādi zaimoja viņu.
Jēzus sinedrija priekšā
(Mt 26:59–66Mk 14:55–64Jņ 18:19–24)
66 Kad iestājās diena, sapulcējās tautas vecajie, virspriesteri un rakstu mācītāji un aizveda viņu uz sinedriju, 67 un teica: “Ja tu esi Kristus, saki mums to.” Bet viņš tiem atbildēja: “Ja es jums to arī teikšu, jūs tam neticēsiet. 68 Un, ja es jums jautāšu, jūs man neatbildēsiet. 69 Bet no šā brīža Cilvēka dēls sēdēs pie varenā Dieva labās rokas. 70 Tad viņi visi jautāja: “Tātad tu esi Dieva dēls?” Bet viņš tiem atbildēja: “Jūs sakāt, ka es tas esmu.” 71 Bet viņi sacīja: “Kāda vēl liecība mums vajadzīga? Mēs taču paši to dzirdējām no viņa mutes.”
The Plot against Jesus
(Matthew 26.1-5Mark 14.1Mark 2John 11.45-53)
1 The time was near for the Festival of Unleavened Bread, which is called the Passover. 2 The chief priests and the teachers of the Law were afraid of the people, and so they were trying to find a way of putting Jesus to death secretly.
Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus
(Matthew 26.14-16Mark 14.10Mark 11)
3 Then Satan entered into Judas, called Iscariot, who was one of the twelve disciples. 4 So Judas went off and spoke with the chief priests and the officers of the Temple guard about how he could betray Jesus to them. 5 They were pleased and offered to pay him money. 6 Judas agreed to it and started looking for a good chance to hand Jesus over to them without the people knowing about it.
Jesus Prepares to Eat the Passover Meal
(Matthew 26.17-25Mark 14.12-21John 13.21-30)
7 The day came during the Festival of Unleavened Bread when the lambs for the Passover meal were to be killed. 8 Jesus sent Peter and John with these instructions: “Go and get the Passover meal ready for us to eat.”
9 “Where do you want us to get it ready?” they asked him.
10 He answered, “As you go into the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him into the house that he enters, 11 and say to the owner of the house: ‘The Teacher says to you, Where is the room where my disciples and I will eat the Passover meal?’ 12 He will show you a large furnished room upstairs, where you will get everything ready.”
13 They went off and found everything just as Jesus had told them, and they prepared the Passover meal.
The Lord's Supper
(Matthew 26.26-30Mark 14.22-261 Corinthians 11.23-25)
14 When the hour came, Jesus took his place at the table with the apostles. 15 He said to them, “I have wanted so much to eat this Passover meal with you before I suffer! 16 For I tell you, I will never eat it until it is given its full meaning in the Kingdom of God.”
17 Then Jesus took a cup, gave thanks to God, and said, “Take this and share it among yourselves. 18 I tell you that from now on I will not drink this wine until the Kingdom of God comes.”
19 Then he took a piece of bread, gave thanks to God, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in memory of me.” 20 In the same way, he gave them the cup after the supper, saying, “This cup is God's new covenant sealed with my blood, which is poured out for you.
21 “But, look! The one who betrays me is here at the table with me! 22 The Son of Man will die as God has decided, but how terrible for that man who betrays him!”
23 Then they began to ask among themselves which one of them it could be who was going to do this.
The Argument about Greatness
24 An argument broke out among the disciples as to which one of them should be thought of as the greatest. 25 Jesus said to them, “The kings of the pagans have power over their people, and the rulers claim the title ‘Friends of the People.’ 26 But this is not the way it is with you; rather, the greatest one among you must be like the youngest, and the leader must be like the servant. 27 Who is greater, the one who sits down to eat or the one who serves? The one who sits down, of course. But I am among you as one who serves.
28 “You have stayed with me all through my trials; 29 and just as my Father has given me the right to rule, so I will give you the same right. 30 You will eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom, and you will sit on thrones to rule over the twelve tribes of Israel.
Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial
(Matthew 26.31-35Mark 14.27-31John 13.36-38)
31 “Simon, Simon! Listen! Satan has received permission to test all of you, to separate the good from the bad, as a farmer separates the wheat from the chaff. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith will not fail. And when you turn back to me, you must strengthen your brothers.”
