Dievs ir savas tautas atriebējs
1 Atmaksas Dievs, Kungs,
atmaksas Dievs, atspīdi!
2 Celies, zemes tiesnesi,
atmaksā lepnajiem, kas tiem pienākas!
3 Cik ilgi vēl ļaundari, ak, Kungs,
cik ilgi vēl ļaundari līksmos?!
4 Tie runā, šļākdami iecirtību, –
izlielās visi, kas dara netaisnību!
5 Tavu tautu, Kungs, tie samin
un tavu mantojumu tie apspiež –
6 atraitni un svešinieku tie nokauj,
un bāreņus tie nogalina,
7 tie saka: neredzēs Kungs!
Nemanīs Jēkaba Dievs! –
8 Atjēdzieties, jūs dulnie ļaudis!
Un, jūs muļķi, kad nāksiet pie prāta?!
9 Kas ausi tev uzlicis – vai pats nedzird?
Kas aci tev darinājis – vai pats neskatās?!
10 Kurš norāj tautas, vai tad atstās bez soda –
viņš, kurš cilvēkam māca zināšanu?
11 Kungs zina cilvēku domas,
jo tās – tik dvesma!
12 Svētīts vīrs, kuru tu norāj, Kungs,
kuram tu savu bauslību māci, –
13 lai patvertu viņu posta dienās,
kad ļaundariem raks bedri!
14 Jo neatstās Kungs savu tautu
un savu mantojumu nepametīs,
15 jo pie taisnības atgriezīsies tiesa
un viņam pakaļ – visi sirdsskaidrie!
16 Kas celsies par mani pret netaisnajiem?
Kas stāsies par mani pret nekrietnajiem?
17 Ja nebūtu Kungs palīgs man,
drīz mājotu klusumā mana dvēsele!
18 Kad likās – slīd man kāja,
tava žēlastība, Kungs, mani balstīja!
19 Kad raizes nomāca mani,
tu mierinot mani ielīksmoji.
20 Vai biedrosies tu ar posta tiesu,
kur mokas ar likumu noteic,
21 pret taisnā dzīvību sazvērējas
un šķīstas asinis notiesā?!
22 Nu Kungs ir mans cietoksnis,
un mans Dievs ir mana patvēruma klints.
23 Viņš liks to grēkam atgriezties pār viņiem,
un viņu ļaunuma dēļ viņš tos izdeldēs,
viņš tos izdeldēs – Kungs, mūsu Dievs!
God the Judge of All
1 Lord, you are a God who punishes;
reveal your anger!
2 You are the judge of us all;
rise and give the proud what they deserve!
3 How much longer will the wicked be glad?
How much longer, Lord?
4 How much longer will criminals be proud
and boast about their crimes?
5 They crush your people, Lord;
they oppress those who belong to you.
6 They kill widows and orphans,
and murder the strangers who live in our land.
7 They say, “The Lord does not see us;
the God of Israel does not notice.”
8 My people, how can you be such stupid fools?
When will you ever learn?
9 God made our ears—can't he hear?
He made our eyes—can't he see?
10 He scolds the nations—won't he punish them?
He is the teacher of us all—hasn't he any knowledge?
11 The Lord knows what we think;
he knows how senseless our reasoning is.
12 Lord, how happy are those you instruct,
the ones to whom you teach your law!
13 You give them rest from days of trouble
until a pit is dug to trap the wicked.
14 The Lord will not abandon his people;
he will not desert those who belong to him.
15 Justice will again be found in the courts,
and all righteous people will support it.
16 Who stood up for me against the wicked?
Who took my side against the evildoers?
17 If the Lord had not helped me,
I would have gone quickly to the land of silence.
18 I said, “I am falling”;
but your constant love, O Lord, held me up.
19 Whenever I am anxious and worried,
you comfort me and make me glad.
20 You have nothing to do with corrupt judges,
who make injustice legal,
21 who plot against good people
and sentence the innocent to death.
22 But the Lord defends me;
my God protects me.
23 He will punish them for their wickedness
and destroy them for their sins;
the Lord our God will destroy them.