Kunga vārds viņa ķēniņam – priesterim
(Mt 22:44Apd 2:34–35)1 Dāvida psalms.
Kungs teica manam kungam:
sēdi pie manas labās rokas,
un es darīšu tavus naidniekus
tev par kājsolu! –
2 Kungs sniedz tev no Ciānas varas zizli,
valdi pār naidniekiem, kas tev visapkārt!
3 Tava varenības dienā tauta veltīsies
tev svētā greznumā.
Kā rasa no ausmas klēpja
tavi jaunekļi nāks pie tevis!
4 Kungs ir zvērējis un neatsacīsies:
uz mūžiem tu priesteris – kā Melhisedeks!
5 Kungs pie tavas labās rokas,
savā dusmu dienā viņš satrieks ķēniņus,
6 viņš tiesās tautas – miesām noklās! –
dragās galvas, cik zeme plata!
7 No strauta ceļmalā viņš dzers,
tad augstu cels galvu!
The Lord and His Chosen King
1 The Lord said to my lord,
“Sit here at my right side
until I put your enemies under your feet.”
2 From Zion the Lord will extend your royal power.
“Rule over your enemies,” he says.
3 On the day you fight your enemies,
your people will volunteer.
Like the dew of early morning
your young men will come to you on the sacred hills.
4 The Lord made a solemn promise and will not take it back:
“You will be a priest forever
in the priestly order of Melchizedek.”
5 The Lord is at your right side;
when he becomes angry, he will defeat kings.
6 He will pass judgment on the nations
and fill the battlefield with corpses;
he will defeat kings all over the earth.
7 The king will drink from the stream by the road,
and strengthened, he will stand victorious.