1 Kas gan dos
man tevi par brāli,
manas mātes krūtīm zīdītu!
Tad es tevi sastaptu laukā,
skūpstītu tevi,
un neviens mani nepulgotu.
2 Es tevi vestu,
es tevi pavadītu
savas mātes namā,
tu mani mācītu,
es tevi dzirdītu
ar vircotu vīnu,
ar manu granātu sulu.
3 Viņa kreisā roka
zem manas galvas
un labā mani skauj.”
4 “Es jūs nozvērinu,
Jeruzālemes meitas, –
kādēļ jums modināt,
kādēļ jums atmodināt mīlestību,
pirms tai labpatīk pašai!”
5 “Kas nāk tur no tuksneša,
pieglaudusies pie sava mīļā?”
“Zem ābeles
es tevi atmodināju –
tur mocījās tava māte,
tur viņa mocījās,
tevi dzemdēdama.
6 Liec mani kā zīmogu uz savas sirds,
kā zīmogu uz savas rokas,
jo stipra kā nāve ir mīla,
grūta kā kaps ir kaisle,
tās liesmas kā uguns liesmas,
Kunga varenās liesmas!
7 Pali nevar apslāpēt mīlestību,
un upes nevar to apslīcināt –
ja kāds par viņu dotu
visu sava nama mantu,
tas tiktu smietin apsmiets.”
8 “Mūsu māsa vēl maza,
un viņai vēl krūšu nav –
ko mums darīt ar māsu
tai dienā, kad viņa tiks bildināta?
9 Ja viņa būtu mūris,
mēs tur uzceltu sudraba žogu,
bet, ja viņa būtu durvis,
mēs tās aizdarītu ciedru dēļiem.”
10 “Es esmu mūris,
un manas krūtis kā torņi,
tad es kļuvu miera avots
viņa acīs.
11 Sālamanam bija vīnadārzs Baālhamonā,
viņš šo vīnadārzu nomāja sargiem,
katram par augļiem bija jāmaksā
tūkstoti sudraba.
12 Tas vīnadārzs, kas ir man,
nes tūkstoti tev, Sālaman,
un divus simtus augļu sargiem.”
13 “Dārzu iemītniece,
tavu balsi uzklausa draugi,
ļauj man to dzirdēt!”
14 “Steidzies, mīļais mans,
līdzīgs gazelei vai briedulēnam
smaržāju kalnos!”
1 I wish that you were my brother,
that my mother had nursed you at her breast.
Then, if I met you in the street,
I could kiss you and no one would mind.
2 I would take you to my mother's house,
where you could teach me love.
I would give you spiced wine,
my pomegranate wine to drink.
3 Your left hand is under my head,
and your right hand caresses me.
4 Promise me, women of Jerusalem,
that you will not interrupt our love.
The Sixth Song
The Women
5 Who is this coming from the desert,
arm in arm with her lover?
The Woman
Under the apple tree I woke you,
in the place where you were born.
6 Close your heart to every love but mine;
hold no one in your arms but me.
Love is as powerful as death;
passion is as strong as death itself.
It bursts into flame
and burns like a raging fire.
7 Water cannot put it out;
no flood can drown it.
But if any tried to buy love with their wealth,
contempt is all they would get.
The Woman's Brothers
8 We have a young sister,
and her breasts are still small.
What will we do for her
when a young man comes courting?
9 If she is a wall,
we will build her a silver tower.
But if she is a gate,
we will protect her with panels of cedar.
The Woman
10 I am a wall,
and my breasts are its towers.
My lover knows that with him
I find contentment and peace.
The Man
11 Solomon has a vineyard
in a place called Baal Hamon.
There are farmers who rent it from him;
each one pays a thousand silver coins.
12 Solomon is welcome to his thousand coins,
and the farmers to two hundred as their share;
I have a vineyard of my own!
13 Let me hear your voice from the garden, my love;
my companions are waiting to hear you speak.
The Woman
14 Come to me, my lover, like a gazelle,
like a young stag on the mountains where spices grow.