33 Peter answered, “Lord, I am ready to go to prison with you and to die with you!”
34 “I tell you, Peter,” Jesus said, “the rooster will not crow tonight until you have said three times that you do not know me.”
Purse, Bag, and Sword
35 Then Jesus asked his disciples, “When I sent you out that time without purse, bag, or shoes, did you lack anything?”
“Not a thing,” they answered.
36 “But now,” Jesus said, “whoever has a purse or a bag must take it; and whoever does not have a sword must sell his coat and buy one. 37 For I tell you that the scripture which says, ‘He shared the fate of criminals,’ must come true about me, because what was written about me is coming true.”
38 The disciples said, “Look! Here are two swords, Lord!”
“That is enough!” he replied.
Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives
(Matthew 26.36-46Mark 14.32-42)
39 Jesus left the city and went, as he usually did, to the Mount of Olives; and the disciples went with him. 40 When he arrived at the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.”
41 Then he went off from them about the distance of a stone's throw and knelt down and prayed. 42 “Father,” he said, “if you will, take this cup of suffering away from me. Not my will, however, but your will be done.” 43 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. 44 In great anguish he prayed even more fervently; his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.
45 Rising from his prayer, he went back to the disciples and found them asleep, worn out by their grief. 46 He said to them, “Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray that you will not fall into temptation.”
The Arrest of Jesus
(Matthew 26.47-56Mark 14.43-50John 18.3-11)
47 Jesus was still speaking when a crowd arrived, led by Judas, one of the twelve disciples. He came up to Jesus to kiss him. 48 But Jesus said, “Judas, is it with a kiss that you betray the Son of Man?”
49 When the disciples who were with Jesus saw what was going to happen, they asked, “Shall we use our swords, Lord?” 50 And one of them struck the High Priest's slave and cut off his right ear.
51 But Jesus said, “Enough of this!” He touched the man's ear and healed him.
52 Then Jesus said to the chief priests and the officers of the Temple guard and the elders who had come there to get him, “Did you have to come with swords and clubs, as though I were an outlaw? 53 I was with you in the Temple every day, and you did not try to arrest me. But this is your hour to act, when the power of darkness rules.”
Peter Denies Jesus
(Matthew 26.57Matthew 58Matthew 69-75Mark 14.53Mark 54Mark 66-72John 18.12-18John 25-27)
54 They arrested Jesus and took him away into the house of the High Priest; and Peter followed at a distance. 55 A fire had been lit in the center of the courtyard, and Peter joined those who were sitting around it. 56 When one of the servant women saw him sitting there at the fire, she looked straight at him and said, “This man too was with Jesus!”
57 But Peter denied it, “Woman, I don't even know him!”
58 After a little while a man noticed Peter and said, “You are one of them, too!”
But Peter answered, “Man, I am not!”
59 And about an hour later another man insisted strongly, “There isn't any doubt that this man was with Jesus, because he also is a Galilean!”
60 But Peter answered, “Man, I don't know what you are talking about!”
At once, while he was still speaking, a rooster crowed. 61 The Lord turned around and looked straight at Peter, and Peter remembered that the Lord had said to him, “Before the rooster crows tonight, you will say three times that you do not know me.” 62 Peter went out and wept bitterly.
Jesus Is Mocked and Beaten
(Matthew 26.67Matthew 68Mark 14.65)
63 The men who were guarding Jesus made fun of him and beat him. 64 They blindfolded him and asked him, “Who hit you? Guess!” 65 And they said many other insulting things to him.
Jesus before the Council
(Matthew 26.59-66Mark 14.55-64John 18.19-24)
66 When day came, the elders, the chief priests, and the teachers of the Law met together, and Jesus was brought before the Council. 67 “Tell us,” they said, “are you the Messiah?”
He answered, “If I tell you, you will not believe me; 68 and if I ask you a question, you will not answer. 69 But from now on the Son of Man will be seated at the right side of Almighty God.”
70 They all said, “Are you, then, the Son of God?”
He answered them, “You say that I am.”
71 And they said, “We don't need any witnesses! We ourselves have heard what he said!”